Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 48 Bathroom Storm

Chapter 48 Bathroom Storm

"Nonsense, if I can't sleep in the arms of a handsome man, I don't have to live!!" Although complained by Brother Ying, Wu Linger is not powerless: "Being able to sleep in your arms proves that you are still a little attractive to me. One day when you can't sleep in your arms, you will become a cousin!"

holding the basin, Brother Ying raised his eyebrows: "I expect that day to come soon!!"

"Dead earthworms, fat maggots!! Will you die if you don't have a poisonous tongue? Am I really that bad?" After being said by Brother Win, Wu Linger couldn't fight and directly fisted, but Brother Win has quickly flashed out of the room: "Xiaohua, help this nymphomaniac girl with a hot water bag! Otherwise, it will be the same as ice at night!!"

Xiaohua came in with a hot water bag with a smile: "It's ready! I'll make the bed for Linger!!"

Sitting in a chair and watching the handsome man and Zhengtai busy for themselves, and she only used clothes to reach out and open her mouth for a happy life, Wu Linger only felt that she was too happy: "Ah, what a happy day, how nice it would never be if this kind of life would never change?"

Hearing Wu Linger's sigh, Xiaohua smiled and said, "Ling'er, go take a bath and get ready to bed!" Brother Win and I will be with you tonight!!"

Seeing Xiaohua's smile, Wu Linger rushed over and said, "Xiaohua, come and soak in the hot spring with me!!"

Xiaohua was cold and was knocked down by Wu Linger. He looked at Wu Linger with red eyes and couldn't laugh or cry: "Linger, I'm a boy!"

What does it matter? I wear a swimsuit!! It's not that I didn't bring it!!" Although I think so, it seems strange to soak in the hot spring in a swimsuit at this late hour: "Forget it, tomorrow! Let's go to the hot spring together tomorrow!! Relax! Only when you have a good rest can you work hard! Although that's not our job!" After thinking about this, Wu Linger let go of the little flower, picked up the clothes and shoes prepared by Brother Ying at the end of the bed and ran to the bath.

As soon as she stepped into the hot spring, Wu Linger heard Ji Zi's voice from next door: "Who?"

"Me!!" Wu Linger asked Ji Zai across the board, "It's so late, are you still soaking in the hot spring?" Will it be soaked for too long? This guy has been here for too long, hasn't he?

"I'm going out right away! Don't stay with it for too long!" As soon as the sound ended, there was a sound of water over there. It seemed that Ji Zai had finished soaking and was ready to go out.

Lying in the bath relaxed, smelling a faint fragrance, Wu Linger slowly became sleepy in the dense mist. When she realized the danger, she had fallen asleep and slowly sank into the pool.

"Squeak!" With a scream, the yellow little fox suddenly appeared in the bath. It bit Wu Linger's hair and seemed to drag her out, but Wu Linger's body seemed to be too heavy for the little fox, and it could not stop Wu Linger from sinking at all.

After thinking about it, the little fox rushed out of the bathtub and ran quickly to the door of Wu Linger's room, digging the door with his claws, and screaming in his mouth.

The movement of the little fox attracted the attention of the people in the room. As soon as Xiaohua opened the door, she saw the little fox: "Xing'er? What's wrong?"

The little fox couldn't speak, but bit the little flower's trousers and dragged it to the bathtub.

Xiaohua was stunned for a moment and immediately understood its meaning: "Is Linger in danger?" After saying that, he had hugged the little fox and shouted at the yard: "Brother Win, Brother Ji, mung beans!!" Then I rushed to the direction of the bath.

When he rushed into the girl's bath, there was no trace of Wu Linger outside. Xiaohua had no time to take off her clothes and directly kicked off her shoes and jumped into the bath. After a while, he touched Wu Linger, who was pale but still sleeping. Fortunately, this guy was wrapped in a bath towel when he soaked in the hot spring, otherwise even Xiaohua didn't know what to do at this time.

At this time, everyone also rushed over, and now they can only stand by the pool and watch Xiaohua take Wu Linger, who is only covered with a bath towel, out of the pool.

