Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 67 Natural Trouble Attractor

Chapter 67 Natural Trouble Attraction Machine

"Xiaohua, check this guy's brain when you have time! Let's see if she is broken or hypnotized by others!" After saying that, Ji Zai has disappeared into the room. And Brother Win also took a look at Wu Linger and left the room.

Xiaohua fed Wu Linger breakfast and said to her, "Ling'er, don't say such a thing next time. Everyone will be sad!"

"But I..."

"Although if Miss Ling'er is not injured, our action may be faster, Miss Ling'er, have you ever thought about it? Why should we do this?" Mung beans squatted beside her with a bowl of ginger soup: "Because it has something to do with Miss Linger, we came to do this! Therefore, whether it is looking for those two people to deal with you or taking care of Miss Ling'er's body, there is no difference for us! We are not coffee and will not leave you! Besides, haven't you always believed that there is a reason why coffee left you? In this case, believe him and wait patiently for him to come back, okay?"

After receiving the warm ginger soup, Wu Linger's eyes turned red again: "I dreamed yesterday that the coffee is not doing well now. He did not leave the witch and was bullied by the witch people. Xiaohua, I'm worried about coffee! His temper is so arrogant, but he has always been called as a servant by those people. How can he stand it?

Reaching out her hand and inserting tears for Wu Linger, Xiaohua looked at Wu Linger: "Thinking about the day and dreaming at night!" Because you are worried about coffee, that's why you have that dream! Maybe where is the coffee lying in the cup and sleeping in the sun? Even if it's really like what you think, it's your own choice, and didn't you say that at the beginning? As long as the coffee feels unhappy outside, he can come back at any time! He will never forget this sentence!"


"Although it's very angry that coffee has left, now we understand that if coffee comes back to make you happier, we will forgive him!" After saying that, Xiaohua stretched out her hand and pulled her hair for Wu Linger: "So, don't think too much! Wait at ease. Whether we go to find him or come back by himself, we will always meet!"

Xiaohua's words reassured Wu Linger a little: "So... won't you be angry with coffee and beat him?"

Looking at Wu Linger's expectant eyes, Xiaohua smiled bitterly: "It's indispensable to beat him up!" But... it should be all right after the beat, right? After all... we used to be family!"

Xiaohua's answer made Wu Linger laugh: "Okay, I'll beat you together! He was so beaten that he didn't dare to go home again!"

Seeing that Wu Linger was happier, the green beans fed her ginger soup little by little. After breakfast, Xiaohua helped Wu Linger lie down: "You met the fox fairy yesterday, didn't you? Did he say anything to you?

Wu Linger was depressed and told Xiaohua about what happened yesterday. When she heard that it was the fox fairy who was thrown into the pool by Wu Linger, Xiaohua couldn't help laughing: "Others have not escaped Linger's magic palm for thousands of years of practice. No wonder I and Brother Win can't stop you! Ling Er, the name of your senior member of the Appearance Association is really worthy of its name!"

"What, Xiaohua, you are getting worse and worse now. You always laugh at me. Be careful that I will settle the final account with you after I get well!" After glancing at Xiaohua dissatisfiedly, Wu Linger continued to tell Xiaohua what happened yesterday. Finally, Xiaohua nodded and said, "No wonder you are in a hurry to let Xiaolong go back today. If it were me, I would do the same!" Now it seems that the other party is determined to deal with you! Ling Er, no matter what happens in the future, you absolutely can't leave us, okay?

After a boring day, Brother Ying and Jizi returned to the wooden house when it was dark. They looked for a day but found nothing. However, Wu Linger's wound is much better. Without the help of Xiaohua, she can get up alone and walk a little! Wu Linger, who found this, sighed at the effect of Xiaobei's medicine and sat by the fire with everyone at night: "Do you find any difference between those bodies today?"

"When the six bodies were excavated, there was no trace of blood in the soil around them!" Brother Win reached out and stroked the bonfire and said, "This proves that their blood was drained before they were thrown here!"

