Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 103 In order not to make your novel a mass pit

Chapter 103 In order not to make your novel a mass grave

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Brother Win sighed: "I'll call Xiaohua and Ji Zai. Let's go together!!" After seeing the tears in Wu Linger's eyes, Brother Ying shook his head and went downstairs to call the two people who were still in the living room: "Let's sleep with her tonight!" She... seemed to be scared by the departure of coffee!"

Xiaohua and Ji Zai were stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Brother Win meant. Without thinking much about it, Xiaohua immediately went back to the room to wash up a little, changed a set of plaid pajamas and ran to Wu Linger's room: "Mother! Don't kick me at night!"

"Hee, Xiaohua, you have to worry about being attacked by me at night! I really want to pinch you when I see you!!" While speaking, Wu Linger has pinched Xiaohua's little fleshy face: "Xiaohua, why are you so cute? I really want to bite you!! I said, have you gained a little weight recently? There is more and more meat on my face!"

Ah? Really? So am I going to lose weight?

After seeing Xiaohua's surprised expression, Wu Linger couldn't help pinching his little face: "No, Xiaohua meat is the cutest!! I like this kind of small flower best!!"

"Woman, spring hasn't arrived yet, can you send it later?! Xiaohua is still a minor. Don't teach the children!" Ji Zai, dressed in a red silk nightgown, appeared at the door of the room. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a "strange aunt" bullying his most precious little flower. No wonder he was not depressed!

Wu Linger loosened Xiaohua's face with a smile and looked at Ji Zai: "Ji, I don't understand why such a feminine pajamas look awkward on you. If An Longxin is wearing it, I will definitely beat him out directly!"

"Don't compare me with that pervert! Otherwise, I'll beat you!" While talking, Ji Zai lay gracefully on the noble concubine's lounge chair by the bed: "I said, haven't you played enough tonight? I can't believe I have to open a pajama party so late! Are you too perverted?"

In the face of Ji Zai's complaints, Wu Linger just smiled and said, "I'm happy, I'm happy!"

"Okay, everyone is here. Go to sleep! If you're not sleepy, I'm still sleepy!" After saying that, Brother Ying had already lay next to Wu Linger and closed his eyes. And Xiaohua also quickly hugged Wu Linger's arm and closed her eyes.

Surrounded by the familiar breath, the uneasiness in Wu Linger's heart was slowly smoothed. Listening to Brother Win's even breathing, Wu Linger slowly closed her eyes...

After two o'clock in the morning, Brother Win and Xiaohua, who were sleeping next to Wu Linger, were awakened. They found that Wu Linger, who was sleeping in the middle, was frowning and seemed to be having a nightmare: "Linger?"

"Coffee, no coffee!! Danger!! Coffee!! Run away!!" With the last scream, Wu Linger sat up and woke up from the nightmare.

Looking at Wu Linger, who was sweating coldly and gasping heavily, Brother Ying winked at Xiaohua. Xiaohua immediately rubbed her eyes and sat up as if she didn't wake up: "Mother, what's wrong? Is it too hot? Still hungry?"

Wu Linger, who finally calmed down, looked back at Xiaohua with a sleepy look and reluctantly smiled: "It's okay! I'm sorry for waking you up!" After saying that, she rewinded back**, and Xiaohua also half sideways and continued to put Wu Linger's hand in her arms: "It doesn't matter! As long as I am with my mother, I will be very happy!" After saying that, he smiled sweetly at Wu Linger.

After seeing Xiaohua's happy expression, there was finally a smile on Wu Linger's face: "Me too! You will feel at ease with Xiaohua's company!" After saying that, she turned around. Gently patted Xiaohua on the back with one hand: "Okay, go to sleep!!"

Although she was worried about Wu Linger, she leaned in her arms and had Wu Linger gently patted behind her. Xiaohua finally couldn't help closing her eyes. This feeling was like staying with her companions when she was a child, and those elders tried to open their branches and leaves to shield them from the wind and rain. There was a very reassuring feeling... ...

Just as Wu Linger gently coaxed Xiaohua, Brother Win put a hand gently on Wu Linger's waist, and his whole body was also behind her.

