Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 17 Fox Temple

Chapter 17 Fox Fairy Temple


Xiaobei is about to appear. Are you happy?

Do you want to update it tomorrow?

Although my hand is injured, it should be no problem to add more~~

It's just that the book review is not good recently, so there is no motivation to update!!

Do you understand?


"No, I just think my little flower is so cute!!" Wu Linger smiled happily, because she was too excited, and her little face rarely had a trace of blood. Holding her cold hand, Brother Win frowned: "Why is it so cold?" After saying that, he held her hand and stuffed it into his arms.

Sitting in the car and looking at Brother Win, Wu Linger and Xiaohua in the distance, Luo Zhili smiled faintly: "Everyone... is really happy! Is this the so-called friend?

Ji Zai, who had been tidying up his hairstyle in the front row, glanced at Luo Zhili from the rearview mirror and did not answer his words, but just looked outside: "Where are the mung beans? Why don't you come back?"

As he spoke, mung beans had already strode over with a bag of things: "Let's wait for a long time! Let's get in the car!" After saying that, he handed the bag in his hand to Zhu Xi: "Miss Zhu, you can eat it in the car later!"

Before opening the bag, she had smelled the fragrance. Zhu Qian looked at the mung beans with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be quite careful!" Thank you! Ling Er, it's gone!"

"Oh, come right away!" Wu Linger pulled out her hand from Brother Win's arms and ran to Zhu Qian with a smile. Brother Win asked Xiaohua, "What happened just now? Why are you so angry?"

Xiaohua originally wanted to tell Brother Ying about Wu Linger, but think about it, if Brother Ying knew, he would definitely stop Wu Linger. In that case, Wu Linger would be unhappy, right? Emotion is very important for Wu Linger now. After thinking about this, Xiaohua shook her head: "It's okay! I just want her to pay attention to her body!"

Brother Ying rushed to the car after seeing Wu Linger get on the car: "She is not in good health now. Try not to make her sick or worried!"

"Well, I got it!"

Although it is a relatively remote place, it has also passed several small towns along the way. In addition, the driver's level is not bad, so even if the road conditions are not very good, Wu Linger has no discomfort, not to mention the warm roasted sweet potatoes in her hand. In this cold weather, it is the best way to hold the warm and fragrant roasted sweet potatoes.

We were safe along the way, driving for two and a half hours, and everyone finally arrived at the nearest Wangjia Village to Luojia Village at 3:30 p.m. The weather is fine, but everyone is not very worried. After getting out of the car, Zhu Xi paid some tips to the two drivers before getting out of the car with everyone.

After receiving Zhu Xi's tip, one of the drivers hesitated: "Miss, if it's okay, just let one or two boys accompany the child to send the ashes in. Don't go in!"


A driver who looks 40 or 50 years old and has dark skin said seriously, "Luojia Village has been really strange recently! I can't tell how it feels! I have been running a sports car in this mountain for more than ten years, and I have encountered some strange things, such as Luojia Village. I really don't feel good! I think you are all young. If you have nothing to do, it's better not to go, so as not to accidentally put your life in!"

Hearing the driver's words so seriously, everyone was also stunned. Is it possible that Wu Linger is really the legendary disaster star? Where is she going, how can she be unlucky?

Luo Zhili thought for a moment and said, "Well... you don't have to accompany me. I can do it alone!" I also asked the driver just now. He said that if you go straight along this mountain road, you can go around this mountain to Luojia Village! Although it is a mountain road, there should be no problem! Everyone..."

"No! How can I leave you alone in this wilderness? Besides, if your relatives only see you alone, it's strange that they won't eat you!" It would be good to simply put an ashes. The problem is that Luo Zhili will inherit Professor Luo's legacy this time. If no one accompanies Luo Zhili on these things, I'm afraid it's possible for those people to drive Luo Zhili out directly! Thinking of Luo Zhili's poor health, Wu Linger sighed, "Let's go!" Let's go together! Anyway, if only one or two people are allowed to accompany you and let others stay, no one will be willing! Let's meet your best relatives together!!"

