Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 97 Can you hug me again

Chapter 97 Can you hug me again


Well, I admit that I'm not kind~~

Mid-Autumn Festival begins~~~

Wow ha ha~~~~


Forced to withdraw his fist, Ji Zai roared angrily at Wu Linger, "Are you an idiot? If I can't stop it, that punch just now can kill you!"

Wu Linger ignored Ji Zai's anger and turned to look at the coffee: "Coffee, I said that no matter what happens, I will believe you! The reason why I asked you the question just now is that I'm afraid of you..."

Believe? How strong can human trust be? Coffee's face has a faint smile, but it is different from the harmless feeling in the past, replaced by the king's gaze on all sentient beings: "If I tell you that you didn't summon me from the beginning, I came to you just to get close to you and find out if you have the qualification of magical power? What if I tell you that everything I have is pretended to deceive you, get close to you, and get the information I want?"

Wu Linger's face turned pale: "Coffee, are you angry?"

"Angry?" Coffee frowned gently: "For a humble human like you? I don't have that mood and strength! Now, my task has been completed! Help you restore your witch power, and the three witch pets around you will also be the best proof of your witch saint! Enjoy the last freedom before the witch comes!"

"Damn! You..." Jizai behind him was about to rush up, but Wu Linger stopped him desperately: "Jizai! Don't do it!!"

Seeing Brother Win, who stood aside without saying anything, Xiaohua's face also changed. He looked at the coffee with an unbelievable look: "Coffee, are you true? Approaching us, just to find out if Ling Er is really a witch saint? Then why didn't you..."

Coffee looked at Xiaohua with an almost idiotic look: "Ji is right. Don't be with this idiot woman, or you will become stupid! Before, she was sealed, and the witch power on her body was so weak that even Wu Xiang couldn't feel it when she saw her in person. I said she was a saint. Does anyone believe it? It was hard to untie the seal, but the witch power was completely lost because of summoning mung beans. Originally, I wanted to wait three months for her to restore the witch power by herself, but this idiot woman could not survive at that time, so I had to help her. In this way, I can be free as soon as possible!!" After saying that, he looked at Wu Linger: "White tiger from the wind, do you really think I will stay with you like a kitten? Nothing is more important to me than freedom!"

"What about us? What do we mean to you? Hearing the words of coffee, Xiaohua could hardly believe her ears: "At the beginning, you wanted me to be strong. You said that only in this way can you protect your mother. At the beginning, you told me that you like your mother. You want to stay with her all the time, make her happy and protect her safety. Even last night, you said that you wanted us to believe that you would not hurt us or leave us. Are these all lies?!"

After taking a deep breath, the coffee turned his head and looked at Xiaohua: "You guy, not only looks naive, but also your head is really naive! If you don't say so, will you really accept me? No, will Brother Win, who usually guards her every night, give me a chance to help her recover her witch power last night? I said, are you really the king of flowers? Do you have a brain?!"

"Dead cat! Shut up!!" Hearing the coffee laughing at Xiaohua like this, Ji Zai suddenly became angry. He wanted to rush up again, but he was still stopped by Wu Linger!

Wu Linger desperately stopped Ji Zai and looked at the coffee: "Coffee, tell me if you do this, you can really be free and really happy?"

Looking at Wu Linger's firm expression, coffee inexplicably felt a pain in his heart, but there was no trace on his face: "Of course! As long as this is completed, the old witches will set me free!"

After hearing the coffee say this, Wu Linger was relieved: "In this case, will your witch power be affected? If they let you go and you are not by my side, will your body be able to stand it without the supplement of Wu Liyuan? Or can you go back to that world as long as you are free?

"These have nothing to do with you, you..."

"How does it matter?" Wu Linger impulsively interrupted the coffee: "Coffee is one of my most important family members. If... doing this can make you happy, then I will also be happy! Anyway... I'll go to the witch sooner or later, won't I?!"

Hearing the meaning of Wu Linger's words, Ji Zai's face became even more ugly: "Linger, are you going to let him go like this?"

"I said, I believe coffee won't hurt me! He just chose a way that can make him feel happy! This is not wrong! I also said that if coffee is happy, I will also be happy! It's just... I hope that one day, coffee, we can meet again! You can still eat and fight together!"

"You...re really an idiot!" Coffee saw Wu Linger forcibly pulling Ji Zi aside, scolding Wu Linger, and then walked out.

"Coffee!" Wu Linger suddenly stopped the coffee. The coffee turned around and saw that Wu Linger was already full of tears: "Can you hug me again before you leave? Just like... as usual! Hug me!!"

The coffee was stunned for a moment, and finally came back and gently hugged Wu Linger.

Time seems to have frozen like this, and the coffee doesn't know how long he has held Wu Linger. The hands of the clock seem to have stopped moving at this moment. He prayed to all the gods in the world from the heart that he would not leave her arms, so that the hug that will definitely end will never end, because For the first time in his life, he was afraid of the future he had to face after the end of the embrace.

Gently picked up Wu Linger's face and looked at Wu Linger's bright face. Coffee reached out and wiped the tears on her face, and then kissed her gently under the imprint on her forehead: "Take care of yourself!" After saying that, he suppressed his heartache and let go of Wu Linger and walked out!

"Coffee!" Finally, Brother Ying's slightly cold voice sounded from behind, and the coffee stopped but did not look back. Brother Win looked at the coffee and said, "Don't let me see you again!"

"Dead cat, in the future... you are my enemy! Whether it's here or that world!" Such decisive words came from former friends, and coffee still did not turn back.

"Coffee... I will never trust you again! Don't appear in front of me again! Otherwise, even if you are the king of beasts, it is useless!" Wiping away the tears on his face and without the little flower with the usual cute mask, the momentum emanating from his body at this moment made coffee understand how powerful the real flower king is.