Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 105 Natural skills

Chapter 105 Natural skills

Laren shook her head gently: "I didn't ask him to follow. I really don't want others to see him!"

Wu Linger sat by Lauren's bed and reached out and rubbed his hair: "It's obviously a little boy. Why are you pretending to be cool?! Of course, if you are sick, you have to be taken care of by someone! If you are sick, you can take good care of your illness. If you feel uncomfortable like this, your health will certainly be bad all the time!"

But he didn't expect Lauren to be weak just now, and suddenly patted Wu Linger's hand hard: "Don't talk as if you know everything! What do you know?"

"Believe me, this woman knows how you feel better than anyone else! Although this guy taught you like this, she was not much better than you when she was sick! She knows better than anyone that she doesn't want people who care about her to worry!" After saying that, Brother Ying tied up another hospital bed: "If you feel uncomfortable, lie down for a while. Don't disturb others' rest!"

Wu Linger stared at Brother Win with dissatisfaction: "Did I tell you that you are getting more and more annoying now?"

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger indifferently: "As long as you can be quieter, I don't mind being more annoying! Lie down!"

After lying dissatisfied, Wu Linger suddenly found something from her bag and threw it at Lauren.

Laren, who was in bed, lowered her head and saw the lollipop that fell on her body: "This is..."

"You seem to have a little hypoglycemia! Eat it!" Wu Linger took out the last one from her bag: "My French friend gave it to me, and there are just the last two left. Let's destroy it together!" After saying that, Wu Linger had already opened the wrapping paper and began to eat. Seeing Wu Linger's happy appearance, Lauren couldn't help laughing. Unlike the polite smile just now, this time, he smiled from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that smile, Wu Linger also smiled: "Have a good rest!"

"You too!"

Lying on **, holding Brother Win's hand, Wu Linger violated her original intention to come to the health room and fell asleep like this. Some things that had been entangled before were finally temporarily left behind by her. Seeing her appearance, Brother Win also breathed a little relief.

"Do you care about her? The housekeeper can't fall in love with his master!" Lauren looked curiously at Brother Win, with innocence in his eyes, which was a little incompatible with the people of the royal college. People who grow up in such an environment, even if they are as simple as Xiaoyi, their eyes are not as clear and transparent as this.

In the face of such a little boy, Brother Ying smiled faintly: "I care about her very much. As for other things, I haven't thought about it yet!" Although the relationship between the two seems to have been established in France, when she is with her, she has no feeling of falling in love in the novel. She is still obsessed with different handsome men every day, and she is so nervous that she can't feel her anger. And I am also as vicious and vicious to her as usual. Maybe this is the best way for the two of them to get along?!

Inexplicably, Brother Win felt that he fell in love with a very troublesome woman. However, after looking at Wu Linger's calm sleeping face, Brother Ying smiled faintly. Such a stupid woman, as he said last night, if she left everyone, she might not be able to live for a day, right? After tasting the bustle and warmth, lonely people can't go back to their original days! Coffee's departure this time is the best example!

It was not until lunch that Lauren lifted the quilt and tidied out her clothes: "I feel better. Let's go first!"

Brother Ying, who had been holding Wu Linger's hand, also nodded politely: "Well, have a good journey!"

After Lauren left, Wu Linger opened her eyes: "Brother Win! I seem to have figured it out!"

I always thought that Wu Linger had fallen asleep, but I didn't expect that she had just been thinking about things with her eyes closed. Brother Ying angrily reached out and patted her head: "Can't you take a rest honestly?"

Wu Linger sat up carelessly: "I recalled that it was not the witch who attacked us that night, nor the men of Prince Lema. Now after returning to the witch power, I recall the previous feeling that the power of that person is very similar to the power fluctuation in your current!"

Although he absorbed the energy in Wu Linger's body, because he had been concerned about Wu Linger and was unfamiliar with this power, Brother Win had never paid attention to how the energy flowed in the air. Suddenly, when he heard Wu Linger say this, he frowned and thought about it and found that there was really a A familiar feeling: "You mean..."

Wu Linger nodded: "It should be, right?" At the beginning, everyone suspected that the strange power in Wu Linger's body since she was born. It was this force that restrained the congenital air pressure in her body, so the witch power was so obvious. It can even be said that a considerable part of Wu Linger's witch power also joined in to counterbalance this power. The combination of congenital qi and the powerful witch power as a witch saint can only compete with this power. Where did such power come from and why did it come out in Wu Linger's body? Finally, everyone came to the conclusion that someone wanted to harm Wu Xiaoxian. While hurting her, this power was absorbed by Wu Linger in her abdomen. Similarly, this power also became the timing* in Wu Linger's body.

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger with a headache: "Sure enough, your ability to cause trouble is natural, and you have begun to get into trouble in your mother's stomach! After so many years, they finally found you! What should I do now?"

Wu Linger leaned against the head of the bed and looked at the rose with drops of water hanging on the bedside table and said, "I don't know! Now I think about why they came here, and are they still targeting me or my father who didn't wake up? Did they change the earth spirit beads?!" If it is the person who attacked them yesterday, they should have the strength to exchange for the earth spirit beads. Do they want to prevent Wu Linger from getting the five spirit beads?

When Wu Linger said this, Brother Ying also gently touched his chin and said, "I wonder if the people in the French winery suddenly attacked us and the group of people who attacked us in Paris have something to do with them? If that's the case, it's really not an ordinary trouble!" After saying that, Brother Ying looked at Wu Linger: "What are you going to do?"

Wu Linger shook her head: "I don't know. Let's find Tu Lingzhu first!" It's useless to think about these people before their identities are determined. And... I'm hungry! You don't want me to think about these things hungry, do you?

Brother Ying was about to say something, but he looked at the door: "Xiaohua has brought you food!" As he spoke, Xiaohua had already come in with a lunch box: "Ling Er, I brought you lunch!!"

Wu Linger took a look at Brother Win. After seeing Brother Win nodded, she was finally a little relieved and opened her hand to Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, I know you love me the most! Send me food as soon as you know I'm hungry! I like my little flowers best!!"

"Woman, I remember you were still being crazy to others just now!" Seeing Wu Linger changing so fast, even Brother Win can't stand it!

Wu Linger took the lunch box handed over by Xiaohua with a smile and couldn't wait to pinch a potato and throw it into her mouth: "Different, although Lauren is also very cute, like a Chihuahua, my little flower is still good and super healing! My favorite is my little flower!!"

"Laren?" Xiaohua looked at Wu Linger strangely: "This name is very strange, unlike the name of the Mali Aceh!" This name seems to be more like the name of a European.

Wu Linger took the spoon handed over by Xiaohua, scooped a large spoon of coffee and rice into her mouth and nodded: "Well, he said that he is not from Maliaqi, and he has three-quarters of Chinese blood! It's also super cute! How to say? Just like Chihuahua, it's still the eyes and the smile, super cute! I can't help but want to pinch it!!"

Hearing Wu Linger say this, Xiaohua was immediately unhappy: "Linger, do you mean that he is cuter than me?" Usually, Wu Linger is the only one who wants to pinch when she sees it. Now suddenly there is one more such person, and Xiaohua is very unhappy.

Seeing Xiaohua angry, Wu Linger looked at him with a smile: "Xiaohua, I didn't say that! No one is as cute as my little flower!! Speaking of Xiaozhengtai in the world, I like a lot, but you are the only one who likes the most!!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger looked at Xiaohua again: "Xiaohua has grown tall again, almost 1.68 meters, right? Anyway, Lauren seems to be really small, only a little more than 1.5 meters, shorter than me! It's true that he is a Chihuahua!"