Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 64 Vent

Chapter 64 Vents

As he spoke, the coffee in the computer painting had kicked the man away, took away the sealed jar containing the virus, and walked out with the man's neck with one hand. Seeing that the coffee kicked the man and vomited blood, Garcia was stunned: "Is this guy really a high school student?"

As if he heard Garcia's words, the coffee suddenly raised its head and smiled at the surveillance camera, but the smile was bloodthirsty and cruel, which shocked Garcia's back.

On the other side, Ji Zai also caught the terrorist who was about to poison, knocked him unconscious, and walked out with him. Originally, I thought it was a difficult thing, but I didn't expect that the two of them would be solved with one mask. Garcia was stunned for a moment: "Is it done now?"

"Otherwise, how troublesome do you think it will be?" The little flower at the other end of the computer replied to Garcia angrily. Did this guy watch too many European and American blockbusters and think that everything needs to be solved by a big fight? And I don't think about what level of guys Coffee and Jizai are. If they have to fight half-death like in a movie against two terrorists, they really don't have to fool around and are directly swept out by Wu Linger.

Ji Zai was more careful: "Xiaohua, check the surveillance video again to see if there are any omissions!"

After listening to Ji Zai's words, Xiaohua pulled out the record and read it again, but after reading it, he couldn't help shouting at the computer: "Gardia, run away!!"

"Ha?" Obviously, Garcia had not understood what was going on, but by this time there was a heavy impact at the door. It seemed that someone had found Garcia's hiding place and wanted to catch him.

Looking at the surveillance picture, the other party was smashing the door with a long gun. Although the door was strong, it was probably unable to withstand a few smashes. Garcia, who found this, immediately looked around the room and found that there was no window in the room except the gate: "Where do you want me to escape?"

"Idiot, have you watched so many movies in vain?" A familiar voice came from the computer: "The escape universal passage is a vent! Hurry up!"

Garcia said a low spell, immediately closed the computer and stuffed it into the backpack, then jumped into the cabinet and climbed into the vent.

Just as Garcia closed the lid of the vent, the door was banged open. A person appeared at the door and did not open at all. He directly lifted the gun and shot. If Garcia hadn't hidden on it now, she would have become a hornet's nest.

After a burst of shooting, the man found that Garcia was not in the room and immediately kicked the door angrily: "Prince Garcia, I know you're here! Come out!! Otherwise, I will break this sealed can. What will happen to the whole Maliaqi?

"Don't be fooled, he will die if he does that!!" A line of words lit up silently in the mobile phone, which stunned Garcia, who was about to appear.

However, the following words stunned Garcia: "In addition, I want to tell you one thing. Don't think that I dare not smash this sealed can here. You know, you can't be a terrorist for fear of death! I'll count three times. If you don't come out, I'll smash it!"




"Don't!" Garcia jumped down from the vent, but the masked man shook his head: "It's late!" After saying that, he let go of his hand! Then he raised his gun to Garcia: " Farewell!"

Watching the sealed can fall to the ground like this, Garcia tried to rush over, but heard "bang!" A gunshot!

Garcia only felt a burning pain on his face. He subconsciously turned his head aside, but then calmed down. He looked up and saw the masked man slowly falling to the ground, and behind him, the coffee hand was holding a bloody heart: "Sorry! Let you see the picture you shouldn't see!"

"Such!!" Garcia couldn't help vomiting. Coffee helplessly threw the heart in his hand to the side: "It's really fragile!! Have you thought about how many people will die if this sealed can is broken?

Garcia, who managed to stop vomiting, looked at the coffee and nodded: "I know, so... thank you! It's just... I still want to vomit!"

Jizi stared at the coffee and walked out: "Why don't you just take his head off? Why did you do such a disgusting thing? It scared him. Let's see how Ling Er will deal with you!"

"This method is the fastest, otherwise, it would be strange that he would not be killed by that bullet!! Besides, take your head down and let the blood spray everywhere, which is not more elegant than me!"

"I said you..." After taking a breath, Garcia sat on the ground and looked at Coffee and Ji Zai helplessly: "Can you stop talking about this?"

"It's settled, go back! I'm hungry!"

Hearing the words of coffee, Garcia was stunned again: "Ha?" This guy, the topic has changed too fast, hasn't it?

"Otherwise, do you want to stay here and wait for them to treat you to a midnight snack?" Coffee pointed boredly to the security guard of the slowly surrounding water plant.

Garcia stood up helplessly: "I'm Prince Garcia, and these two are the people I invited to arrest the terrorists! It's all right now! Take good care of these two people first. When the police come, hand them over to the police and send them to the police headquarters on the island!"

After knowing that the matter of the water plant was successfully resolved, Wu Linger was finally relieved: "Now, there is only the matter left by the State Power Bureau, but if they can't get into the system of the State Power Bureau, if they can't cut off the power, they can't do anything, right?"

"Don't be careless, those people can't do anything if they only rely on these!" Liu Jingping looked closely at Wu Linger's computer and said, "But how do you know about the vent?"

Wu Linger smiled and said, "Because when I met terrorists in Hong Kong with Brother Qin and Uncle Ye Tianwei, I escaped with a vent!" This method is really good!" As if recalling the days in Hong Kong, Wu Linger smiled more happily: "It's a pity that Uncle Ye Tian strangely fell in love with him. Otherwise, I really think he and Brother Qin are a good match!! What a loving couple!!"

"You rotten girl! If Qin Xiaojing hears you say this, he must deal with you well!" Liu Jingping picked up his mobile phone helplessly: "Qin Xiaojing, the matter of the water plant has been solved. How about you?"

Qin Xiaojing's cold voice came from the phone: "It's okay! We are in Dongcheng Department Store!" After saying that, he hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, Liu Jingping suddenly jumped up: "Dongcheng Department Store is the third anniversary today, and all the goods will be on sale!!"

"That means that everyone will go there?" Wu Linger looked at Liu Jingping with an angry face: "It doesn't matter, Brother Qin and others..."

"How can I forget this? There is a handmade clothes there that I like very much!! 555......”

Liu Jingping's words made Xiaohua, who was knocking on the computer, stop his hand. Then, he shook his head and began to continue the work in his hand: "It's really right to gather things!" No wonder Liu Jingping can become Wu Linger's seventh aunt. In a way, she and Wu Linger are not ordinary!

Wu Linger looked at Liu Jingping as if there was no accident, and after thinking about it, she suddenly said to Xiaohua, "Xiaohua, check which power bureau is in charge of Dongcheng Department Store!"

Xiaohua nodded, hit a few keys on the keyboard and said, "It is under the jurisdiction of Chengdong Power Branch!"

After thinking about it, Wu Linger said, "Xiaohua, you stare here. If there is a hacker to attack him immediately, you must not let him succeed. Can you do it?"

Xiaohua nodded: "No problem!" He may not be able to invade or something, but if he attacked, Xiaohua raised a faint smile on her face... Seeing that smile, Wu Linger no longer cares about him and reached out and picked up the phone, but didn't expect Liu Jingping to hold her hand: "Didn't you want you to have a good rest? What are you going to do again?"

"Protect my father-in-law's country!" Wu Linger smiled and winked at Liu Jingping: "Don't worry, it will be all right after the arrangement. I won't go to the scene!"

Looking at Wu Linger's expression, Liu Jingping knew that he could not stop her, so he had no choice but to let go: "You!!"

Wu Linger just smiled and dialed Casal's phone: "Who else can call besides Lavalu?"

Cassar was stunned and said, "Except for Garcia and Lavalu, I'm the only one!"