Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 66 Hate beating women

Chapter 66 Hate to beat women


Well, I was trapped in Xiamen by a typhoon. It was said that the typhoon didn't pass until Saturday~~

Now I owe a chapter to add an update. Xiaodie remembered it, and it will be made up after returning to Fuzhou~~

In addition, I haven't been in good health recently, so I will ignore it!


When Brother Win ran to the power supply room, suddenly, the whole building fell into darkness. In the screams of everyone, the door of the mall was slowly closed. Brother Win tightened his heart and pushed the door open. He happened to see a man laughing and hitting the console: "Hahahaha! Go to hell, everyone!!!"

Brother Ying walked over and grabbed the man: "Where is the virus?"

"Hey! Let's die together!!" Even if the man was caught in the hands of Brother Win, he still laughed. It seemed that he had taken a stimulant, so he was a little unconscious!

After knocking the man unconscious, Brother Win called Xiaohua: "The power control room here has been destroyed, and now the doors of the mall are all locked! Xiaohua, do you see if there is any way to open the door!"

At this time, Qin Xiaojing also sent a message from him: "The safety of the air conditioning control room was knocked unconscious! Now there is a box in the air conditioning control room. There are many pipes in the box that connect to various vents. If I guess correctly, it is a virus! There is a timer. I'll find a way to see if I can stop it!"

"Brother Qin, be careful! If it doesn't work, withdraw immediately. Don't force it!" Wu Linger whispered on the other end of the phone, as if she was very worried.

Qin Xiaojing held his mobile phone on his shoulder and tried to unlock the timer: "Don't worry! I'll be fine!!"

Time passed minute by, and when he saw that there were only one minute and thirty seconds left on the timer, Qin Xiaojing sighed, "Xiaohua, at what temperature can that virus kill?"

Xiaohua quickly checked the information and said, "The data shows that if you burn it with plasma, you can kill the virus, but the temperature will reach 3,000 to 10,000 degrees, on your side..."

"That's no problem!" Qin Xiaojing hung up the phone, retreated far away, raised his hands flat on both sides of his body, and two bright blue light appeared in his hand, and the bright blue light drew a lightning-like trajectory in mid-air...

Xiaohua looked at the hung up mobile phone: "Uh...what's going on?"

Wu Linger lay down on the sofa relaxedly: "Did I tell you? Every member in the killing has a special power. The bottle is water, the old farmer is wood, Xiao Tuo is the power to control the computer, and Brother Qin's power is the power of thunder and lightning! He... once turned Sister Yanran into coke in an instant!" As if recalling the unhappy memory, Wu Linger shook her head: "In other words, Brother Qin's thunder and lightning power can produce 10,000 to 20,000 high temperatures in an instant. Under such a high temperature, those viruses should not be able to survive. It's just..."

Before Wu Linger finished her words, Xiaohua's mobile phone rang again, and Qin Xiaojing's voice came: "The virus... has been solved! Xiaohua, please check again if there are any problems in the whole mall!" Although this should be the last resort for those people, it is better to check again in case of emergency!

On the other side, Brother Win has turned on the backup power to restore the lighting of the mall, but the door of the mall still can't be opened. Finding this, Somillon looked at the whole mall again: "Xiaohua, check the hall again to see if there are any strange people! It's impossible for them to infect the people in this mall with the virus. They will definitely let everyone run out and infect more people! Now that the door is not open, there must be someone..."


Brother Ying, who ran outside, took a look at the whole mall and his eyes fell on the flower ball hanging on the seventh floor. This should be a ribbon at the end of the anniversary, but... if the virus is inside...

"Qin Xiaojing, come to the seventh floor! I think I found it! Xiaohua, check the flower ball on the seventh floor!" After saying that, Brother Win has run to the seventh floor.

Qin Xiaojing took a look at the flower ball on the seventh floor and understood what Brother Win meant. He smiled bitterly and said, "Old man, should I thank you?" Without that month's special training, he should have lie on the ground just now. He doesn't seem to have the spirit to run to the seventh floor now.