After holding Wu Linger out of the water, Xiaohua quickly put the clothes by the pool on Wu Linger and began to do artificial respiration for her. After a while, Wu Linger coughed out a pool of water and woke up: "Xiaohua? Why are you here?"

"Woman, how stupid are you? Can you drown in a hot spring? In the face of such Wu Linger, Brother Ying is really speechless. He put his coat on Wu Linger and picked her up: "Xiaohua, go and prepare some dry towels and dry clothes." After saying that, he had already walked to her room with Wu Linger in his arms.

Wu Linger looked at everyone's iron blue face and seemed to understand what was going on: "Brother Ying, I'm fine. Let me come down and go by myself!"

"Farm, your shoes are not here!! I will obediently get into the quilt and put on my clothes and cover my body!!" This time, Brother Win is really angry. After sleeping all day during the day, why do you sleep like this when you soak in a hot spring at night? Fortunately, the little fox found out, otherwise no one knew how Wu Linger died.

After kicking open the door and throwing Wu Linger into the quilt, Brother Win took the towel and clothes from Xiaohua's hand and threw them on Wu Linger's head: "Dry your body, change your clothes, and change your quilt later." After saying that, he turned his back to Wu Linger, but did not go out.

Wu Linger, who huddled in the quilt, looked at Brother Win with some depression: "Well, I want to change my clothes. Could you please go out for a while?"

"I went out so that you can strangle you with a towel..." Before Brother Ying finished his words, Wu Linger had already wrapped the towel around Brother Ying's neck fiercely: "Death you!!"

Brother Win didn't think much about it. He directly fell over the shoulder and threw Wu Linger to the ground fiercely: "I knew it!! Little flower!! Come in!!"

Xiaohua looked at Wu Linger, who was struggling on the ground, and was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what had happened. He came over and stretched out his finger in front of Wu Linger. A flower suddenly appeared in front of Wu Linger and smelled the flowers. Wu Linger shuddered and her eyes returned to clarity: "Wow, where the hell is it? An asshole framed me?"

Brother Win threw the towel on Wu Linger: "Change your clothes first and then think about something else!!"

This time, Wu Linger did not object, but obediently picked up the towel and shrank into the quilt to change clothes, and then got out of bed, while Xiaohua quickly changed all the wet sheets and quilt covers: "I'll cook some ginger soup for you."

"I also want pudding!!"

Facing Wu Linger, who was taking an inch by inch, Brother Wing caught her and took her to the charcoal basin: "Say, what's going on?"

Wu Linger turned her head and thought for a long time before saying, "I'm going to soak in the hot spring and come back to bed when I'm ready to soak. It was fine before I went in, and I even remember before Ji Zai left..."

"When did I meet you in the bath?" Ji Zai looked at Wu Linger with a strange face: "I only went back to my room after soaking for a while."

After hearing Ji Zai's words, Wu Linger was really dumbfounded: "But what I clearly heard was your voice! When I walked into the bath, you asked who it was, and I said it was me. Then you said that you had finished soaking, and you asked me not to soak for too long!" As soon as she finished saying this, Wu Linger immediately felt something wrong: "You won't tell me so gently! That person is not you! But his voice is similar to yours!! How is that possible?"

I ignored Wu Linger's entanglement, and Brother Win continued to ask, "What happened later?"

"Later? Later, I soaked in a hot spring, and then... Ah, I remember that I seem to smell a fragrance, a fragrance that feels very comfortable! After that, I don't remember!!" Wu Linger shook her head again: "I feel dizzy and want to sleep!"

After hearing Wu Linger say this, Xiaohua came in with ginger soup in her hand, regardless of whether she complained that there was no pudding,

Immediately ran out of the room, and Ji Zai also quickly followed. After a while, the little flower appeared in the room with a blue flower that looked like a skeleton: "This flower has been lost for a long time. Why is it in this Luojia Village?"

Looking at the flower, Brother Win touched his chin: "It seems that things are getting more and more fun!! Xiaohua, did the two people who disappeared have this kind of flower or fragrance at the scene?

Xiaohua shook her head: "No! If so, I will definitely be noticed as soon as it appears! Just now, I didn't notice this kind of flower because I was too worried about Ling Er.