After feeling the slightly cold and thick chest, Wu Linger's tears flowed out: "Brother Ying?!"


"Will you be by my side? You, Xiaohua, Ji Zai, you will be by my side together and never leave me, will you?

Feering the gentle trembling of the woman in her arms, Brother Win sighed, strengthened his arms to hold Wu Linger, and gently put his chin on Wu Linger's head: "Don't worry! You idiot woman, I don't think you can live a day without our care! In order not to make your novel a mass grave, we will not leave!"

"...thank you!" After hearing Brother Win's promise, Wu Linger finally relaxed and slowly fell asleep in Brother Win's arms.

How long can she sleep peacefully? Thinking of this, Brother Win couldn't help frowning gently.

The next morning, Wu Linger opened her eyes. When she saw Xiaohua sleeping beside her with her eyes closed, she couldn't help kissing him fiercely: "Good morning, Xiaohua!!"

Xiaohua, who was awakened by Wu Linger's sudden attack, rubbed her eyes and looked out of the window: "Why is it so early?"

"It's good to go to bed early and get up early!" Wu Linger jumped out of bed with a smile and opened the curtains: "The sun shines on your buttocks! Get up, slackers!"

When Wu Linger made such a scene, everyone in the room was woken up. They sat up dissatisfiedly: "Why go to bed early and get up early? It was almost 12 o'clock when I went to bed last night! Did you get chicken blood?"

"Get up! There are still a lot of things to do today! We still need to get the earthling pearls back! But there is not much time spent on **!!" After saying that, Wu Linger had run to the bathroom with her clothes.

Xiaohua looked at Brother Win puzzledly. Now he doesn't understand what Wu Linger is doing. Brother Win shakes his head helplessly: "She doesn't want us to worry!" This guy is always like this. In order not to worry others, he pretends to be full of vitality and hides all his unhappiness from others.

Xiaohua bit her lower lip and sat up**: "I'll prepare breakfast!"

Ji Zai also stretched out lazily: "I'll go back to my room to change my clothes! By the way, do you still have to go to school today?

Brother Win thought for a moment and said, "Let's go!" I think... if they don't give Garcia an account, they won't be obedient. If they mess around and meet those people, it will be even more troublesome!"

Ji nodded: "I know!"

When Wu Linger rushed to the table excitedly, Brother Ying shook his head gently. Coffee is no longer there. Did Wu Linger do this to go back to the days when there was no coffee? Just... can I go back?

Just as Wu Linger was about to have breakfast, Garcia and the others suddenly opened the door: "Good morning!"

"Wow, you calculated the time too accurately, didn't you? I warn you, this breakfast is mine! No one is allowed to rob!!"

Seeing Wu Linger's childish expression, Garcia couldn't help laughing: "We have had breakfast!" I just want to go to school with you. Do you need to be so nervous? At least the three of them are also the princes of Maliaqi, right? Wouldn't it be too much for Wu Linger to imagine them like that?

While eating breakfast, Wu Linger looked at the three people distrustfully: "Who knows? You also robbed me a lot of food a while ago! You should let Xiaohua feed your mouths, and then wait for us to leave and starve you to death!"

"Hey, at least a friend, don't you have to curse us so viciously?" Garcia sat at the table and looked at Wu Linger depressedly: "Thanks, we still want to help you. Why are you so fierce?"

Wu Linger waved her hand like a fly: "Forget it, just don't make trouble for me!" I will take care of the rest! And I said at the beginning that I would only stay in school for a month, and now it's almost time. I may not go to school in the future!"

"Are you... going to abandon us?" Casal, who was playing with the computer, suddenly made Wu Linger spit out a mouthful of orange juice: "Hey, don't talk like an abandoned bitch, okay?"

Garcia looked at Wu Linger: "Don't want to change things! We will definitely take care of this matter to the end!"

"Gardia, this is too dangerous, you..."

Is it dangerous to deal with armed gangsters? Is the biochemical virus dangerous? Is the explosion of the nuclear power plant dangerous? You have done such a thing with us. Now that something happens to you, how can we stand idly by? Even if you don't go to school again, I think everyone will always admit that you are from our Class G!" Garcia's words stunned Wu Linger, but in the end, she shook her head: "Gardia, this is different!"