Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 80 Does she often do this?

Chapter 80 Does she often do this?


I'm still in Changsha. It's good that I can keep up to date~~

In addition, the train back to Fuzhou on the 6th will arrive at ~

The broadband of the new home has not been moved yet. Please pray for me!


Wu Linger stretched out a big lazy waist, but frowned and covered her right shoulder when she stretched halfway: "I'm all right. So there isn't!"

In the face of such a dull Wu Linger, everyone had no temper. Ji Zai stood lazily at the door and looked at the scenery outside, while Xiaohua continued to practice in order to digest the aura she had just absorbed. Instead, mung beans brought a pot of steaming soup for Wu Linger and Zhu Qian: "It's getting cold. Let's drink first. Warm up with some heat!"

"Thank you, mung beans!!" Wu Linger happily reached out to pick up the soup, but was patted away by Zhu Qian, and then took the soup and put it in front of her: "I forgot that I was injured again, didn't I? Next time it's like this, I'll call Sha directly and tell her to clean you up! If you don't, I will find the goblin of Lao Qi to ** you!"

Just reaching out to take a soup was also trained like this. Wu Linger bit the spoon and looked at Zhu Qian pitifully: "Will you go too much if you know that I'm injured and don't let me a little?"

"As Brother Win said, you can't be polite to people like you!" Zhu Qian stared at Wu Linger angrily: "Drink quickly and lie down after drinking!" You have to suffer tomorrow!" What will Wu Linger do tomorrow? She has already told Wu Linger when she was sleeping. Zhu Qian knows that she should stop Wu Linger, but she also knows that she can't persuade Wu Linger at all. If you exchange Wu Linger's life for the safety of the whole coastal area, idiots will figure out which choice is more correct. What's more, there are still four bags of plasma, and Zhu Xi has no reason to stop Wu Linger. All she can say is to accompany Wu Linger.

More than an hour later, when it was dark, Xiaobei and Brother Ying returned to the wooden house. Looking at the two people's faces without any expression, Wu Linger couldn't help asking, "How's it going now?"

"At the gate of my cave is Longye. I don't know why he found me, but Brother Win and I didn't trap him. He seemed to be able to separate and use a broken branch to attract us. His body escaped!" Xiaobei threw a cyan branch on the ground. Xiaohua took a look and frowned gently: "Willow?"

Xiaobei nodded: "Willow trees can live by cutting branches, and they also have a strong aura. It is not difficult to cultivate into essence, and it is not difficult to escape by branching!"

Hearing Xiaobei's words, Wu Linger remembered: "In this way, the branches that attacked us at that time, whether they were roots or branches, were very soft and felt like willow branches. Why didn't we think of them at that time?"

"If you think of anything, you will become a fairy!" Brother Win angrily patted Wu Linger: "Why don't you have a good rest? Do you really think you are the invincible King Kong?

Wu Linger also politely returned his kick: "Bah, is there such a beautiful King Kong as me? If you are jealous, just say it!"

Xiaohua looked at this willow branch in her hand and thought, "Maybe I can find out where Longye is through this!" But... will they be together? Or will the three forces Ling Er feels gather together tonight or tomorrow morning?

"Catch it and talk about it! I don't believe that I can't clean up a small willow spirit!" Ji Zai looked at Xiaohua impatiently: "Anyway, it's too late to run now!"

I felt that Ji Zai was right. Xiaohua sat down and held the willow branch in her hand. After a while, a green light slowly wrapped the willow branch. The willow branch that had been quiet began to twist crazily as if it had been stimulated, but it could not escape the green light controlled by the little flower no matter how it twisted. It took more than half an hour for the flowers to control this willow branch.

When everyone saw that the willow branch was quiet and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, they saw that the willow branch suddenly exploded, and the smashed branches were like countless hidden weapons shooting at the people in the room.

Wu Linger hugged Zhu Xi beside her without thinking about it and jumped to the ground. Brother Win opened a yellow light curtain to wrap everyone in it. The broken branches shot on the light curtain, and finally fell to the ground weakly.

