Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 50 Night Detective

Chapter 50 Night Detective

While busy with what he was doing, Casal said, "It's very simple. Xiaohua studies hacking technology, and you usually do word processing and chat. These records have not been run on this computer. Brother Win as your housekeeper, although his attitude is not good, he has done a good job of taking care of you. You are not in good health. He should not have time to play games. As for another bodyguard, his hobbies are probably similar to Kiel, so he will not waste time on computers! Then there is only coffee left!"

Wu Linger nodded with great enlightenment: "It turns out that you also have something powerful besides computers! Not bad, not bad!"

"Hey, don't think so stupid, okay? At least I grew up with elite education!" Listening to Wu Linger's words, Casal was very dissatisfied.

Wu Linger knocked him on the head with a smile: "How can an elite-educated person have such bad eyes that they regard my little flower as a girl! Fortunately, he was with me that day. If he was usually alone, you can think about how he KO Garcia!"

Thinking of Xiaohua KO Garcia's move, Casal immediately shrank his neck: "It's okay! I won't mess with him again!"

On the contrary, Wu Linger kindly let Casal go this time and came to the front of the computer: "Well, who attacked you this time?"

"I thought it was a fish, but later I found that the attack method was different from the fish. It should be someone else!" Speaking of this, Casal couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "I used to think I was very powerful, but now when I see fish, Xiaohua, and this person, I know that my level is far from far from enough!"

"It's good to know this! Man, as long as you are complacent, it's over! There are still a lot of things to learn in the world!"

After Wu Linger said this, Cassar immediately became dissatisfied: "Hey, don't say such words condescendingly, as if you are much older than me. Don't forget, you are still two months younger than me!"

Wu Linger smiled and did not answer Cassar's words. At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open: "Cassar, do you see... Er, are you here? Everyone is looking for you!"

Looking at Garcia's face that pushed the door and entered, Wu Linger walked over with a smile: "I'm afraid that your precious brother will flip through the information in my computer! You know, as a writer, there will always be some inappropriate information in the computer. If he finds it, won't I be too embarrassed?!"

"You guy, get less of this kind of thing in the future, and there is no shortage of money! Seeing that you are not feeling well and don't have a good rest, you are always writing about what you have!" When Wu Linger came out, Garcia couldn't help teaching her a few words, but Wu Linger didn't listen at all.

Seeing this, Garcia turned her head and looked at Cassar again: "Kasar, you..."

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll be good recently and won't mess around anymore!" Cassar quickly turned off the computer and pulled out the USB flash drive and stuffed it into his pocket while Garcia was not paying attention: "Go down! Gina is going to make trouble again!"

When it comes to Gina, Garcia quickly turned around and ran downstairs. It seems that this guy with a sister complex is not an ordinary baby sister!

After dinner as usual, while Gina was pestering Kier, Wu Linger brought a cup of tea to Garcia: "When are you going to act?"

"Ah?" Garcia looked at Wu Linger with a strange face, but he immediately understood what Wu Linger meant. He shook his head: "Leave this matter to my father. I won't interfere again!"

Seeing Garcia say this, Wu Linger nodded knowingly: "Is that so? Got it! Well, I can just take good care of myself!" After saying that, she picked up a box from the side and raised it: "Gina! The wind chime you want!!"

"Wow, I like Sister Linger the most!!" After saying that, Gina had jumped into Wu Linger's arms with a smile and rubbed around like a furry puppy. Wu Linger, who was ticklish, giggled and fell into the sofa...

Late night, Garcia quietly escaped from the palace. Usually, I sneak out like this to go out and fool around with everyone, but this time, it is different from usual. After touching the things in her pocket, Garcia quickly rushed to a place that looked like a red light district: "Uyer, are you ready for what I need to prepare for me?"

The man known as Uyer grabbed a string of keys on the table and lost it: "I won't ask you what you're going to do, but you'd better be careful! The wind has been very strong recently!" Garcia took the key and was hit in the head by another thing: "This is the map of that building, and the places with cameras are marked! Be careful yourself!"

Garcia smiled and made an OK gesture to Uyerbi and turned around freely: "by the way, if anyone asks about me, just say you don't know me! This is better for you!"

Uyer was stunned for a moment and suddenly grabbed a bottle of drink on the table and hit Garcia. Garcia flashed sideways when she heard the wind: "What?!"

"Bad boy! Don't think that you can order me if you know my boss well! What should I do? It's not your turn to teach me! Besides, I don't think it's shameful to know you! Get out of here! I'll buy you a drink when I come back next time!"

Garcia smiled helplessly: "As I said, I'm not an adult yet! But... on the day you turn 18, I will definitely accompany you until you get drunk!! Say hello to your boss for me! See you back!" After saying that, he waved his hand and turned to get on the motorcycle Uyer had prepared for him.

Coming to the building not far away again, Garcia took out the map from her pocket and looked at it. After confirming the route, she turned off the motorcycle light, took off her helmet and walked carefully to the building.

There is a small delivery door on the side of the building. Because it is relatively remote, no camera is installed. Garcia came here, gently pushed the door, and found that the door was locked. He smiled and took out a key from his pocket. In less than a minute, the door was opened.

Carefully avoiding the camera in the building, Garcia came to the third floor and stopped in front of a door with an electronic lock. Gently pushing the door, Garcia found that the door was locked, and he took out something from his pocket that looked like a decoder: "Kasar, I'm sorry! Take your things without permission! I hope it works well! Otherwise, I will fix you well tomorrow!"

pressed a few times on the decoder, and only saw that the green light on the electronic lock on the door suddenly lit up. Garcia smiled and pulled out the coder: "Yes, I'll praise you tomorrow!" After saying that, he gently twisted the handle on the door to open a crack in the door. After finding that there was no one inside, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Sorry, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Unscrewing the small flashlight, Garcia found that the room with electronic locks was terriblely simple, with a desk, a chair and a computer. In addition, there was only a pair of armor of medieval European knights.