"Except for no blood, everything else is fine. There is no damage. The only fatal injury is at the carotid artery. I guess that's why it caused too much blood loss and died!" Ji Zai sat aside and drank the herbal tea made by small flowers: "The second and third bodies are seriously damaged, but they can still identify human beings. The last three freshest bodies are fragmented, as if they were left by some beast bites! As you said, the guy who enjoys these human beings is getting more and more cruel! If we don't stop it, something big will happen!"

Wu Linger reluctantly moved her right shoulder: "I'll look for it with you tomorrow!" After seeing everyone's opposition, Wu Linger said, "Brother Ying, you and Jizi are still moving alone. Xiaohua and mung beans and I can be divided into three groups, maybe the speed can be accelerated a lot! In addition, I am a natural trouble attractor. Maybe let me find the place we are looking for.

"That's why I don't want you to look for it!" Brother Win looked at Wu Linger angrily: "Who knows what trouble you will cause again!"

Knowing that Brother Ying was still angry about what happened yesterday, Wu Linger raised her left hand with a smile and promised, "In the name of my uncle, I promise that I won't mess again!" What's the matter... I'll listen to the mung bean's instructions. If I don't do it, my uncle will never have a seasoning bag to eat instant noodles!"

"Bah! What kind of bullshit guarantee is this? You can't wait for your uncle's bad luck! Moreover, even if that guy knows what instant noodles are, he probably hasn't eaten it, right?!" Ji Zai stared at Wu Linger angrily: "Tomorrow, you will follow the mung bean obediently. If you dare to mess around, you will be thrown back directly to F City. Don't mention the things in this mountain, even the two guys Zhu Xi and Luo Zhili are too lazy to take care of it! Do you hear me?"

Ferce! Hard enough!! Now it's Wu Linger's turn to stare at Ji Zai: "Bad Ji Zai! I curse you for growing spots and split hair!" Thinking that she can curse such a handsome man as a facial control, you can know how unhappy she is now.

jue! That's enough!! To say that Jizai's threat made Wu Linger unhappy, Wu Linger's curse almost made him run away. Fortunately, Xiaohua grabbed him in time: "Brother Ji, everything will be fine! I will give you skin cream and head oil tomorrow, so that your skin and hair will become beautiful!"

However, after the quarrel, at least everyone still acquiesced in Wu Linger's going out with everyone to find clues tomorrow. After chatting for a while, everyone fell asleep quietly.

The next morning, after the three teams broke up, the mung beans walked in the front, Wu Linger walked in the middle, Xiaohua walked at the end, and the three walked north together.

At noon, although it was winter, because the sun was getting stronger and stronger, mung beans looked back at Wu Linger's sweaty face and said, "Let's find a place to rest, eat something, and then continue!"

At this time, Wu Linger was so tired that she had no strength to speak. After hearing the mung bean say so, she immediately nodded. Mung beans looked around and chose a place with a thick shade: "That's it!"

Xiaohua helped Wu Linger and handed her the kettle: "How about it? Is it okay?"

Wu Linger held the faint pain in her chest and nodded: "Well, no problem!" Now the whole right shoulder and even the right lung is faintly hurting, but Wu Linger dares not say anything. She has gone so far. If she walks back again, she really can't do anything today!

Knowing that Wu Linger was strong, Xiaohua sighed, closed her eyes and felt it for a moment and said to mung bean, "Mung bean, take care of Linger. I'll find some medicine for her and come back soon!" After saying that, he walked quickly into the dense grass.

After taking a sip of water, Wu Linger looked at the direction Xiaohua left and sighed, but said nothing, because she knew that it was useless for her to say it.

Mung Bean handed a lunch to Wu Linger: "It's useless to think about it. Eat first. It takes strength to continue the afternoon!"

Wu Linger gently leaned her head on Mung Bean's shoulder: "Mung Bean, why are you all so kind to me?"