Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 59 Hanging with toilet paper

Chapter 59 Hanging with toilet paper


Well, it should be in Xiamen now

Good night, everyone~~


Xiaotuo at the other end of the computer didn't seem to be too sober. It took him half a day before he asked, "Then?"

In a word, I almost didn't let Wu Linger spit blood. He talked about his feelings for a long time, but this guy didn't understand at all: "Salted fish, I didn't think you were so stupid before! Or are you still awake? Do you want to take a cold shower?

" boss, now in winter in the north, it's more than 30 degrees below zero outside. It's even more cruel for you to ask me to take a cold shower than hanging it with toilet paper!!"

Finally heard the voice of Xiao Tuo's spirit, and Wu Linger was relieved: "I still know how to joke. It seems that it's all right! I want you to help me build a protection program outside the State Administration of Power, so that the other party can only enter a fake system, and it is best to help us find them out, so that all the problems can be solved!!

"It's simple for you to build a virtual system outside an important department system of a country, and you really think I'm a fairy!" Xiao Tuo browsed the information given by Xiaohua while joking with Wu Linger, but after seeing the damage of X2, he was stunned: " boss, can you come back and stay there? Nothing is important!"

"That's why I need your help!!" Wu Linger leaned in Brother Ying's arms and said dissatisfiedly, "If this matter is solved, it may save millions of people!" I haven't seen the power of X2, and the Ebola virus is scary enough, right? If these things are infected, it will be too dangerous!"

Knowing that he couldn't persuade Wu Linger, Xiao Tuo sighed, "I know. I'll fix it for you right away!" If someone enters my virtual system, I will inform you immediately!!"

"Thank you, I'll go back and bring you a gift!!" Wu Linger was relieved as soon as she heard Xiao Tuo take action.

Xiao Tuo smiled bitterly: "The best gift for me is that you give me a complete and healthy come back!!"

"Nonsense! When I come back incompletely, do I still lack arms and legs? Are you cursing me?! Believe it or not, I'll go back and beat you!!"

"Hey hey, if it were you, you wouldn't come to me before the weather gets warmer. I'm absolutely relieved!!" Xiao Tuo smiled and said, "Okay, boss, I'm going to start work!" I'll text you when it's done!"

"Hmm! Take care of yourself! Don't be too tired!" Wu Linger told him and hung up the phone. But next, a cough made her bow her whole body. Brother Win wanted to take her back to the room, but Xiaohua grabbed him: "Wait a minute, don't touch your mother now!"

Blood oozed from her fingers, and Wu Linger coughed so much that she almost passed her breath. After more than ten minutes, she slowly stopped coughing. Xiaohua, who had already prepared water and towels, quickly came over to help Wu Linger wipe the blood off her face and hands: "How about it going?"

"Bearer than last time!" Wu Linger forced a smile: "I'm sorry to worry you again!"

" Take care of yourself!" Brother Win picked up Wu Linger angrily: "Go upstairs and sleep for a while! Leave the rest to Xiaohua and Xiaotuo!!"

Buried her head in Brother Win's arms, and Wu Linger let him carry herself upstairs, but after entering the room, she couldn't help sighing: "Brother Win, Xiao Tuo seems to have something from me! Did you also find out?"

"Well, I found it at noon!" After Brother Win gently put Wu Linger into **, he also took off his shoes and lay down to **. Hug Wu Linger in his arms and absorbed the increasingly violent mysterious power in her body. Brother Ying said, "Normally, he will talk to you on the phone while solving what you ordered. But at noon today, he hung up your phone and began to solve the matter you ordered!"

Wu Linger nodded: "Moreover, when he called him at noon, he was too energetic. Usually he would not do this unless he wanted to hide something!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger paused for a moment: "However, even if I knew that Xiao Tuo's situation was wrong, I forced him to help me!" Am I going too much?!"

Found that the person in his arms was a little depressed, Brother Ying sighed, stretched out his hand, let her rest in his arm, and then stretched out his hand... flicked Wu Linger's forehead fiercely: "Idiot woman, did you cough your brain out just now?"