Seeing that Wu Linger and the others did not listen to the advice, the drivers had no choice. After thinking about it, the driver who had advised them before took out a yellow triangle-shaped rune from the car and handed it to Wu Linger: "I can see that you are going to help that child. Let's give this to you! I asked for a peace charm from a master on the mountain. I hope it can help!"

Zhu Qian bumped into Wu Linger with a smile: "I didn't see that your character is so good. At least I am their golden master, but you didn't give me the amulet!"

When Zhu Qian said this, the driver was immediately embarrassed, rubbed his hands and smiled awkwardly: "Miss Zhu, I'm sorry, there is only one amulet, otherwise I will definitely give you one! I'm sorry!!"

Zhu Qian saw the driver's appearance and said quickly, "It doesn't matter. It's the same for her!" We are good sisters, regardless of each other! Thank you for this amulet! I'll call you after we go down the mountain and ask you to pick us up!"

"No problem! Just after the Spring Festival, I have been relatively idle recently, and I can be on call!"

After seeing the driver leave, Wu Linger patted Zhu Xi's backpack with a smile: "Okay, let's go! Otherwise, it will really be dark!" According to the driver, although he followed the mountain road, he seemed to bypass the mountain in front of him: "What, I thought it would be good to climb to the mountain, but I had to bypass the mountain. How could I get there in an hour? They really use their foot travel to calculate the time!" These people walk around these mountains all year round, and their feet are much faster than ordinary people. Even Wu Linger can't reach the speed of these people now because of their poor health.

Reach out and take over Wu Linger's bag, and Brother Win said to everyone, "Let's go!" Try to get to Luojia Village before six o'clock. There are still two and a half hours left until six o'clock. If you walk a little faster, you should be able to arrive at Luojia Village before dark.

Knowing that there was nothing we could do about staying here, everyone began to walk along the mountain road with their bags. Shortly after Wu Linger and the others left, two figures appeared at the highest point of Wangjia Village: "It's already on the road! They are not ordinary and cherish Zhili!"

"If you are a young master, no one should be able to resist his charm, right?! Sir, what are we going to do next?

"Of course, I'm going back to Luojia Village! There will be another half, and the blood sacrifice will begin, won't it?" The old man withdrew his eyes with a smile: "Longye, I'm looking forward to what will happen next!"

Along the way, everyone talked and laughed. In addition, Wu Linger and Xiaohua occasionally hummed a few small songs, so it was easy to pass the time, because the preparation was sufficient, and the drinks and snacks also made everyone happy. This mountain road did not look tired, but as easy as an outing. However, when they saw the cars parked on the road because they were broken, everyone was a little dissatisfied. If it weren't for these cars, they would have rested in Luojia Village long ago. How could they go so far with so many things on their backs?

However, when passing a car, Brother Win, Mung Bean and Xiaohua couldn't help frown, especially Xiaohua. When pretending to tie shoelaces, they squatted down and looked carefully at the damaged car, and then followed Wu Linger as if nothing had happened, but there was a look of worry in their eyes.

I walked another way. After I couldn't see those cars, Brother Win looked at my watch. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone had been walking for nearly two hours. Brother Ying found a small temple not far away. There were several small stone benches outside the temple for passers-by to rest. He said to everyone, "Let's go there and have a rest!"

"Good!!" After walking all the way, everyone also feels a little tired. Of course, no one will object if there is a place to rest.

In front of the temple, Wu Linger looked at it. The statue of a fox-headed person worshipped on the platform: "It seems that there are quite a lot of people who believe in fox immortals in such a place!" After saying that, she also saluted respectfully, then took out a * and put it into the merit box, and pulled out a column of incense from the side to light it: "Lord Fox Fairy, I'm passing by the treasure. Please forgive me for bothering you!"

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance of incense and prayer, Zhu Qian couldn't help laughing and said, "Why didn't I see you pass by so when you go to those big temples? Have you become a devout believer today?