Seeing Wu Linger's face white with pain pressing on her body, Zhu Qian was distressed and angry: "Can't you just take care of yourself?"

"Hey, at least I'm your husband. If you can't even protect your own woman, how can you be qualified to be your husband?" Wu Linger forced a smile and put her hand on her shoulder and sat up: "Don't worry, I've survived a much worse injury than this. Now this is nothing at all!"

"Hear up! I will kill you one day!" Zhu Qian stared at Wu Linger with hatred, but turned her head and saw that Brother Win had taken back the light curtain, and Xiaohua also stood up: "The place has been found, in that cave!" It's just... It's dark now, and I don't recommend that we act immediately!"

Brother Win also nodded after thinking about it: "We don't know much about the ability of those two people, and it's not perfect to break through like this at night! We will leave at dawn tomorrow! Have a good rest tonight!"

Seeing that the mung beans began to prepare dinner, Wu Linger turned her head and looked at Xiaobei: "Xiaobei, can I ask you a favor?"

Xiaobei looked at Wu Linger and didn't understand what she wanted to say. Wu Linger pointed to Zhu Qian: "Tomorrow, can you help me put my Xiaoxi in a safe place? You can't let her follow us to such a dangerous place! It's unrealistic to leave her here alone.

After thinking about it, Xiaobei said, "I still have a spare cave. No one should know about it, but... it has been useless for a while! It's safe for Miss Zhu to stay there. There is a road to go outside, but... If we fail, that road should not be necessary for Miss Zhu. If we succeed, we will pick up Miss Zhu. That road is also useless!"

Listening to Xiaobei's nonsense, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "Xiaobei, has anyone told you that you are so cute!"

Originally, Wu Linger was just joking, but Xiaobei shook his head seriously: "No! There are a lot of people who say I'm beautiful!"

When Xiaobei said this, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "Xiaobei, you are really so cute!! But speaking of which, your women's appearance is really good! If you keep pretending to be a woman, I can consider taking you as my eighth aunt!"

"Woman! If you don't want to be chased by your eight wives, you'd better lie on the edge of the fire pond now! Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen!" In the face of such Wu Linger, it seems that no one can cure her except for Brother Win's angry anger.

Sure enough, although Wu Linger was killed by Brother Win, although she was infinitely wronged, she still obediently gave up " flirting" with the fox fairy Xiaobei and reluctantly moved to the fire pond and sat down next to Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, Brother Ying is fierce to me again. I want to draw a circle to curse him!!"

"Brother Ji is better at it. You can consider asking him for advice!" Although Wu Linger behaved pitifully, Xiaohua did not intend to pity her. Now he knows that Wu Linger is definitely a person who gives a little sunshine. At this time, never sympathize with her!!

When she found that Xiaohua had also become like this, Wu Linger shrank into the corner depressed and stopped talking. Seeing her appearance, Xiaohua was a little unbearable. When she was thinking about it, Brother Ying had pulled him: "Let her rest alone for a while, or she will be crazy!"

Being pulled by Brother Win like this, Xiaohua had to sit back to her original position.

The man standing outside the small wooden house far away patted the tree beside him with hatred: "Can't you smell such a heavy smell of blood?! So many people can't protect her. How do you become witch pets?

As soon as he finished speaking, the man rushed in one direction: "Hey, I'm not here to be lazy. What are you doing?"

"Anyway, I won't take her back now. She can do whatever she likes. Why are you staring at her so closely? Or did the elder give you any benefits?

"Shut up, if you don't want your young master to be embarrassed, do things obediently!"

As soon as Mung Bean brought dinner to the table and was about to ask Wu Linger to get up for dinner, Brother Win grabbed him: "She just fell asleep! Let her sleep a little longer!"

The mung bean glanced at Wu Linger huddled in the corner, sighed deeply, and sat in the chair: "Does she often do this?"