Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 165 Asking for trouble

Chapter 165 Asking for Trouble

It turns out that Wu Linger's question just now is not about the matter of friends, but about the matter that you can dress casually. Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Michelle suddenly smiled: "It's really worthy of being the person I like! Linger, you are so cute!!"

"Thank you! I would be very happy if you praised me like this, but today I wear such awkward clothes, smeared so many layers on my face, and then twisted my feet, I really can't be happy! Don't bully me like this next time! Otherwise, I will ask coffee to bite you!!"

The coffee that was eating looked up at Wu Linger and looked at Michelle, and then shook her head: "Linger, coffee is a tiger, not a dog, don't bite people!!"

"Bah, doesn't the tiger bite?" Wu Linger stared at the coffee angrily: "What did I say when I took you in? If you want to stay at my house, I told you to go east and you can't go west. If you ask you to hit the cat, you can't scold the dog! Have you forgotten all? Believe it or not, I will sweep you out of the door?!"

Hearing Wu Linger's warning coffee immediately looked at Xiaohua pitifully: "Xiaohua, Ling'er wants to drive the coffee out. The coffee is so pitiful!"

"Well, if I kick you out, I can cook a lot less every day, and I can save a lot of money on milk coffee at home!" Xiaohua nodded seriously and said, as if she was eager to drive the coffee out of the house.

After seeing the depressed expression of coffee, Xiaohua finally couldn't help laughing: "I'm kidding you! How could Linger be willing to kick you out? Stupid coffee!"

"Wow, isn't coffee stupid? Coffee knows that everyone is reluctant to drive away coffee!!" As soon as Coffee heard that he would not drive himself away, he immediately smiled happily and continued to attack the food.

Faced with this completely different coffee from last night, Michelle seemed to understand his words: "Does it matter what you do to protect your most important person?" After understanding this, her heart also became a little more cheerful: "That's right, Linger! Here you are! And...thank you!"

The young housekeeper handed over a delicate jewelry box from the side. Wu Linger took the box and opened it. A golden bead immediately appeared in front of her. After feeling the rich golden aura emanating from the beads, Wu Linger closed the lid and said to Michelle, "Thank you too! Michelle, about Father Dover, I..."

"Actually... even if you can't do this, I will give you this bead!" Michelle smiled and said to Wu Linger, "I have been a lonely person for so long, but after knowing you, I feel very happy! This... is probably what you call a friend's feeling, right?! Ling Er, what I just said that you are my friend is not a joke, but serious!"

It's rare to see Michelle's serious expression. Wu Linger also restrained her joke and said to her seriously, "When I knew that you were the one who helped me hurt me, I knew Michelle's heart! So, even if you don't give me this bead, I will help you solve this matter, but I'm sorry that it turned out like this!"

"There's nothing to be sorry about! He... is still the same! Maybe I was so lonely at that time that I fell in love with him, right? Now this result makes me feel at ease! From now on, I can really live the life I want! Maybe as someone said, become strong for the person you like, the most important person or thing in your heart, and then work hard!" Speaking of this, Michelle stretched out and completely took off the burden.

Wu Linger suddenly remembered another thing: "Ah! I almost forgot! That... Father Duffer is in danger!"

Michel, who was already relaxed, immediately changed her face after hearing Wu Linger's words: "What's going on?"

Wu Linger looked at Michelle with some apologies: "Because Father Duffer framed me like that, he angered some people. They issued a must-kill order for him. The killers sent were very powerful, and it happened to be that I knew him. I asked him to postpone his action for two days. Tomorrow is the deadline! Michelle, you..."

Michel's face changed and fell into silence, as if she didn't know what to do. The coffee I was eating suddenly looked up at Michelle: "You can do whatever you want!" Why do you think so much? If you really don't want to leave him alone, then let him die! If you still can't bear it, then save him! It's just... That killer is Ling Er's only brother. Don't touch him! Otherwise, Ling'er will be sad!"

At this time, Michel understood why Wu Linger could suspend the killer's plan. Killers have their own code of conduct. No wonder the other party is willing to agree to Wu Linger's request. Michelle nodded: "Anyway, there is still time, I..."

"Michelle, go and do your business! Anyway, we won't leave these two days, waiting for you to come back! At that time, we will rob the wine cellar of the old farmers together! Let's see if he dares to play with me next time!" Wu Linger winked at Michelle.

Michel smiled reluctantly: "The old farmer really doesn't know your identity. I heard what the old farmer said. When he was in Tokyo, you used a Japanese name, and the only thing the old farmer can remember about things other than plants is his long-time favorite editor. He will forget other things when he turns his head. . If it hadn't been for the good relationship with the editor, maybe the old farmer wouldn't remember you at all! Therefore, he was also wronged by you!"

Hearing Michelle's explanation, Wu Linger knew that she had wronged the old farmer. She couldn't help spitting out her tongue: "That's what he deserves! Well, let's not talk about it, Michelle, go ahead and don't do anything you regret! Even if you really think he shouldn't be saved, you should go to see him for the last time! Looking at you now, I really don't look like you!"

Michelle hesitated for a moment and finally put down the tableware in her hand: "I'm sorry, excuse me!" After saying that, she left in a hurry.

Brother Win gave Wu Linger angrily: "Are you asking for trouble?"

"Anyway, you didn't know the level of my trouble until today!" Wu Linger cut a steak and took a bite: "Well, it tastes good!"

As Brother Win said, whether Michelle goes or not will leave a psychological shadow. What Michelle has to do now is her other choice. Or, save Du Fu, so that Wu Linger's brother may be hurt, which is equivalent to hurting Wu Linger. If Michelle lets Qin Xiaojing alone and let him kill Father Duffer... Maybe Michelle has another choice, but that choice... It's not an easy thing for Michelle or Duffer, is it? That's why Michelle wants to leave a person and be quiet.

came to her room. Michelle sat in front of the window and looked at the clear sky in the distance, but her heart was gray. At this time, she didn't know what to do. Should Wu Linger be blamed for telling her about this after she finally made up her mind? However, Michelle also knew that Wu Linger was also a good intention. For her, Wu Linger even asked the killer to postpone the plan, just to let her face her heart well.

Thinking of the past and what Duffer did to Wu Linger, Michelle only felt confused and didn't know what to do. At this time, her door was gently knocked: "Your Highness, Miss Linger asked me to bring you a cake!"

"Come in!" Michelle sighed softly. Sure enough, Wu Linger still doesn't trust her!

After the door was pushed open, the old housekeeper pushed a cart and came in: "I also prepared black tea from Dajiling for Your Highness!"

"Simon, thank you!" After seeing the old housekeeper put things on the table, Michelle sighed and came over, but after seeing the cake on the table, she couldn't help laughing: "This guy is really..."

"They... treat Your Highness with sincerity!" The old housekeeper gently handed the cup of black tea to Michelle's hand: "Your Highness! I don't know if I should say something!"

Michelle nodded after taking a sip of fragrant black tea and said, "Simon! Since I was born, you have been taking care of me. Only you can be courteous in front of me!"

The old housekeeper bowed his head and saluted Michelle and said, "Thank you, Your Highness. What I want to say is actually the same as Mr. Coffee wants to say! Your Highness, don't be too embarrassed! Just do something that you won't regret! It doesn't matter whether your Highness saves that man or not. The important thing is that your Highness will not regret whether you do it or not! I think this is also the heart of the old prince and the old princess!"