Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 69 Nuclear Power Plant Attack

Chapter 69 Nuclear Power Plant Attack

When Somelon said this, Wu Linger suddenly remembered what Li Tianzuo said on the phone that day: "Jutian Baozhu, in the witch clan!" Come on. However, after seeing everyone's worried expression, she smiled and nodded, "Hmm! That's enough!"

Seeing the smile on Wu Linger's face, everyone was relieved except for Somron and Brother Win, Xiaohua and coffee: "Well, let's find a way to steal the earth spirit beads!"


Rarely seeing Wu Linger's surprised expression, Garcia smiled proudly: "As Feifan said, it's just a piece of jewelry! Well... Xiaoyi, isn't your birthday the day after tomorrow? As the only daughter of the Minister of Education, it should be okay for me to send you a jewelry as a birthday gift, right?

Xiaoyi pinched: "Although Garcia will be very happy if you gave me a gift, I would be happier if Casal gave it to me in person!"

Ravalu hit Garcia's shoulder: "Hey, someone won't eat your suit!!"

Garcia angrily gave Lavalu an elbow and looked at Wu Linger: "Just think of it as a gift for helping us solve the terrorist incident!" Tu Lingzhu, we'll bring it for you!"

"No, this matter can't involve you! And..." Wu Linger's face darkened: "I'm also stared by several inexplicable forces now. If you get too close to me, you will also be in danger!"

"But don't you think we are very close?" Kiel stretched out his hand and lifted the sea in front of his forehead and said, "And... really, since you entered our class, you have been involved! It's too late to say this!"

Xiaoyi ran to Wu Linger with a smile and scratched her and said, "That's it! It's too much to say this now! We are friends!"

Being tickled by Xiaoyi, Wu Linger was so scared that she flashed back, but accidentally bumped into a person. She was so scared that she quickly said, "Ah, I'm sorry!" Looking back, he was really scared: "Your Majesty!!"

King Maliaqi just glanced at Wu Linger and said to Cassar, "Cassar, I have something here for your help! Can you come with me for a moment?"

Casal pointed to himself uncertainly: "Me?!"


Seeing that the king was about to leave, Brother Win suddenly said, "If you need hacking technology, Xiaohua can also help!" In addition... you seem to be very anxious. What's going on? Tell us that it may help!"

"Dad! What's wrong? What happened? You never get Casal involved in dangerous things!" Garcia also frowned and came over, "What the hell is going on?"

The king took a look at everyone and sighed, "Come on!!" After saying that, he took a look at Wu Linger more: "The terrorist incident was solved perfectly! Thank you!"

"You're welcome!!"

After the reluctant Kiel sent Gina home, everyone followed the king to a place that seemed to be very heavily guarded. Coffee hooked Garcia's neck: "Hey, what is this place?"

Garcia also looked curious: "I don't know, I've never been here! I also want to find someone to answer questions!"

When the king opened a door, everyone saw the people inside: "No way? Is everyone there? What's going on?"

In the room, the king, queen, the minister of the military department, the minister of culture, the minister of justice, and a few important ministers were all there. Seeing that their faces were heavy, it seemed that something serious had really happened, but... hasn't the virus incident been solved?

After signaling everyone to sit down, the king nodded to a staff member, and the projector immediately appeared on the map of Maliaqi, including three red highlights. The king sighed and said, "The nuclear power plant has been hijacked!"

"What?!" Ravalu jumped out of the chair and said, "How is that possible? Nuclear power plants are protected by troops, and there are so many..."

"Is it a computer intrusion?" Yingge, standing behind Wu Linger, said lightly: "Up to now, the development of nuclear power plants, the technology has become nearly perfect, so most of them are controlled by computers! In order to output electricity on average, the computer system will even be connected to the Internet. This is more convenient, but also has disadvantages. If the computers in the nuclear power plant are controlled by hackers, it is equivalent to them controlling several huge nuclear bombs! Am I right?

King Maliaqi looked at Brother Win and nodded: "That's it!"

As soon as Cassar heard this, he immediately took out the computer from his carry-on bag, and Xiaohua did the same action. After the two looked at each other, they immediately began to work...

Wu Linger gently knocked on the table: "The computer program of the nuclear power plant should also have a strong protective network and will not be easily attacked and cracked by others. Unless..." At this point, Wu Linger smiled faintly and looked at the adults in the room laughing and saying nothing.

"Hey, what do you mean by that? You..."

"Instead of making noise here, it's better to think about what's going on!" Brother Win glanced at the man faintly and immediately made those people shut up. For nothing else, the warning in Brother Ying's eyes made his whole back cold.

Wu Linger shook her head: "What I care about is another thing!" After saying that, she rubbed her eyebrows: "As Somelon said before, Maliaqi is an island country. Its geographical location is not very **, and there are no famous products, and it is not very rich. Although it has been due to the development of tourism resources in recent years..." At this point, Wu Linger only felt dizzy for a moment and quickly used her hands. I held my forehead.

Brother Win and Qin Xiaojing quickly supported her: "Don't think about it! Otherwise, your body will be unstable again!"

"Ling Er, go and have a rest!" Liu Jingping also stood up and wanted to come to help Wu Linger. Wu Linger reached out to stop them: "I wonder why terrorists aim at Maliaqi and carry out terrorist activities here. It doesn't make any sense! Why do they keep looking at Maliaqi? It was strange to attack Mali Aceh with such a horrible virus before! Now it's an attack on a nuclear power plant, the reason..."

Wu Linger suddenly pulled out her handkerchief and covered her mouth and said the last words: "What is the reason? Please find out! Otherwise... I'm afraid these things will happen again!" After saying that, she stood up with Brother Win's hand: "I'm sorry, I'm a little uncomfortable. Excuse me for the time being!"

As if he had known Wu Linger's physical condition for a long time, King Maliaqi nodded and said, "There is a lounge on the left. You can go and lie down for a while!"

"Thank you!"

Seeing Wu Linger leave, Garcia stood up and said, "Dad, don't drag her in again! Her body can't stand it! If it goes on like this... If it goes on like this, she..."

Xiaohua knocked on the keyboard and said, "Ling'er will be fine!" Absolutely!!"


Coffee's hand gently patted Garcia's shoulder: "Don't worry, it will be fine! But... this is the last time we help! After that, even if the king is murdered, we will not intervene again!" After saying that, Coffee strode out of the conference room and went with him, as well as Ji Zai. Only Xiaohua continued to work after looking at the door!

Because of Wu Linger's problem and the sentence when the coffee left, the whole conference room fell into a silence. At this moment, a man stumbled in and said, "Your Majesty! It's not good!"

"What's wrong?!" Originally, King Maliaqi was already annoyed by the attack on the nuclear power plant. Now when he sees others running in like this, he is even more unhappy: "What happened? Is there anything worse than now?"

"Nuclear... nuclear power plants, three nuclear power plants were suddenly attacked by a group of masked people! Now the nuclear power plant is completely out of control!!" I had to admire this man's courage. In the face of the king's anger, he still reported the news fully.

This time, not only the king and a few ministers were scared, but also all the people in this conference room. Xiaohua stroked her forehead with a headache: "Don't you have troops guarding the nuclear power plant? Why let others break in?" Are these people eating free food? Can this also make others succeed? And three nuclear power plants were attacked at the same time, isn't that too exaggerated?!

"Because the nuclear power plant was hacked for fear of causing a nuclear leak or nuclear explosion, except for the corresponding computer engineers and a small number of guards, everyone else evacuated!" The reporting personnel saw the king's angry face and spoke in a lower and lower voice. Although it was the king who made the decision to evacuate, they should not realize this now, right?