Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 122 COS Sky Stealing Trap

Chapter 122 COS Stealing Trap

Wu Linger pointed to the sketchbook and said, "This instrument is called a big mandolin. This painting is also called Five Feelings. The big mandolin represents hearing, wine and bread represent taste, flowers represent smell, chessboard and poker and wallets represent touch, and mirrors represent vision. It is very rare in the history of still life to imply human feelings with the combination of still life. Bao Jin used classical painting to expand the aesthetic field of still life painting, so this can also be regarded as his representative work!"

When I first heard Wu Linger's introduction, I didn't feel anything special, but when I thought about it carefully, even Brother Win had to admire the painter who was as famous as many masters: "It's true... he has a lot of ideas! Just... what does this have to do with what we want to say?"

Wu Linger shook her head: "I don't know! The headache now is that if the paintings are collected in private hands, maybe we can still pay for it. But now the painting is in the Louvre, which is a big problem!"

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger: "Then what are you going to do?"

Wu Linger turned her head to look at Brother Ying and made something to grab things: "Of course... it's to go to COS to steal the trap! How about it? Would you like to come and play together?"

Seeing Wu Linger's excited expression, Brother Win patted her on the head angrily: "I want to play all day long. Do you think it's really that simple?" Not to mention that the things in the Louvre are not easy to steal, even if they are easy to steal, whether they can be taken out of Paris is another matter! This guy, does she really have a brain in her head? It's not all tofu dregs, is it?

After being patted like this by Brother Win, Wu Linger was also a little unconvinced: "What, if you can achieve that level, you are a real master! We may not be able to do it! Don't underestimate others!"

"If you want eight trillion dollars, it's enough to tell the salted fish!" Brother Win glanced coldly at Wu Linger: "It's easy to refresh that score!"

Knowing that what Brother Win said is true, but Wu Linger doesn't want to argue with him. She still has a headache: "I think we should first find a master of imitating famous paintings to buy time for us!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger couldn't help scratching her scalp with a headache: "But I don't have any acquaintances in this regard!"

"I said..." Wu He, who had been watching Wu Linger quarrel with Brother Ying, suddenly said, "At least we will help the prince, right? What's going on now, why does she have to give us some help?

Brother Win looked back at Wu He. When he was about to nod, Wu Linger shook his head: "I don't know what will happen yet. It's better for us not to disturb Michelle first!"

"So... Will there be such a person among the people Sister Liu knows? And Miss Luo. I feel that their social circle is very wide, and there may be such people!" After thinking about it, Xiaohua also put forward her own suggestions.

Hearing Xiaohua's suggestion, Wu Linger nodded with satisfaction: "That's a good idea. I'll call to ask about the bottle!!" After saying that, she turned around to find her mobile phone, and Brother Win had stuffed the mobile phone into her hand.

Wu Linger dialed Liu Jingping's mobile phone with a smile: "Dear! What are you doing?"

"What else can I do? When the Japanese work is finished, naturally there will be something else to do! Who is as good as you and can run around with a month's words? How about it? How are you doing in France?

"Well, it's exciting enough to write a novel later!" Wu Linger smiled and pulled Liu Jingping for a while before asking, "Liu Liu, is there any master of imitating famous paintings among the people you know? Um... If you want that kind of traditional European oil painting, it's better to be good at painting still life!"

After hearing Wu Linger say this, Liu Jingping frowned: "Linger, what trouble are you in again? If you really want any painting, you should be able to do it with the financial resources of the Li family and the Brown family, right? Why do you want to find someone to imitate it?

Wu Linger was also depressed: "It's not my trouble! It's all troublesome to find me by myself. What can I do? Now that I'm bored enough, please don't miss me anymore. Do you know such a person?

Knowing that Wu Linger is not a person who likes to mess around (win brother: You really don't know this woman enough!), Liu Jingping thought for a moment and said, "Well, there is a guy. I'll call him first to make sure he's free, and I'll contact you!" After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders and lay down on the sofa at ease. Since Liu Jingping said that, it means that she can handle this matter. Sure enough, in a short time, Liu Jingping called and gave Wu Linger an address, a phone number, and a person's name: "Go ahead, he will solve the matter!" However, his price is not low. Are you all right?

Wu Linger nodded: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't want to pay!" Old Li called me like this, why do you have to frame him and let him bleed more before I can have psychological balance!"

"Anyway, be careful yourself! Call me anytime if you need anything! Don't hold on alone!" After a long time of uneasy advice, Liu Jingping hung up the phone.

Wu Linger shook his mobile phone as if he had won: "See? The first thing has been done!"

Brother Win snorted very disdainfully: "Let's see when your shit luck will last!"

Wu Linger ignored Brother Win, but turned to look at the direction of Ji Zai and the coffee room: "Let's do this matter! Let Jizai and coffee have a good rest!" Although the two didn't say anything, after all, it was a divine figure who hurt them yesterday. That kind of injury is not a day or two, or a common medicine that can be cured, right?

Before Brother Win could say anything, the door of the room had been knocked open: "Linger!! I'm hungry for coffee!!"

Wu Linger flashed aside, dodged the flying coffee, and made him fall into the sofa: "Don't be coquettish. What did I say yesterday? If you dare to come back from injury, you will not be allowed to eat food cooked by Xiaohua for a month!"

"But... Xiaohua sent breakfast to coffee this morning! Xiaohua is the best! Thank you!!" Looking up from the sofa, Coffee looked at Xiaohua with a happy smile. Xiaohua shook her head: "You're welcome! Coffee and Brother Ji, it's the right thing to get well soon!"

Ji Zai lazily went to the sofa and sat down, leaning lazily against the sofa: "That little injury, it's enough to sleep for most of the day!" After saying that, he glanced at Wu Linger: "Is an ugly woman like you in trouble again?"

When Ji Zai saw it, Wu Linger immediately shook her head: "No! I didn't do anything! I..."

"This idiot woman promised the priest to go to the Louvre to steal a world famous painting!" Before Wu Linger finished speaking, Brother Win had rudely told out the troubles taken by Wu Linger.

Rarely, this time Ji Zai did not say anything to satirize Wu Linger, but supported his chin with one hand: "Can't you help it? If we don't agree, we can't complete the task, then everything in front of us has been done in vain!" After saying that, he stood up and said, "I'll go to sleep for a while, Xiaohua, book a ticket to Paris tomorrow!"

"Ji Zai!" Wu Linger suddenly stopped Ji Zai: "I don't know what happened! But... Ji Zai is Ji Zai. You don't need to change yourself for anything!"

Ji Zi looked back at Wu Linger and smiled coldly: "Change? By you? How is that possible?! I just want to get things done early and go back to rest! Running around like this every day makes me unable to do good skin care!"

Being reminded by Ji Zai, Wu Linger remembered something. She slapped: "We can go to Paris to buy protective products!" In this way, Ji Zai can take good care of his skin!"

Wu Linger suddenly said this sentence, and Wu He's feet softened and almost fell to the ground: "Ling'er..." This guy is too easy to get off the topic, isn't it? Obviously, he still cares so much about Ji Zai's attitude just now, and he can get away from the topic so far. But... this is also her lovely place, isn't it?

Brother Win ignored Wu Linger, but directly reached out and picked up the coffee: "You, also roll to ** and have a good rest! The train back to Paris tomorrow morning!!"

Coffee protested and was reluctantly taken back to the room by Brother Win, but Xiaohua was a little worried: "Didn't the coffee say he was hungry just now? If you sleep with an empty stomach..."