Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 85 Dragon Mutation

Chapter 85 Dragon Mutation

Although she was scolded, Wu Linger smiled heartlessly: "Hey, don't blame others if your thoughts are not pure!" I shed so much blood. Even if I have a blood transfusion, I will definitely have a rest when I go back. I'm afraid of the cold. What's the point of asking you to help me warm the quilt? How can you be like this? You..."

"Roar!" A dragon chant interrupted Wu Linger's words. Wu Linger, who was sitting on the altar, suddenly felt that the whole cave was shaking: "Earthquake?"

Just as the cave began to shake, Xiaobei had quickly reached out to hold the jade bowl to avoid the blood in the jade bowl being spilled, but he was still a little late. Because of the vibration, the blood in the jade bowl was still sprinkled on the altar. Xiaobei's face changed, holding the jade bowl in one hand and holding Wu Ling in the other. The son retreated quickly.

This sudden change made everyone not know what had happened. At this time, a huge yellow dragon appeared in the stone hall: "Human beings, why haven't you offered my sacrifices? Do you want to break the contract?"

Had his right shoulder, Professor Luo looked at the dragon: "There is a little accident, we will present the horse* sacrifice, please..."

"No, I have found the sacrifice, and she has already offered blood. How can I refuse?" The dragon turned his head and looked at Wu Linger supported by Xiaobei: "Woman, it's you!" After saying that, a yellow light swept to Wu Linger.

"Bum!" With a sound, the whole stone hall set off a gust of wind because of the huge shock wave. After the strong wind, the dragon was still floating in mid-air, and he and Wu Linger were blocking Brother Win: "Warning you, even if you are of the same clan, if you dare to touch this woman, I will not be polite to you!" After saying that, Brother Ying has already winned at Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, the professor is up to you!"

The dragon looked at Brother Win and then at Wu Linger, and suddenly laughed: "So it is! Well, for the sake of my family, I don't want this woman, but you must give me a sacrifice, otherwise I can't fully recover my strength, and I can't fly from here!"

Brother Ying turned his head and looked at Professor Luo, who was entangled with Xiaohua: "How about that guy's blood? Although it's a little old, there's enough blood!"

"Well, it looks good, although he is mine..."

Just as Brother Win was talking nonsense with the dragon, Xiaobei had already used his handwriting to draw Wu Linger's blood in the jade bowl into a beautiful arc in mid-air. An array has been faintly formed in mid-air, but because of Professor Luo's blood, this sealing array has never been unable to form, and it is intertating with Brother Win. The dragon felt the flow of power in the air after Xiaobei completely connected the formation. As soon as he turned around, he saw that Xiaobei withdrew his hand, and there was not a drop of blood in the jade bowl in his hand.

The dragon who understood what was going on suddenly became angry: "How dare you tease me?" With a roar, the dragon waved its tail, bypassed Brother Win, and grabbed Wu Linger, who had been unconscious because of blood loss: "In this case, I will accept this woman!"

"Ling'er!" Xiaohua, who fought with Professor Luo, suddenly panicked when she saw Wu Linger being captured by the dragon, but because of this loss, she was punched by Professor Luo. Xiaohua suddenly flew out and hit the mountain wall fiercely. Brother Win was shocked and didn't have time to stop the dragon. He could only fly to catch the little flower falling from the mountain wall: "How's it going, Xiaohua?"

"Save Ling'er! Don't worry about me!"

After hearing Xiaohua say this, Brother Win threw Xiaohua into Xiaolu's arms: "Help me take care of him!" After saying that, he had strode to Professor Luo. After punching him into the mountain wall, Brother Win rushed out of the cave: "Xiaobei, find a way to complete the seal!"

Outside the cave, because he did not get the last sacrifice, the dragon could not get all his strength or leave the mountain range, so he could only grab Wu Linger and roar in mid-air. Seeing such a giant dragon, Brother Win shouted at him, "Give up. If you don't escape from your own practice, you can't resist the disaster, and in the end, you will only die! If you are re-sealed by us now, you can still practice in the seal. I will ask Xiaobei to reset the seal. As long as your strength reaches a certain level, the seal will be automatically untied. Isn't that good for you?"

