Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 31 Sniper

Chapter 31 Sniper


Second update~~~~

Sprinkle flowers and pass by~~~~

You know~~~~~


"Hey, what do you mean? Am I ugly now?" Hearing Xiaoyi say this, Wu Linger immediately quit. Xiaoyi shook her head with a smile: "That's not what I mean! Now Linger, you are like... an easy-to-get and reliable friend. You in this photo gives people the feeling that although you are gorgeous, you have drawn a boundary with people, and ordinary people dare not approach you easily! That night, although your dress was amazing, there shouldn't be too many people around you, right?

When Xiaoyi said this, Wu Linger recalled: "I don't know, I stayed with the bottle that night! As for others, I didn't pay attention to them! That kind of place is so boring! I don't like to stay the most. If it weren't for the bottle, I wouldn't go!"

"Do not show off there. Do you want to go to the king's dinner?" Lavaru muttered dissatisfiedly, but was stared at by Wu Linger and closed his mouth.

Wu Linger turned her head and looked at Garcia and Keele: "You must feel the same way about that boring party, right? That's why he didn't show up that night?"

Hearing Wu Linger say this, Garcia and Kiel smiled and their eyes were full of approval.

In the later time, Wu Linger did not type any more words, and everyone was happy to chat with her. He is also 17 years old. I don't know why Wu Linger always has a way to become the focus of everyone, even those who have been educated by elites since childhood.

After two classes, everyone began to slowly accept her because of Garcia and Wu Linger's conversation and unpretentious personality. In the end, Kiel suddenly asked, "Are you really only 17 years old?"


"Although from your appearance, you are almost sixteen or seven years old, these things don't look like 16 or seventeen years old people should have, right?" Kiel's words calmed everyone down.

Wu Linger looked at Kiir helplessly: "Don't talk about me, the knowledge and experience you guys have may not be what 16 or 17 years old people should have, right?"

Seeing what Kiel was going to say, Somron patted him on the shoulder to stop him: "Linger, is there often danger around you? Although I haven't seen your housekeeper take action, he should be good at it, right? What's wrong with another bodyguard for you?

Wu Linger nodded after hearing Somron's words: "Well, some time ago, when I spent Christmas in Paris, I fell in love with a perverted killer, as if I were still a fanatical religious. All three men with me that day were killed, and Xiaohua and I almost died! My family is worried about us, so we have another bodyguard. After all, I can't stay with Xiaohua all the time!"

"That's right. You were so good at it that you almost got killed? Is that killer a human? Ravalu didn't believe Wu Linger's words at all, but he didn't expect that Wu Linger smiled and stretched out her hand to flick Lavalu's forehead: "I didn't say he was a human!"

"Ha?!" Wu Linger's words immediately plunged the whole classroom into another silence. Only Garcia reluctantly smiled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders helplessly: "That guy is a vampire! Although my strength is not bad, I have no chance of winning against that kind of guy. If it hadn't been for my housekeeper, I would have died long ago, or..." At this point, Wu Linger suddenly showed her white teeth and sneered at everyone: "Become a vampire!"

"Ah!!" The timid girl was immediately scared to retreat, but it made Wu Linger laugh happily: "It's funny! Where are there vampires in the world?! But the killer was really strong. I was hit in the shoulder by his gun and almost ruined my whole hand. Fortunately, I met a doctor with strong medical skills to help me cure it!"

"Really, don't be so scary next time! We really thought there were vampires!" A girl looked at Wu Linger with some dissatisfaction, as if she was really scared by her. Wu Linger smiled apologetically: "It's just a joke! Don't be so nervous!"

In the middle of laughter, the bell rang after class, and everyone began to clean up the table and prepare for lunch. Garcia turned her head to look at Wu Linger and Xiaohua and said, "Would you like to go to dinner together?"

Wu Linger shook her head: "I want to lie down in the infirmary for a while!"

"I said, are you not used to Maliaqi's food?" Kiel straightened his clothes and stood up: "It seems that you haven't tried it!"

"Then treat me to dinner! If you eat me every day, I have to eat back for a meal!!" Wu Linger stood up with a smile: "But now, I want to sleep for a while!" See you in the afternoon!"

Seeing Wu Linger leave, Lavalu stood up: "I said... Xiaohua said he would make delicious food tonight, right? Why did it become our treat?!"

Garcia rudely gave Lavalu an elbow: "If you eat so much, you should invite others back?! Let's go to dinner first!"

When she came to the infirmary, Wu Linger found that Casal was still knocking on the computer at the table, and the health teacher did not know where she had gone. She put her schoolbag in ** with a smile and took out a lollipop from it: "It's time for lunch! If there is anything, let's do it after eating!!"

Casal took a look at Wu Linger and said, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"Well, I'm a little tired after sitting all morning. Come and lie down for a while!" After saying that, Wu Linger has fallen **.

Cassar closed the computer and came to the bedside. Looking at Brother Win holding Wu Linger's hand, he couldn't help but feel a little strange: "What are you doing?"

Seeing that Wu Linger was asleep, Xiaohua gently said to him, "Ling'er... she was very insecure after the last injury, so now there must be someone or something to hold her."

Brother Win looked back at Xiaohua: "You go to dinner first!" As long as I'm here with her!"

"Good!" Seeing that Wu Linger was asleep and didn't say much, Xiaohua turned around to leave. Casal was also picked up with coffee and walked out: "Let's go!"

"I don't want to..." Before Casal finished his words, Xiaohua suddenly turned around and threw him down: "Dangerous!!"

"Bang!" With a sound, the cement floor was shot out of a small hole by a bullet. Looking at the bullet that was still smoking on the ground, Casal was stunned, while Coffee and Xiaohua quickly pulled him behind the wall to hide.

After a while, Ji Zai's voice came over: "It's okay!"

Looking at the warhead on the ground, Casal's face became ugly. He took out his mobile phone from his bag: "Carcia, I'm in the infirmary. Someone shot me just now... I'm fine. Xiaohua saved me! Well, good! I'll wait for you here!"