Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 144 Is she human or not

Chapter 14 Is she human or not?

"With those vampires... it should be all right!" Brother Win is also a little uncertain. Although the men sent by the prince will certainly not be weak, after all, this is Europe, the hometown of vampires, and the sphere of influence of Christianity. If too many vampires appear, they may provoke the people of the church, and then it will be really troublesome! And... Brother Win is also very unconfidence in the blood clan. Who knows what they can do?

Wu Linger jumped out of the car and looked at the distance and couldn't help whistling: "So, the villains are all uncreative guys. Every time they kidnap people, they are either a warehouse or a villa!"

"Miss, it's not easy to call a taxi here at night. Is it really okay for you to be alone?" The driver was a handsome French man in his 20s. When he passed near the hotel, he was stopped by Wu Linger and saw her anxious expression. The handsome man carried Wu Linger here without saying a word: "Will your friends really be here?"

Wu Linger turned her head and smiled at the handsome man: "Well, I'm sure he's here!" Thank you, Jill! If you are free tomorrow, go to the hotel and find me. I'm staying in room 1524. I'll treat you to dinner!" After saying that, she waved to the handsome man and strode to the warehouse in the distance.

The handsome man looked at Wu Linger's back and gently stretched out his tongue and licked his upper lip: "It seems to be a beautiful feeling! What should I do? Do you want to enjoy it now or let her be my blood slave after capturing her sincerity?

Just as Jill hesitated, his mobile phone suddenly rang. He took the mobile phone and looked at it, and his face suddenly changed: "Your Highness, what can I ask you to do?"

After hanging up the phone, Jill only felt a cold sweat behind her back: "I didn't expect... she was a friend of His Royal Highness. Fortunately, she didn't take action, otherwise I would be miserable!" After saying that, he opened the door and walked down: "Even if you can't enjoy the blood of a beautiful woman, it is definitely not a gentleman who can let go of coercing a beautiful woman with such despicable means!"

"Hi, Jill, your speed is quite fast!" Jill just closed the door, and a dark shadow flashed, and a handsome blonde appeared beside him: "Although you have loved Prince for a long time, you don't have to be so active, do you?"

"Shell, shut up!" Jill took a look at Shell and asked, "You're here too, so Raul and Will are almost there, right?" It seems that His Royal Highness was really angry this time and gathered everyone together to protect the beautiful woman just now: "Can we have a full meal tonight?"

Shell shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows? Your Highness said that we should obey the instructions of the beautiful woman inside!"

"It's our honor to serve beautiful women! Sher, do you have any complaints? A beautiful voice came from mid-air. As soon as he finished speaking, a handsome man with long silver hair appeared beside Jill: "Gill, long time no see!"

"I just saw you last night!" Jill didn't have a good face in front of the handsome silver-haired man: "Will is so slow!"

"Are you too anxious? As soon as you hear that the object to be saved is a beautiful woman, you will immediately #......&%&*......&......”

When the vampires outside quarreled, Wu Linger had already come to the door of the warehouse. After taking a look at the closed warehouse door, she took out a lollipop from her pocket and put it in her mouth, then walked over and kicked the door fiercely: "Hey, you called me out in the middle of the night, don't you want to be a shrinking turtle, right? "

After the door was kicked open, Wu He immediately saw the familiar figure, and he immediately became anxious: "Ling Er! It's nothing to you, go back!!"

Wu Linger looked along the voice and found that the witch crane was hanging in mid-air, and there was a little embarrassment on her face. Seeing Wu He like this, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "Ahe, you are really a rare mess! Ann, it's okay! Put you down right away!" After saying that, she walked to the rope position as if nothing had happened.

When she walked to the position of the rope, Wu Linger was about to reach out to untie the rope and put down the Wu He, a voice came from behind her, "Good evening, Miss Linger!"

"It's coming!" With a sigh in her heart, Wu Linger's movements in her hand did not stop, but she still remembered to greet the other party with a lollipop in her mouth: "Oh, good evening!" After saying that, she had untied the rope and slowly put Wu He down. As for what the person behind her looked like and what she wanted to do to do to her, she didn't bother to pay attention to her at all.

