Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 71 I feel more like a human

Chapter 71 I feel more like a human


Waka~~~ Xiaoyi's welfare~~~

Don't you speed up to comment on salted eggs?


For the first time, Casal gently stroked Xiaoyi's long soft hair and said, "Xiaoyi, I'm sorry!"

"I don't want to be sorry! As long as Casal will always be Casal, don't ever become someone else!!"

Hearing Xiaoyi's words, Casal looked up at everyone: "Everyone! I'm sorry!"

"You boy, you owe me a beating, remember it for me! After this is over, I will settle the general account with you!" Garcia raised her fist at Casal, but Casal smiled and said, "Teaching at any time!" After saying that, he turned on the computer, moved his fingers and continued to start the work in his hand.

Seeing that Casal's mood was stable, Wu Linger motioned Xiaoyi to stay with Casal, and then left the room with everyone.

After coming to Wu Linger's rest room, Wu Linger took a deep breath and calmed down the pain from her chest: "I took a look. The three nuclear power plants are mainly on the three largest islands. In addition to the third island that this island and Coffee went to yesterday, there is also a nuclear power plant on the second island! Brother Qin, Bingbing and Lavalu went to the second island, and Coffee Jizai and Somelon went to the third island. Brother Win, you and Garcia went near the nuclear power plant on the island. After Xiaohua and Cassar regained the computer control of the nuclear power plant, you found a way to get rid of those terrorists!"

"Why don't you..."

"If they can successfully invade the computer control center of the nuclear power plant, then the military's arrangement must not escape their eyes. You guys... should be the best choice! With Brother Qin, bottle, coffee, Jizai and Brother Win, your safety should not be a problem! It's just... I can't guarantee it 100%. If you don't want to do it, you can bring it up!" After saying that, Wu Linger began to cough again, but this time, she didn't have time to take out her handkerchief, and blood oozed out of her fingers again: "I'm sorry, this time, I can't fight with you!" After saying that, she has fallen softly**.

"Linger!!" Garcia rushed to Wu Linger with an arrow step, but was pulled by Qin Xiaojing: "Deffner, I have Linger's medicine in my bag. Find someone to take care of her!"

Deffner nodded: "Don't worry! I will take good care of Linger! Please take care of the nuclear power plant!!"

Qin Xiao nodded and turned his head to Liu Jingping: "Let's go!!" Liu Jingping took a look at Wu Linger, turned around and left the room together, and everyone left immediately.

When Wu Linger woke up again, it was already dinner time. She took off the oxygen mask weakly: "Where are Xiaohua and Cassar?"

"I'm here!" After hearing Wu Linger's voice, Xiaohua put down her work and came to Wu Linger's side: "How do you feel?"

"I'm hungry and want to eat a cake made of flowers!" Wu Linger smiled and stretched out her hand to take care of him for Xiaohua: "I'm sorry to worry you again!"

Xiaohua grabbed Wu Linger's cold hand and put her warm face on her palm: "It doesn't matter! As long as you are happy, as long as you stay by my side all the time!!"

Wu Linger gently stroked the little pollen tender face and said, "You are my baby. How can I be willing to leave you?" Don't worry! I won't be willing to die until I gather a dozen handsome men around me!"

After hearing Wu Linger's countless face control declaration, Xiaohua smiled gently: "Well, I will try my best to help you find new goals! Let you be surrounded by handsome men and beautiful men every day!"

"It's worthy of my little flower, who knows my heart best!" Wu Linger struggled to sit up and said, "Well, how's the computer program going?"

Cassar finally raised his head: "The seven-layer password protection has been cracked, but the control program has not been taken back. The other party is too strong!!"

Xiaohua also smiled shyly: "I'm sorry, I'm too weak!"

Seeing Casal and Xiaohua, Wu Linger sighed: "There's nothing we can do! Let me help you!" After saying that, she grabbed her mobile phone from the head of the bed: "Salted fish!"