Coming to the corridor on the seventh floor, Brother Ying pointed to the flower ball in front of him and said to Qin Xiaojing, "I will find a way to get the flower ball, um... get a wire around it, and then you can burn everything inside with the power of thunder and lightning, okay?"

Qin Xiaojing took a deep breath and nodded: "No problem!"

Brother Win looked at Qin Xiaojing and said, "Although it's a little reluctant, if Ji Zai is not here, no one can do it here except you! I'm sorry!"

"Do it!"

After being confirmed by Qin Xiaojing, Brother Ying nodded, reached out and grabbed a rope tied with a celebration slogan and swinged it to the middle. At the same time, he also reached out and grabbed a two-finger thick wire and pulled it hard. With the power of swinging out, he threw the wire to the flower ball, just wrapped the wire around the flower ball. At the same time, Brother Win also let go of his hand, flipped in mid-air, and steadily fell to the ground on the sixth floor.

On the other side, the thunder and lightning in Qin Xiaojing's hand also hit the flower ball along the wire, "Boom!" With a sound, the whole flower ball and the things inside turned into ashes in mid-air, and nothing was missing. Qin Xiaojing also sat on the ground with great effort and leaned against the armrest and gasped: "It seems that it is necessary to continue the special training!"

"Who the hell are you? Why can this be done? Why?" A female voice sounded beside Qin Xiaojing. Qin Xiaojing looked up and saw a pistol pointed at his head: "Why did you bother us?"

Qin Xiaojing looked at the woman without saying a word. Now his strength is almost exhausted. Not to mention resisting, he can't even move a little finger! Originally, he thought that his ability had improved a lot after special training. At least, he had no problem using ordinary thunder and lightning attacks more than ten times, but he didn't expect that such ultra-high lightning would be used today, which would only exhaust his strength twice.

Seeing that Qin Xiaojing did not say anything, the woman slowly pulled the trigger with a sneer.

"Bum!" With a gunshot, the bullet flew out of the chamber, but did not shoot Qin Xiaojing as the woman expected, but was blocked by a piece of marble suddenly jumping up on the ground: "I'm sorry, if something happens to him, the idiot woman in my house will run away!" Brother Win's voice came from behind the woman.

The woman turned around and got a shot, but was easily dodged by Brother Win, and then grabbed her hand holding the gun: "Although... I hate to hit women, but... you are the exception!" After saying that, Brother Win punched the woman in the abdomen: "Sleep for a while, and someone will treat you later!"

I ignored the woman who fainted. Brother Win went to Qin Xiaojing and stretched out his hand to him: "How's it going?"

"It's okay!" Qin Xiaojing stood up with Brother Win's hand and looked at the marble on the ground: "Is this your power?"

Brother Win smiled and did not answer: "What about the problem of the gate?"

Qin Xiaojing raised his chin, and Brother Ying looked along his direction. He happened to see Somron hang up the phone and gestured OK to them. Now that the virus crisis has been solved, it is easy to open the door of the mall.

At 9 p.m., everyone finally returned to Wu Linger's dormitory. Looking at Xiaohua busy in the kitchen, Wu Linger smashed the pillow in her hand at Garcia and Casal with dissatisfaction: "Is there no food in your house or what? It's past nine o'clock, and I came to my house to eat! Xiaohua is my younger brother, not your servant and chef!!"

Garcia and Cassar said while hiding from the pillow thrown by Wu Linger, "I can't help it. It's like this. If we go home, we will definitely be scolded!" You have to come here to avoid the limelight! And we have been running all day and haven't eaten anything. If you don't feed us after nine o'clock now, someone will sue you for abusing underage children!"

"Bah, junior high school students can't be counted as children. You sophomore in high school dare to call yourself a child. Are you ashamed?" After saying that, Wu Linger smashed a pillow at Garcia. Garcia shouted, "Coffee, stop giving your pillow to Linger. I'll treat you to milk coffee for a month. You can drink as much as you want!!"

"Hey? Really?!" After coffee was stunned for a moment, he handed a pillow to Wu Linger: "No! If I help you, Ling Er will be angry, and then Brother Win will ignore me. Ji Zai will hate me, and Xiaohua won't cook for me! I can't live on milk and coffee alone!"