Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 13 Do you want to be so bloody

Chapter 13 Do you want to be so bloody

Seeing that Wu Linger completely ignored her departure, Garcia's face turned pale: "Are you kidding?" After saying that, he was about to chase him out, but Brother Win quickly stopped in front of him: "You'd better not follow him!"

"How dare a housekeeper care about me?" Unexpectedly, a servant was also in his way, and Garcia suddenly became even more angry. Brother Win ignored his anger and said, "When she is uncomfortable, I don't want others to see her!" So, Your Highness, please don't follow me!"

Brother Win's words immediately stunned Garcia: "Are you uncomfortable?"

"That idiot woman has been in much worse health recently!" After saying that, Ji Zai has already walked out: "Let me follow you and have a look!" You put away her things. I guess she will leave early today!"

Hearing Ji Zai's words, Brother Win nodded, returned to Wu Linger's seat and began to lift her things.

In the face of such behavior as Ji Zai and Brother Win, Garcia stood still and didn't know what to do: "Hey, what's wrong with her body?"

"A long time ago, I was injured in order to protect Xiaohua! So now I'm recuperating!" While talking, Brother Ying has packed up his things: "I'm sorry, I want to ask for leave for her. I don't think she can stay in the classroom to continue self-study! As for Princess Gina..."

After seeing Garcia's nervous expression, Brother Win sighed: "We will prepare dinner and have dinner together!" If we just eat together, there should be no problem with Wu Linger!

Garcia hesitated for a moment and said, "Forget it, let her rest!" I will make it clear to Gina!" As Wu Linger said yesterday, you can't just treat Gina as a child! After all, Gina is the princess of Maliaqi. One day she will grow up and face the world!

Brother Win looked at Garcia unexpectedly and said, "It should be okay for dinner!" Linger likes children very much. With Gina's company, maybe she can eat more!"

When Brother Win said this, Cassar remembered one thing: "Does this guy usually eat so little? It was the same last night, and it's the same at noon today. Of course, if you eat a little, you won't feel better!"

When Cassar said this, Xiaoyi also nodded: "Ling'er really ate too little! Even if you want to lose weight, you can't ruin your body like this!"

"That guy used to eat as much as a pig!" Ji Zai walked into the classroom and looked at Brother Ying: "The car is ready. Go back!"

Brother Ying frowned, picked up Wu Linger and Xiaohua's things and walked out. If Wu Linger was not very uncomfortable, she would never skip class so brazenly, although it was just a self-study class.

"Hey! Do you want to call a doctor for her?!" Somerone finally looked up at Brother Win from his Shakespeare.

Brother Win shook his head: "No! Just let her have a good rest!" After saying that, they left the room in a hurry.

Garcia scratched her hair: "Is there any disease that can be cured if you just need a good rest? By the way, the housekeeper just said that he was injured and needed to have a good rest. What kind of injury will make people like that? However, even if you are injured, you will need to be diagnosed and treated regularly by a doctor, right?

"I think it's fake, but I just did it on purpose to attract the attention of Your Highnesses!" A girl sitting in the front row flattened her mouth dissatisfiedly.

Kill glanced at the girl coldly: "Tara, do you think we can't tell whether others are true or false?"

Tara found that she had lost her words: "Ah? No, Your Highness! I just..."

"Enough!" Garcia kicked the table impatiently: "I'm going back!"

"Gasia!" Hearing that Garcia was going to Skip class, Kiel frowned: "You..."

"Me too!" Cassar closed the computer and said, "Gardia, I'm going to your place. I'm going to check something!"

Garcia nodded, picked up her schoolbag and threw it to the housekeeper beside her, and left the classroom with Casal. Seeing the two of them, Kier rubbed his eyebrows depressedly: "Two guys, don't you know what's going on now?"

"Believe me, they know more than anyone what's going on!" Somron also put away his things: "Well, go up and see if Lavalu is still alive. If you are still breathing, let's go to your house together!" Ravalu hasn't come down for so long. It seems that he was badly tricked by that Wufei! I didn't expect that the guy who always likes to drink milk and coffee was so powerful that he really underestimated him.