"Big?!" Wiping away the blood from the corners of his mouth, Xiao Tuoqiang suppressed his headache and asked, "Why do you want to call me now? Ah, do you miss me? Or did you suddenly find my handsomeness and want to call me into your handsome harem?

"Bah! Don't look at you. When my little brother is still barely able to enter my handsome harem, you have to work hard for at least a thousand years!" After taking a breath, Wu Linger immediately began to gasp.

Xiao Tuo on the other end of the phone immediately heard the abnormal situation in Wu Linger's voice: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, old problem! There is something to trouble you again! The computer control programs of the three nuclear power plants here have been controlled by hackers. Now the password has been unlocked, but the control can't be regained. Do you want to teach them?

Xiao Tuo was stunned for a moment and immediately smiled: "Give them the phone!"

After talking on the phone, Casal finally showed an understanding expression on his face. After hanging up the phone, he said to Wu Linger, "The fish is really strong!"

"Of course, don't look who his younger brother is!" Speaking of Xiao Tuo, Wu Linger's face was full of happiness: "Just a phone call to solve the problem? How to solve it?"

Casal, who knocked on the computer, looked up at Wu Linger: "Do you... want to ask technical questions?"

Wu Linger suddenly became depressed: "Forget it, anyway, I won't understand what you said!"

It's rare to see Wu Linger's expression. Casal smiled and lowered his head to continue to work: "Only then do I feel that you are human!"

"Hey, at least I've helped you a lot. Be polite to me and don't talk like a monster!" Hearing Cassar's words, Wu Linger was suddenly dissatisfied, but Xiaohua smiled and said, "Forget it! Linger, you are already too strong! The think tank of Class G should be Somron! But look at your performance during this period, there is nothing wrong with Somlon at all!"

Wu Linger took it for granted: "Of course, I'm three or four years older than them!" No matter how much life experience is, it will be more than them. As a senior, of course I have to take good care of them! Moreover, I have been a writer for so many years. Some things can be deduced through the writing reasoning mode, okay? Don't think I'm an idiot!"

"If you are an idiot, how do we get along?" Casal, who knocked on the computer, muttered, "The fight is so strong, the things are so thoughtful, the singing is so good, and the children are so good at coaxing. There are a group of strong and perverts around you. Do you think you are human?"

After being said by Casal, Wu Linger nodded: "Well, basically, I think I'm more like a human compared with these four handsome men around me! They are really outrageous, okay?"

"I agree with that!" Deffner, who has been taking care of Wu Linger, also nodded and agreed: "Brother Win, Jizai, coffee, and even Xiaohua, you are too strong and perfect. It feels like... It's not like human beings at all! Compared with that, Ling'er is closer!!"

"Hey! Deffner, although you said so, I haven't forgotten how much you hated me at the beginning and how miserable you made me!" Wu Linger smiled and looked at Ifner's expression became very embarrassed and patted her: "But... In fact, if you are just a little guy who hasn't grown up! You even threatened me with my mung beans. Don't you think what would happen if I didn't care about my mung beans?

After recalling the previous feeling, Deffner shook his head with a smile: "I don't think you will! If you can bring mung beans to school in violation of school rules, it proves that you cherish it! It's just... I'm really curious, is it really that precious to you?"

Wu Linger looked at the bag she carried with her. Mung beans were still sleeping inside and seemed to have no idea what was going on outside: "Well, for me, it is also a unique existence in this world!" Just like Brother Win, Ji Zai, Xiaohua and coffee!"

Ah? Do you compare the little flower with the turtle?!" Hearing Wu Linger's words, Deffna only felt that his chin was about to fall. What is this? How can such a lovely person as Xiaohua be compared with that turtle?

Who knew that Xiaohua raised her head and smiled at Deffner: "I think it's good! This kind of Linger is my favorite!"

Seeing Xiaohua's smile, Deffna only felt that the air around her turned pink: "It's so cute!!" After a while, she shook her head vigorously: "No, no, my favorite is Your Highness. You can't like others or look at others!! No, no!!"