Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 47 Threat from the Police Department

Chapter 47 Threats from the Police Department

Cassar came over and said, "Let me see your order just now!"

Xiaohua turned the computer to Casal: "Take a look for me!"

Seeing Xiaohua and Casal discussing happily, Wu Linger directly dragged Xiaoyi and cried: "Don't you let people live? She is beautiful, fights well, and cooks well. Now she has only learned hacking skills for a few days. Who is this my brother? Isn't it too strong?"

Xiaoyi held Wu Linger and patted her on the back to comfort her: "Don't be sad. It's good to have such a brother. You can throw anything to him to do!" From now on, you just need to play! You are not satisfied with such a younger brother. If it were me, it would be too late for me to be happy!"

"What, there's too much pressure!" Wu Linger said unrelentingly, but in exchange for Brother Win's ridicule, "Do you, a single-celled animal, also know the word stress?" What a world news!"

Wu Linger rudely gave Brother Win an elbow: "You guy, you will die if you don't complain!" However, because Brother Ying interrupted like this, Wu Linger's depressed mood suddenly disappeared. It seems that Brother Win is right. Wu Linger is definitely a type of single-celled creature.

After checking Xiaohua's command program, Casal discussed several places with him, and Xiaohua immediately understood her problem: "It seems that I still have to work hard! Casal, thank you!"

"You're welcome! However, did you really start learning these days? Although he taught Xiaohua, Casal did not feel happy at all. Just in just a few days, Xiaohua could learn to become like this, as Wu Linger said, is he really a human?

Xiaohua smiled faintly: "Although I have only begun to come into contact with hacker technology these days, I have spent a long time with the fish you mentioned before. It's very interesting to see him play on the computer, so I also learned something. These days, just string the previous knowledge together!"

"That's perverted enough!!"

Found another one hit by Xiaohua, and Wu Linger became happy: "Hey, after staying with Xiaohua for a long time, you will find that he is more powerful. If you have been hit for a long time, you will get used to it!!"

After Casal returned to his seat, Wu Linger came to Xiaohua's side and asked in Chinese, "What are you going to see in the special search section of the Japanese Police Department?" Is there something wrong?"

Xiaohua nodded, turned on the computer and called out some information: "This is the information about the Hase family I got from the computer of the Japanese Police Agency. It seems that the last time did not end as easily as we thought. The existence of the Hase family in Japan is not just the former Minister of Foreign Affairs. Their family was suddenly killed, and we still survived, which has alerted the Japanese side. Originally, if we had been disappearing in a low profile, things might have been erased like this, but that time in France, we not only helped JIN make an album and shoot a MV, but also helped him with harmony, which attracted the attention of the other side, so I want to see where they knew about us. Step."

Wu Linger couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Xiaohua's words. She didn't expect things to turn out like this. Although it is said that he will not return to Japan again, it would not be good if they kept staring at him and find out his true identity, right? After biting her nails, Wu Linger grabbed the mobile phone on the table: "I'll go out and make a phone call!"

"Linger, don't look for that old fox, or it will be more troublesome!" Brother Win grabbed her: "He should be eager for you to keep getting into trouble! Moreover, after he finished what he said to you, there happened to be these people to help him solve the trouble!"

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment and stopped: "What should I do?"

Brother Win thought for a moment and said to Wu Linger, "Find Xiao Tuo. It's the most convenient for Xiao Tuo to do this kind of thing!"

"But... didn't he say that he would be very busy recently and didn't have time to contact us?" When it comes to Xiao Tuo, Wu Linger frowned gently. No matter how busy Xiao Tuo is, he has never said such a thing to himself. Now he will say so. Should there really be something very important? If you go to him now...

Brother Win also knows that doing this will make Xiao Tuo difficult, but now Japan has only begun to pay attention to Wu Linger, so there won't be too much information. If you delete or tamper with all the information in it when people don't pay attention, it should not have much impact, but if it takes time, maybe the information in the computer It is expected to become paper materials, and it will be difficult to clear all the information at that time!

After thinking so, Brother Win said to Wu Linger, "Call him and let him deal with it when he is free. He can't be busy 24 hours a day now, can he? His strength, it only takes a few minutes to solve this matter.

After hearing Brother Win say this, Wu Linger nodded and left the classroom. Choosing a quiet phone, Wu Linger dialed Xiao Tuo's mobile phone: "Salted fish!"

"Big?!" Xiao Tuo was obviously a little surprised: "What's wrong? What's going on?"

"How have you been recently? Have you finished your work? The last time Brother Win called you, I happened to be..."

Xiao Tuo interrupted Wu Linger's words: "Don't hold on. I don't know your situation yet? How about it? Are you feeling better?"

Wu Linger nodded: "Well, it's much better! It's just that there are a lot of things here now, so I can't get out for the time being. And... Xiaohua found that the special search section of the police department in Japan was paying attention to the three of us. It seems that the matter of Hase Daya has not been resolved yet, so..."

Xiao Tuo hesitated for a moment on the other end of the phone and finally smiled: "It's a small matter. I'll solve it for you later!"

Salted fish! If you are busy, don't do it first. Let's deal with it when you are free! Don't force yourself, you know?" Wu Linger told Xiao Tuo with some uneasiness, but she didn't want to provoke him a bright smile: " boss, if I hadn't set up an audio anti-counterfeiting program for you, I would have thought someone else would have called you! What? Have you been so sick that your brain is a little abnormal recently?

"You are a dead salted fish, aren't you? Believe it or not, I will beat you to death!! Chop you up and cook soup?" As soon as she heard Xiao Tuo laugh at herself, Wu Linger raised her eyebrows and immediately lost her temper.

Hearing Wu Linger's energetic voice, Xiao Tuo was relieved: "Well, this is like my boss!! Linger, take good care of yourself and leave other things to me!"