Fortunately, the people behind him were not in a hurry, but just stood there quietly watching Wu Linger put Wu He down, as if everything was under his control.

As soon as Wu He landed, his whole body fell to the ground. Fortunately, Wu Linger reached out to support him in time: "Ahe, are you all right?"

Wu He reluctantly smiled: "Maybe?!"

Looking at Wu He's handcuffed hands, Wu Linger turned her head and thought, "Am I going to open them directly for you?" Or should you be polite to ask the guy over there for the key?

Wu He smiled bitterly: "I guess you have to ask that guy for it! These handcuffs are not ordinary handcuffs! You..."

Wu Linger looked at Wu He with handcuffs: "It's not as difficult as you said. It only took seven seconds!"

Wu He foolishly looked at the handcuffs in Wu Linger's hand: "You... opened it?"

Wu Linger raised the stick in her hand, and then Wu He found that the end of the lollipop was pointed, and before that, Wu He had not paid attention to this at all. However, Wu Linger opened the handcuffs with this. Is she...human or not??!!

Did care about the depressed and dazed Wu He, Wu Linger threw her handcuffs aside. After holding the lollipop again, she helped Wu He and sat down against the pillar: "Stay here obediently. I'll solve the matter a little bit and take you back!"

"Ling'er!" Wu He looked at Wu Linger with some uneasiness, but Wu Linger pulled out a lollipop and waved it to him, indicating that there was no problem. Then she turned her head and looked at the person standing behind him: "My friend, thank you for taking care of him! Tell me, how do you want to solve this matter?"

The man put his hands in his trousers pocket and slowly walked to the light. Before he could speak, Wu Linger suddenly became very excited: "Ah?! Handsome man!!! So cool! I don't know what to call it? What is Guigeng? Marriage or not? Do you have time to have dinner with me and talk about your personal ideals?

I saw the man stammering and almost fell to the ground: "You..."

"Damn, don't look at me like that. I'll be shy!" Wu Linger blushed slightly when she was seen by the handsome man and twisted the expression of a little woman. Not to mention the man, even Wu He was a black line: "Linger, you..." This woman can really be a nymphomaniac no matter where she is? Doesn't she see what's going on now? If I had known that her face control problem was so serious, I shouldn't have...

Wu Linger trotted in front of the man with a cute expression: "Handsome man, what's your name? You..."

"Woman, let go!! You..."

"How can you let go?" Before the man finished his words, a cold and sharp thing had been attached to his neck. It turned out to be the tail of the lollipop that Wu Linger had just used to unlock, but this kind of thing was enough to become a murder weapon in her hand: "My friend was repaired like this by you. Why should I ask for justice for him?" After saying that, Wu Linger's hand had hit the back of the man's neck heavily, causing the man to kneel down, but the lollipop in Wu Linger's hand never left his carotid artery: "How about it? What's it like to be beaten?"

Kneeling on the ground and covering the back of his neck, the man looked back at Wu Linger with hatred: "What do you want?"

Wu Linger smiled at the man and suddenly kicked him in the face: "What did you do to Ah He? I will do to you!!" After saying that, she stepped on the man's chest: "Don't hide, come out!" Get rid of you early so that I can go back to have a midnight snack!"

A crisp applause sounded in the warehouse, and ten people came out of the darkness: "Miss Linger, should I praise you for being bold or smart?"

"I prefer you to praise me for being as beautiful as a flower!" Wu Linger smiled, but she didn't relax any strength: "Say, what do you want?"

The man who applauded smiled and said to Wu Linger, "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wu Gao. Ordered to investigate whether you have the potential of a witch saint!"

Facing Wu Gao's smile, Wu Linger suddenly increased the strength under her feet, and the man under her feet couldn't help coughing. Wu Linger looked at him and sneered: "I remember correctly, was this matter investigated by Wu Shu and A He? When will it be your turn to come forward with stinky fish and rotten shrimps? Or will the decision you made be more authoritative than Ah He, the young master of the witch clan? Even so, if you hurt your young master in this way, there will be no good fruit to eat if you go back, right?"