Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 52 Peace Mutation

Chapter 52 Peace Mutation

After hearing Zheng Lei's words, Xiaohua thought for a moment and gently pushed the window, only to find that the window was inserted from the inside. After opening the window, he looked outside and did not find any traces of intrusion outside the window. Outside the window is a slightly yellow grass and a few trees, but there is no trace of being trampled. It seems that the murderer did not sneak in through the window: "Is the door closed when you find something wrong?"

Zheng Lei shook his head: "No, after I got up and washed up in the morning, I was going to ask Lao Liu to have breakfast together. As soon as I arrived at the door of his room, I found that the door was open. When I walked in, I found that he had become like this."

"What should I do? It must be because we want to find the treasure, so the people in the village hate us and want to kill us all!! We can't all run away, we will all die!! What should I do? I don't want to die yet!! I don't want to die!! I'm only 23 years old, and I'm still young. I..." Anning has been scared a little confused at this moment, and her words are a little incoherent. She grabbed her second uncle's hand and cried: "It's all caused by treasures. I don't want it anymore! I really don't want treasure! Don't kill me!! Please don't kill me!! I was also forced here by them. I really didn't think about any treasure at first. I'm just a host. I just want to be famous! Please don't kill me!"

In the face of such peace, the second uncle was also a little unhappy: "Miss Anning, I told you long ago that there is no treasure in this village, and it is even more impossible for us to kill people to protect the treasure! Otherwise, at the beginning, won't we just let you enter the village and solve everything?

Although what the second uncle said makes sense, how can he listen to the peace that has been panicked at this time? Now, the only thing she can think about is how to live: "I don't want to die!" I don't want to die!! Please, help me!!"

Looking at Anning's delicate face crying like this, Wu Linger sighed: "Don't cry! Well... you go to sleep in our yard at night!! At least there are many people who take care of it!" After saying that, Wu Linger turned her head and looked at Zheng Lei: "You can also live together!" It happens that we can accompany Zhili at night, so that we don't have to worry!!"

"Is it okay?" Suddenly getting Wu Linger's consent, Zheng Lei was surprised and happy: "If so, that would be great!!"

"I'll make it clear first that I'm just your bodyguard, and I don't care if anything happens to others!!" Ji Zai hated troubles the most. Seeing that Wu Linger took a lot of trouble again, he was immediately unhappy.

Looking at Yingge and Xiaohua, they also looked dissatisfied. Wu Linger smiled bitterly: "Then you can't just leave them alone when they are in danger, can you? Even if the village chiefs are willing to send people to protect them now, they won't be relieved, will they?

"Who knows if they killed people by themselves? If they really believe that there is a treasure, can't one less person have more treasure? Ji Zai looked disdainfully at the woman who cried the makeup on her face. With his aesthetics, it was very reluctant to protect Wu Linger. He didn't bother to look at such a person at all.

In the end, Xiaohua was more kind and didn't want to see Wu Linger in a dilemma. She got up and helped her peace: "Don't cry. While we are here now, pack up your things and then go to the East Courtyard together!!"

Seeing Xiaohua's smiling face, Anning finally calmed down a little, rushed back to the room, stuffed a few clothes randomly, picked up the medicine bottle on the table and ran back to the yard: "I've packed up!!" Zheng Lei also quickly packed up a few clothes and ran out: "Let's go!" It seems that the two of them don't want to stay in the yard where three people died.

Mung Bean showed Zhu Qian and Anning. After Zheng Lei returned to the East Courtyard together, Wu Linger took another look at Liu Tianlin's room: "It's a little strange!"

"What's strange?"

Wu Linger took a look at the room and said, "Liu Tianlin has a bad temper, right? You can see that you can be angry in the yard for so long after being kicked away by us last night. And he is fat. If this kind of person is woken up from sleep, he will make a lot of noise! But Anning and Zheng Lei said that they didn't hear a sound. Don't you think it's too strange?

