Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 85 Is Jizai really a bodyguard

Chapter 85 Is Jizai really a bodyguard


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"Get out of here!" Brother Win threw the towel aside and put his arms on Wu Linger's shoulder: "Close your eyes and rest for a while!" There must be something else to do later!" That's why Wu Linger kept herself, because she didn't trust Xiaohua and others to follow her?

Wu Linger leaned on Brother Win's shoulder with her eyes closed: "I said, can you not be so smart? It makes me feel so unfulfilled!"

"Shut up! Otherwise, I will shut you up!" Wu Linger didn't hear Brother Win's warning, because she had fallen asleep at this moment. Seeing Wu Linger sleeping with her eyebrows locked, Brother Ying couldn't help sighing. Now, Wu Linger sleeps with frowns, and her heartless sleeping face is becoming less and less like before! The burden on her shoulder was too heavy, but she was reluctant to give him even a little burden: "You!!" The words of blame can't be said even when she is asleep. Brother Win can only silently absorb the strange energy in Wu Linger's body, hoping to reduce the burden on Wu Linger's body.

Speaking of this energy, it is really strange. The destructive power is powerful, and it seems that it can survive. Every time Brother Win reduces the energy in Wu Linger's body to a certain level, when he comes into contact with Wu Linger for the second time, he will find that the power seems to have returned to its original situation: "What kind of power is it?"

Just when Brother Win had a headache for this strength, he suddenly felt the movement in the room. He gently moved his shoulder, and Wu Linger, who was asleep in his arms, immediately woke up: "Kasar escaped again?"

Brother Win nodded: "Let's go and keep up with him!"

"That guy, as Garcia said, is a computer genius and a life idiot!" Wu Linger muttered dissatisfiedly and obediently shrank into Brother Win's arms. Brother Win took a look at Qin Xiaojing who walked out of the guest room and said, "I'll take her back to her room for a rest!"

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Xiaojing finally nodded: "Try to let her rest as much as possible. Don't worry! Also, be careful!" Although the mysterious man was finally killed by him and Liu Jingping, his previous words made Qin Xiaojing very concerned: "If you die, you can make Wu Linger miserable!" This person came specially against Wu Linger. Do you want to take advantage of Wu Linger's poor health during this period to strike her mentally? In this case, she may not be able to survive these three months.

Rushing into the command post, Garcia grabbed a staff member and asked, "Where are Prince Kiel and Princess Gina?"

"Well, you should rest in the third room on the left, Your Highness..." Garcia ignored the staff and rushed directly to the third room. As soon as the door was pushed open, she saw Coffee and Jizai holding a person in their hands: "It's too slow! Xiaohua, I found that I was tied up* on Kiel. I guess this place has also been released a lot. You can find a way to check it!"

After saying that, Ji Zai threw a * into Xiaohua's hand: "There is still a little left, and I don't know where they want to install it!" Xiaohua looked at it and frowned: "Remote control? No way?" After saying that, he quickly took out his notebook from his bag: "King, where are they?"

"It seems that it's still in the conference room. I haven't told them about this yet!" After all, the prince and princess are holding * to kill the king and queen. I guess it will scare a bunch of people when they talk about this kind of thing, right?

Garcia looked at Kiel in the hand of the coffee and said, "Kil won't do such a thing. There must be another reason!" Coffee, wake him up, I want to ask him!"

"It's useless. We asked. He insisted that it was you who told him that you killed the queen. You are the king of Maliaqi. In the future, Maliaqi will be managed by the people of Class G. Ling Er can also stay in Maliaqi to accompany Gina and won't leave again!" Speaking of this, Coffee looked at Garcia and shook his head: "I said, you guys' love complex is not ordinary and serious!"

Somelon nodded: "It seems that they have been hypnotized! Now only this method can explain why Kiel and Gina suddenly became like this!"

"The problem is that if you can't solve this, Garcia will have to take the blame!" Ji Zai looked at everyone lazily: "Is there anyone among you who can hypnotize?"

Everyone looked at each other and immediately shook their heads: "No!"

"It's really... troublesome!" Ji Zai threw Gina to Deffna impatiently: "Hurry up and figure it out! Don't rely on us for everything! Xiaohua, let's go out and find *!"

Xiaohua is tapping the keyboard: "No, Brother Ji, you go to find * with coffee. I'm going to find the control source of this *!!"

Ji Zai pulled the coffee impatiently: "Stupid cat, go to work!!"

Seeing that the coffee was pitifully pulled away by Ji Zai, everyone was stunned: "Xiaohua, is Ji Zai really a bodyguard?" Coffee seems to be Wu Linger's friend, right? As a bodyguard, can you treat your master's friends like this?

Xiaohua is also quite speechless in the face of these guys who also can't tell where the key point is: "Do your thing first! Do you have a lot of time? There must be other arrangements for Wu Linger to separate the coffee, Ji Zai and him, right? Her current body, even if there is a winning brother, it will be...

Half an hour later, coffee and Ji Zai really dismantled a pile*: "It seems that the other party is really going to kill the king and queen, all buried near the conference room. These places are not explosive points that people like Kiel or Gina can understand! There are masters to teach them!"

"That also means that the other party knows this command very well!" Ravalu pretended to be deep and said, "We..."

Garcia gave him a rude elbow: "If Prince Rema is here, of course he knows a lot about this place!" They once participated in the handling of various major events as important ministers of the country, but after that incident, the two princes died of heart and announced that they would leave their posts and only hang up the false title of a prince.

Wait...two princes? Garcia was stunned for a moment and seemed to think of something, but after seeing Gina, he immediately shook his head. Prince Donnie's love for Gina is well known, and he will never put Gina in such a dangerous place!

At this moment, Garcia found that Xiaohua had woken up Gina: "Gina, why are you still here at this late hour? Who asked you to come here?"

Gina rubbed her eyes as if she didn't wake up. After seeing that it was Xiaohua, she immediately stuck to Xiaohua's arms: "Brother Xiaohua, I want to eat pudding!"