Holding the bulleted forehead, Wu Linger looked at Brother Ying with an aggrieved face: "Why did you bully me again?"

"Are you going to trouble Xiao Tuo for yourself? If it were for your own business, would you do it? For example, if you want to steal earthling beads and need Xiaotuo to help you modify the security system of the palace, will you call him?

Wu Linger shook her head without thinking: "Absolutely!"

"Isn't that the end?" Brother Ying turned around angrily and looked at Wu Linger: "So, you are a bad good man!"

"What? Are you praising me or scolding me? Wu Linger poked Brother Ying's chest with her fingers dissatisfiedly: "Don't think I will let you go if I say that! Dare to hit me, when I get better, I will take that bracelet every day. After raising your parasite, I will bully you every day! If I don't make a bow tie for you, I will play your forehead every day!"

"Idiot woman!" Seeing that Wu Linger is so childish, Brother Win can't help but have a headache: "Can you really fight against Li Tianzuo's old fox like this?"

"What the matter, the boat is naturally straight to the bridge. With you covering me, I don't believe what he can do to me!" Wu Linger seemed to be sleepy, spontaneously shrank into Brother Win's arms and slowly fell asleep. In the face of such Wu Linger, Brother Win only had a wry smile: "Are you really born in the year of the pig?"

Half an hour later, Xiao Tuo sent a text message: "It's done!"

Brother Ying saw the text message and thought about it and replied with a text message: "Take care of yourself, or she will be distressed!"

After seeing the text message on his mobile phone, Xiao Tuo smiled bitterly: "It's worthy of being the boss. I really can't hide it from you!" After saying that, he fell heavily to **: "Old man, do whatever you want! However, next time something like this happens, I will continue to help her!"

The display screen hanging in mid-air suddenly lit up. This time, the old man changed a mask with an angry expression: "You are really... not good!"

"Ah! That's right! You didn't know it today!" After saying that, Xiao Tuo has closed his eyes, and the punishment at noon has exhausted his energy. Now, he just wants to lie down like this and don't think about anything. But the ensuing headache made Xiao Tuo curl up with his head in his arms: "Ah!!"

"Since this is your choice, you can bear it yourself!! I hope you still have a life to help her next time!!" Without the usual warning, the display screen directly turned black, and the headache was like a tide, attacking Xiao Tuo one after another, grinding his consciousness little by little until... exhausting all his strength and fainted!

"Ah!!" The sleeping Wu Linger screamed and sat up from **: "Xiao Tuo!!"

Brother Win quickly sat up and helped her: "What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

"Brother Ying, I dreamed that Xiao Tuo was very painful! Brother Win, what should I do? What should I do?!! Xiao Tuo! Xiao Tuo!!" Wu Linger seemed to remember, pushed away Brother Win, grabbed the mobile phone on the table and dialed Xiao Tuo's phone, but no one answered the phone: "Xiao Tuo, answer the phone quickly!! Xiao Tuo!!!"

Seeing that Wu Linger was so anxious that she was about to cry, Brother Win walked over and took her mobile phone from her hand and helped her sit on the sofa: "Don't think too much! After all, he is a member of the death. There will always be one or another to do. It is impossible to keep your phone every day! He will call you back later when he sees the unseen call! This has never happened before!"


"Okay, there will be dinner in a while. You can lie down for a while! You don't want Xiaohua to worry, do you? And... If Xiao Tuo calls, you still need to leave some strength to quarrel with him, right?" Perhaps because Wu Linger vomited blood again today, Brother Ying gently coaxed Wu Linger and helped her back to **: "Sleep a little longer!"

Wu Linger sighed, "Brother Win, I'm sorry!"

"Hmm?" This guy is really sick, isn't he?

"Hey, before speaking ill of others, please make sure whether others will hear it!" Wu Linger stared at Brother Ying angrily and finally felt that this guy was a little gentler. It turned out that it was all fake! I didn't say anything, but I still thought about it in my heart.

Brother Win patted Wu Linger's head: "Okay, don't think too much! Have a good rest first, Xiao Tuo. I will pay attention to it at any time. I will inform you as soon as I have any news!"