"Fat people usually sleep deeply, and the other party may not move until he is asleep?" Luo Zhili thought for a moment and looked at Wu Linger: "If you explain it this way, it should make sense, right?"

Wu Linger shook her head and reached out to lift the quilt. Everyone found that Liu Tianlin was still wearing a sweater, and he still had a novel at hand. It seemed that he was lying ** reading a book, and then fell asleep like this.

After seeing this, Brother Win immediately understood what Wu Linger meant: "Generally, when lying down and reading, he will not take off all his clothes, so Liu Tianlin was still wearing a sweater at that time. It seems that he may plan to read for a while and then get up to do something else, but he didn't expect this. I never woke up as soon as I slept.

Wu Linger nodded and pointed to the quilt and said, "Even if we lie down like this, because it is winter, we will put a corner of the quilt on our stomach to avoid catching a cold. But this quilt is all covered on Liu Tianlin's body, which is strange!!"

Luo Zhili immediately understood what Wu Linger meant: "You mean, the quilt was covered by Liu Tianlin after falling asleep!"

"But isn't it easy to wake up such a shallow sleeper? You should know that because I was reading before, even if I fell asleep, because my head was dealing with what I saw, I would not go into deep sleep. In this case, I would wake up with a little movement. Speaking of this, Wu Linger pointed to Liu Tianlin's face and said, "Look at his face, he has a completely relaxed expression. Generally speaking, even if he is stabbed in his sleep, he will wake up because of pain, right? Unless you shoot a gun into the middle of the eyebrows and destroy the nerve center, it won't be this relaxed expression, unless..."

"Unless someone has been given sleeping pills before, he has fallen asleep completely and will not be affected by the outside world." Luo Zhili looked at the room and finally looked at a teacup on the table. There was still half a cup of unfinished tea in the cup. Looking at the tea dirt on the wall of the cup, it should be left last night. After seeing this, Luo Zhili sighed, "It's a pity that we can't call the police now, otherwise if we send it for identification, we may find something in it."

Xiaohua frowned gently, walked over and picked up the cup and smelled it: "Night vine, acacia flower? It's all calming things. No wonder such herbal tea needs to be made with rock tea! It's not that the strong taste of rock tea can't cover the taste of these two herbs.

"Well, can you smell it?" Luo Zhili and the people in Luojia Village couldn't help but feel strange. And the second uncle ran over and took the cup and smelled it: "No, it's just the smell of rock tea!" How did you smell it?"

Seeing her second uncle's puzzled face, Wu Linger put her arms around the neck of the little flower and said, "My little flower is very ** to plants. There is only a little smell of that plant, and he can smell it immediately. Do you remember your verbena? He also smelled it by the smell!"

As soon as Wu Linger reminded him, his second uncle immediately remembered about verbena. If it hadn't been for Xiaohua's reminder, he would have thought it was a lucky grass! As a result, I didn't expect that it would be a plant that could summon the devil.

And Luo Zhili also looked at Xiaohua with a complicated look and turned to his second uncle and said, "Second uncle, who made this pot of tea and who sent it here?"

After thinking about it, the second uncle said, "It seems to be my niece. Because there are many guests at home recently, she went to the kitchen to help." After saying that, he turned his head and said to the people around him, "Call Luo Jie here!!"

After a while, a little girl who looked 17 or 18 years old ran over in a hurry: "Uncle, can you call me?"

"Did you deliver the tea to Mr. Liu's room last night?"

The girl thought for a moment and shook her head and said, "I met Miss An in the yard. She said that she happened to have something to find Mr. Liu and could help me deliver the tea by the way, so I gave the tea to Miss An!!"

Hearing the girl say this, Wu Linger suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, and she rushed to the East Courtyard without thinking about it.

When she kicked open the door of the East Courtyard, Wu Linger saw Zhu Qian locking her throat to make peace, and the mung bean was holding Zheng Lei, who had been stabbed in her abdomen: "Green beans, what's going on?"