Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 160 for fear that the world will not be chaotic

Chapter 60 Fear that the world will not be chaotic

Wu Linger's words attracted everyone to look at her: "Ling'er?!"

Wu Linger scratched her head and said, "I hope that's not the case, otherwise... This priest is really... Forget it, let's go and rest first!" I'm going to bed too!" After saying that, she rarely ignored any handsome man and went back to the room.

Xiao Tuo's face became more ugly. He closed the computer and stood up: "I'm going back to my room!"

Coffee refers to the wet painting and asks, "What about this painting?"

Daniel thought for a moment and said to Janice, "Give it to that Depadiyo. He can find a way to restore this painting to its original state. At least it is a good painting!"

Jenice stared at Daniel: "Then why did you splash it with wine? Isn't that a lot of trouble?"

"Ha ha, my hands are itchy for a while!" After saying that, Daniel stood up and said, "Okay, you're going to rest. It's time for me to go! Anyway, remember to let me know if there is anything!" After saying that, he put on his hat and left.

Coffee looked at Xiaohua with a depressed face: "This guy, did you come here to tell us that this painting is fake? Why didn't he say it earlier?"

Xiaohua took a look at the painting and said, "Maybe he is not sure. He can't be sure until he looks at it so closely, right? In a word..." I hope Duffer didn't deliberately make things difficult for Wu Linger, otherwise...

Seeing Xiaohua's angry expression, Coffee subconsciously hid behind Ji Zai: "Ji, Xiaohua is so terrible!!"

"Dead cat, get out of here! How many times have you said that you don't rub against me? Believe me or not, I will beat you?

Wu Linger didn't get up until dinner. After refusing JIN's dinner invitation, she came to the living room and found that everyone was there: "Well, it's not a big deal!" If the painting is fake, let's just find out the real painting! Speaking of which, I was also careless. It was also me who said that the real painting was in the Louvre! Don't be angry, everyone!"

Seeing that Wu Linger seemed to be fine, Xiao Tuo couldn't help but be angry: "Aren't you angry that guy is playing us? After helping him to death, he also let you do such a dangerous thing. If it hadn't been for us around you, if you hadn't met Mr. JIN and Mr. Guimu, do you know how dangerous it would be to sneak into the Louvre to steal paintings?

Wu Linger sighed and sat down on the sofa: "So what? Anyway, it's already like this! Find out the real painting first! We..."

Before Wu Linger finished his words, Xiao Tuo had turned the computer over: "The real painting is in his house as you expected!" He deliberately asked you to do such a dangerous thing. If you really go to the Louvre to steal paintings, you may not be able to go back to that town. In this way, he will never answer you! From beginning to end, he didn't want to answer you!"

Finding that the facts were really as expected, Wu Linger was also a little discouraged: "Who is it? I don't know why Michelle took a fancy to him at the beginning! Rotten man!"

Brother Win knocked gently on the table: "What are you going to do?"

What can I do? The painting is in his house. Is it possible that we still go to his house to steal it? Wu Linger sighed, "Let's go back like this!" Go to him and spread things out! It's been almost ten days now! I think I have given him enough time! I hope he can give me an answer! Otherwise... I have to go back and tell Michelle that such a man is not worthy of her love!"

Seeing that Wu Linger had no intention of revenge on Dufu, Xiao Tuo closed the computer with hatred: "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you! I went back to my room!"

Seeing Xiao Tuo leave angrily, Wu Linger spit out her tongue: "The stinky salted fish is really angry! I didn't expect him to look so sven and angry!" After saying that, Wu Linger said to Xiaohua, "Xiaohua, book tomorrow's train ticket. Let's go to the priest for a good chat!"

"The day after tomorrow, JIN and Mr. Guimu are going back to China tomorrow. It's not good not to see them off!" Xiaohua looked at Wu Linger and said, "It's just... If Mr. Janis wants to invite you back to the MV press conference, remember to refuse!"

"Cut, who has time to talk to him? Am I free?" Wu Linger waved her hand impatiently: "It's not that I'm going to the Louvre this time, so I don't bother to pay attention to him!"

Xiaohua was relieved: "That's the best!"

The next day, Jin and Mr. Guimu were sent away. Wu Linger spent a rare day in Paris before she embarked on the train to the town with everyone.

When the familiar town appeared in front of everyone again, Wu Linger took a deep breath: "Do we still live in Mr. Antel's store?"

"The room has been booked, I guess Mr. Antel..." Before Xiaohua finished her words, a car stopped in front of them: "Hey, good evening, everyone! I'm here to pick you up!!"

Seeing the fat Mr. An Taylor, Wu Linger took out a packaged box from her bag with a smile: "Mr. An Taylor, Happy New Year! This is a New Year's gift for you!"

Ah? Do I still have a gift? Thank you so much!!" An Taylor took the gift with a smile: "Okay, it's cold outside. Let's get in the car!" I have burned the fireplace and put the hot water in the room. After going back to take a hot bath, I will make sure that you will warm up!"

"Thank you!"

When Mr. Antel's car started, Wu Linger suddenly lay down on the window: "What?"

"What's wrong?" After discovering Wu Linger's action, Brother Ying looked at her strangely. Wu Linger took a closer look at the outside and shook her head: "It's okay. Maybe I'm dazzled! How can I see Brother Qin here? Not to mention that he was still in China a few days ago, even if he came to France, he would definitely go to see if his official had climbed the wall!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "If Ye Tian and Sister Piaoping are caught and raped in bed by Brother Qin, do you think Brother Qin will kill Ye Tian, a playboy?"

Brother Win knocked Wu Linger's head angrily: "You are afraid that the world will not be chaotic!"

"It's fun! Although I support Brother Qin and Ye Tian, I also like Sister Piaoping very much! No matter, it's not for me to choose. Ye Tian has a headache!" Thinking of Ye Tian's headache, Wu Linger couldn't help but be happy. I don't know if the eight characters don't match. Although she has a good relationship with Ye Tian, as long as it makes him unlucky, Wu Linger will be very happy! Wu Linger, who was just thinking about these things, did not find a sneer on Xiao Tuo's face, which was completely inconsistent with his slightly childish face.

The next morning, after everyone's decision, they finally only asked Wu Linger and Xiao Tuo to visit Father Dufu, but when they were walking on the road, a person suddenly blocked their way. Wu Linger looked at this man with some uncertainty in her eyes: "Brother Qin?"