"I don't want to hear any more lies! Originally, you were of the same clan, and I wanted to spare this woman's life. Now, I'm going to eat her!! Even if all the power cannot be restored, the dignity of the dragon clan cannot be trampled! Even if I die, I will defend my dignity!"

Seeing that the dragon raised its claws and seemed to send Wu Linger to the entrance, Brother Win was so scared that he shouted: "As a dragon god, you don't want to benefit the people on this side. Just think of yourself. Do you really think you can ascend to heaven after the ceremony? Stop dreaming! Is it so happy to become a fairy's horse after ascending to the sky?


Looking at the blood-stained bracelet on Wu Linger's wrist, Brother Ying knew that if he didn't give her a blood transfusion, he was afraid it would be useless to save her: "Yes! After the dragon clan ascended to heaven, only..." The white light flashed, and Brother Win suddenly turned into a white dragon and appeared in front of Huang Long: "For the sake of the same clan, give her back to me and I will forgive you! Otherwise, even if I am of the same clan today, I will start to kill!"

Just when Brother Win confronted Huanglong, in the stone hall, Ji Zai had successfully solved Longye. After a fire burned Longye to ashes, everyone looked at Professor Luo in mid-air. Xiaolu said unbearable, "You said that it's okay for this winning brother to beat others, and it's okay to beat others into the stone wall, but he doesn't have to beat people so high, right? How do we get that guy down?"

Of all the people, only Ji Zai can fly, but Ji Zai's current strength has not recovered, and the feathers have not grown, so... it is impossible to fly. The only flower that can manipulate plants can't move at this moment because she is seriously injured, and Xiaobei uses his best to control the formation drawn with Wu Linger's blood in mid-air. There is no way to distract from Professor Luo at all, so this big-eyed scene appeared in the stone hall.

At this moment, mung bean suddenly said, "Master Luo, are you awake?"

Luo Zhili shook his head and reluctantly sat up: "Why am I... here?"

"Your unscrupulous grandfather intends to sacrifice you to the yellow dragon outside, and we just arrived." Xiaolu came over with a smile: "Kid, can you get the guy above down? It's very tiring to hang on it all the time!"

"Little Green, that's enough!" Seeing Luo Zhili's pale face, mung bean quickly stopped Xiao Lv from continuing to speak. Luo Zhili struggled to stand up and looked at Professor Luo in mid-air: "Grandpa, is this true? Is what they said true?

"Is it possible that we tied you here? And summoning the Dragon God or something, do you think Wu Linger, the guy who is taller than IQ, will know this kind of thing? Xiaolu ignored the green beans this time and continued to mutter beside Luo Zhili.

Luo Zhili looked pale at Professor Luo in mid-air: "Why?"

"Because you are the most suitable person! Longye's aura is not enough! You, who are also the king of flowers, are the most suitable sacrifice!" Professor Luo in mid-air suddenly said, "You don't have to pretend to be so sad. In your heart, you have never regarded me as your grandfather, have you? You are sad that I did it before you, didn't you?"

After hearing Professor Luo's words, Luo Zhili lowered his head sadly: "Yes, in my heart, you have never been my grandfather! Bring me out of confusion. After I became a human, he always took good care of me, protected me and taught me. In the face of you like this, I have never regarded you as a grandfather, but as a father! So, I know you are going to deal with Ling Er, and I also... Why? Why did you do this to me? Is it true that what you did to me before is just for today? Speaking of this, tears have fallen from Luo Zhili's face to the ground.

In the face of Luo Zhili's question, Professor Luo sighed helplessly: "Do we really need to say something so clearly?"

"I see!" Luo Zhili nodded gently, suddenly picked up the knife that Wu Linger fell off with his foot and reached out to catch the knife hand. As soon as he stamped his foot, a plant suddenly broke out of the ground and held Luo Zhili to rush to Professor Luo in mid-air.