Wu Linger, who fell asleep when she got home, made everyone a little worried. Usually, Wu Linger has never been in this state, but she has never been as powerful as this time. Usually, it's okay to take a nap at most. It's really rare to feel tired and fall asleep like this.

In the face of such Wu Linger, Mung Bean is also a little embarrassed: "Everyone, I'm really sorry!"

"It's not your fault! There is nothing to apologize for!" Brother Win glanced at the mung bean: "It's you. It doesn't matter if you don't have any witch power to absorb?"

Mung Bean shook his head and showed that he was fine: "Ling Er took a lot of witch power when summoning me. Those witch powers have not been leaked out, and they are all absorbed by me! At least six months, I can survive without relying on witch power, and it is very likely that I can evolve with these witch powers alone! Unfortunately, I can't feed these witch powers back to Linger! Otherwise, she wouldn't have worked so hard!"

"She can't die anyway!" Ji Zai sat at the window and looked at the sunshine outside and said, "This woman is like this! You'd better get used to it earlier!"

The mung bean didn't say anything, but the coffee came over: "Well, let me ask! When summoning witch pets, isn't it possible to control the output of witch power? Why does Ling Er look so tired every time she calls you out?

"Ask her yourself!" Brother Winn impatiently rolled up his sleeves and walked to the kitchen. If he wanted to entertain the group of people at night, the food should not be too simple. Seeing Brother Ying like this, Xiaohua also quickly followed him: "Father, I'll come with you!"

Ji Zai turned around and looked at the coffee: "How do you know that she is tired every time she calls us out?"

Coffee was stunned for a moment and said, "You don't have to think about it, do you? This guy doesn't have a brain every time he does things! She..." Before she finished talking about the coffee, a pillow hit him in the face: "Don't talk like you have a brain! If you have a brain, you won't give your toy to K. O! If you dare to say what I say again, believe it or not, I will slap you?"

Coffee hugged the pillow with a depressed face: "You are already bullying me! Also, aren't you asleep? How can you still hear me talking?"

"You guys have been around me all day long, and your mouth hasn't stopped. I can't sleep well even if I want to! This is the Kingdom of Maliaqi. I'm a member of the royal family now. No one will hurt me, okay? Could you please let me be quiet for a moment? Wu Linger looked at them with a tired face: "And, am I a girl at least? Isn't it too much for you guys to stay in my room while I'm sleeping?! I don't know if there is a difference between men and women? Get out of here!!"

Hearing that Wu Linger was going to kick herself out, the coffee immediately quit and rushed to the bedside: "No! Don't go out for coffee! Coffee should be with Linger! Coffee...ah, it hurts!! Jizai, let go!!!"

Ji ignored the cry of coffee and dragged him directly out of the room by the ear of coffee. When he went out, he did not forget to take away the mung beans by the way.

When the door was closed, Wu Linger took a heavy breath, but then she frowned, covered her mouth and jumped down from ** and rushed to the bathroom.

"Puff!" With a sound, a mouthful of blood spewed out of Wu Linger's fingers, while Wu Linger held the washstand and began to cough. A violent cough made Wu Linger feel that her lungs were about to be coughed out, and the washbasin was all red with blood...

After a long time, she finally stopped coughing. Then Wu Linger gasped and turned on the faucet, flushed the blood in the sink, and then washed the blood from her mouth with water in her hands: "Is there any need for dog blood? Isn't it just unsealed?!"

While sighing, Wu Linger slid weakly on the ground: "It's really troublesome! It doesn't last more than ten years without unlocking the seal, but now it seems that after the seal is unsealed, it is not as good as before!" After saying that, she tried hard to support herself, but she didn't want to slip her hand, so she fell to the ground: "Ah!"

Wu Linger did not hit the ground as expected, but fell into a slightly cold embrace, and then hugged her tightly with both hands: "Idiot woman, what are you going to do to make yourself happy?"


There were eight book reviews yesterday~~~

So add an update chapter~~