Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 100 Sorry, my foot slipped

Chapter 100 Sorry, my foot is slippery


The fourth update~~~

La la la la~~~~~

Is the sadism over?

How is that possible?


Liu Jingping nodded and walked downstairs holding Wu Linger in hand. Brother Ying downstairs has already changed their clothes. Compared with that day's dinner, the three people are not inferior to that day, but the three people have the same feeling of listlessness as Wu Linger. Seeing this, Wu Linger reluctantly smiled: "I've been so busy for so long that it's hard to solve the matter. Let's enjoy tonight together. Come on! Maybe...we'll be back in a few days?"

Hearing Wu Linger say this, Brother Win frowned gently: "Linger, if that's the case, you'd better stay in Mali Aceh in these months, otherwise I'm afraid you will be captured by those witches as soon as you go back! At least... It's better to stay here in the two months when your Wuli has not fully recovered!"

Wu Linger bit her lower lip and thought for a moment and then shook her head, "I...believe in coffee, at least he will help me hide all my witch power recovery!"

"You..." Hearing Wu Linger say this, Ji Zai didn't know whether he should be angry or moved: "Are you an idiot?"

Xiaohua stood up and said, "Well, since you are going to attend the dinner party, don't be late! Let's go!" This sentence immediately solved Wu Linger's embarrassment. She looked at Xiaohua gratefully and left the house with Liu Jingping.

Although Xiaoyi is only the daughter of the Minister of Education, the influence of the Minister of Education is not small in this country where the monarchy is supreme. Standing outside and looking at the lively crowd in the venue, Wu Linger sighed gently and changed to a happy smile on her face and walked to the Minister of Education standing at the door of the hall with Liu Jingping...

After entering the venue, the amazing appearance of three men and two women caused a lot of ** in the venue. Seeing the stupid and pre-moved expressions of some young people, Wu Linger gently said to Liu Jingping, "Bing, don't let irrevant people disturb me tonight! Otherwise, I don't know what to do!" Now her mood has reached a low point. If there are still people who don't want to provoke her, I'm afraid that Xiaoyi's birthday dinner will be held tonight.

Although Liu Jingping didn't know what happened, Brother Win's words when she first went out also made her guess that the coffee that had been staying next to Wu Linger turned out to be the inner response of the Witch clan. This is indeed unacceptable for both Wu Linger and Brother Win. They are depressed to this level.

"Let's go to the lounge. No one will disturb you there!" After saying that, Liu Jingping gently took Wu Linger's hand and walked to the lounge. At this time, a girl in Maliaqi's traditional clothes had stopped Ji Zai's way: "Sir, could you please have a drink with me?"

Just as Ji Zai glanced coldly and was about to curse, Brother Win put his hand on Ji Zai's shoulder: "Let's go, don't let Ling Er wait for a long time!" Only then did Ji Zi turn around and leave with Brother Win.

Walking at the end, Xiaohua heard the woman's vicious curse: "What's so great? It's just a dog behind the woman, maybe..." A piece of cake hit her face, which could not hide her age after careful makeup, and caused everyone to scream.

Xiaohua looked at everyone and smiled: "I'm sorry, there is water on the floor, and my foot slipped!"

It's just this smile, and everyone is intoxicated with it. Except for the woman who was covered with cake, everyone shook their heads: "It doesn't matter, you didn't mean to! Did you get hurt anywhere? Does it matter with your feet?"

Xiaohua smiled shyly and quickly chased behind Wu Linger and the others: "Sister, wait for me!"

After coming to the lounge and closing the door, Wu Linger finally laughed: "Xiaohua, why didn't I know you would be so naughty before? I thought that only Brother Win could do things like slippery hands!"

"Father is like son!" Ji Zai glanced at Xiaohua faintly and finally put a smile on his face.

After this disturbance, everyone's mood is obviously much better. Wu Linger took a deep breath and fell into the sofa: "Bottle!"


When Wu Linger was about to say something, the door of the lounge was pushed open: "Linger, Xiaohua, coffee, are you here?" It was the group of guys from Class G who poured in, but they were stunned as soon as they came in. Usually the most noisy person was not there: "Uh... where's coffee?"

Wu Linger sat up with a smile: "Just in time, if you all arrive, I won't have to say it a few times. Sit down!" Originally, I said that I absolutely didn't want to mention coffee tonight, but now it seems that if I don't make it clear, there will be no peace this night, right?

Although Wu Linger was laughing, everyone calmed down. After seeing Xiaohua's expression, they also knew that something big had happened. Xiaoyi sat beside Wu Linger nervously: "Linger, what's wrong?"

After seeing everyone's nervous expressions, Wu Linger smiled and said, "I said before that a force has been staring at me, trying to confirm my identity, and then drag me into their family to be a puppet. For so long, I have been covering it up very well. Although I have been in contact with it several times, they can't do anything about me.

Although Wu Linger had not mentioned the matter of the witch clan to everyone, she told everyone a little bit instead of a powerful family, so everyone nodded together.

"The coffee left at noon today!"

Wu Linger's brainless sentence made everyone exclaim: "How can it be?" Usually, coffee can't wait to have eight feet to stick to Wu Linger like an octopus. How can it leave?

Wu Linger smiled bitterly: "Someone attacked us at noon. Coffee revealed his true identity when protecting me. He belonged to that family and stayed by my side just to confirm my true identity."

Garcia stood up: "Then you..."

Wu Linger nodded: "Well, coffee has been with me for so long that she has known my identity for a long time! Naturally, he will leave after completing the task!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe that coffee is that kind of person!" The first one who shouted was Xiaoyi. She stared at Wu Linger tightly: "Linger, do you believe in this kind of thing?"

Wu Linger looked at Xiaoyi and suddenly smiled: "If you hear coffee, you will be very happy!" After saying that, she looked at everyone: "Although I don't know what happened, maybe coffee will really tell that family my identity, but I believe that coffee will not hurt me! Maybe he is planning something now. But I'm really worried about his personality if he faces that family!"