Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 38 The Conspiracy of Coffee

Chapter 38 The Conspiracy of Coffee


Can't stand that kind of abuse?

Then I guess you will cut me down after reading this chapter~~

La la la~~

can't be cut!!


Knowing that it's useless to blame everyone, Wu Shu sighed: "Forget it, even if it's not this time, there must be another time! They are just obviously going to give you a good job! You can't avoid it! I had a bad temper just now. I'm sorry!"

Brother Win stood aside and looked at Wu Linger and frowned slightly: "What's going on with that medicine?"

"It's a bit like a medicine used by human beings to force confessions, which can improve the sharpness of the body, that is, what we usually can't feel, such as the feeling of being bitten by mosquitoes. After taking the medicine, it will be like being worn by a sharp arrow or branded by a soldering iron. As long as you take a drop, let alone lying down, even Standing can't stand the pain, and even the feeling of blood flowing in the body will be magnified a hundred times, just like countless torrents crashing in the body..."

In the latter words, Wu Shu didn't say anything, but everyone knows that what Wu Linger took was not a drop, but a bottle! No wonder she didn't hum when she was grabbed by the dragon last time. She couldn't help moaning in a coma today.

Feel the change in Ji Zai's mood, Brother Win patted him on the shoulder: "Keep the water temperature!"

Awakened by Brother Win's words, Ji Zai quickly restrained his mind and focused on the control of water temperature.

Seeing that the water in the bucket was stained with blood, Wu Shu looked at the mung bean: "I know you control the water. I'll give you a gesture later. You have to do everything possible and carefully pull away the water in the wooden bucket slowly. Remember the feeling I just told you about after taking the medicine. As long as your action is a little bigger, it will bring her pain. It will be like being hit by a BMW with a speed of 200 per hour.

The mung bean was stunned for a moment, stopped wiping the blood for Wu Linger, and then nodded gently: "I understand."

After getting the mung bean's answer, Wu Shu looked at Brother Ying: "You have no attributes, so you can also control water?" After seeing Brother Ying nodded, Wu Shu pointed to the wooden barrel beside him and said, "After Jizai controls the temperature of this bucket of water, you have to find a way to inject the water into the wooden bucket with the lightest action!"

Brother Win closed his eyes and thought for a moment and nodded: "I know!"

Looking at the barrel again, Wu Shu made a gesture to the mung bean. The mung bean immediately began to slowly draw out the warm water in the barrel, and Brother Win also began to control the water beside him and slowly pour it into the barrel. However, their movement immediately showed a painful expression on Wu Linger's face leaning in the barrel, and a low moan overflowed from her throat again. With a moan, a mouthful of blood spewed out of Wu Linger'er's mouth...


"Focus on what you should do!" Wu Shu's roar made Ji Zai calm down again, but he lowered his head so that he couldn't see his expression clearly. In a short time, two tears splashed the dust on the ground.

This pain continued until Xiaohua and they found the first batch of king grass: "Because I'm worried that Linger can't stand it, I'll send some first, and we'll pick it right away!" After putting down these herbs, the witch crane and the little flower immediately left in a hurry.

Wu Shu held these herbs in his hand, and the green light flashed. In mid-air, a drop of green juice gathered, shrank, and then gathered. After several repeated purifications, Wu Shu also mixed the medicine into the warm water of the wooden barrel with the smallest action. With the mixing of the medicine, the painful expression on Wu Linger's face eased slightly. After seeing her like this, everyone was finally relieved.

After wiping the sweat on his forehead, Wu Shu said, "Don't relax your vigilance. Now you can only relieve Linger's pain in this way. Such an effect may last for a day or two!" No one can relax in a couple of days! This is not a bamboo house, so it will be very difficult!" If he had known that Wu Linger had taken that kind of medicine before, Wu Shu would not have chosen the place of treatment here in order to be quick. Now, it can only be forced by everyone!

After a day, there has been less and less king grass near Wu Ming's house. Now even Wu Ming has joined the team to collect herbs. Although he does not collect much, it is better than nothing. And Xiaohua walked farther and farther away from Wu Ming's house because she was accompanied by the witch crane.

Looking for the flowers and witch cranes of the king's grass everywhere, I suddenly found a large area of the king's grass. Although the terrain is a little dangerous and a little remote, if these are picked back, it should be enough for Wu Linger to last until tomorrow. Xiaohua and Wu He, who found this, finally breathed a sigh of relief and carefully walked to the slope.

While Xiaohua and Wu He were busy picking herbs, they heard a burst of happy laughter from far to near. The two, who didn't want to cause any more trouble, immediately held their breath and lay quietly on the grass, wanting to wait for those people to leave before continuing their work. But then, what they heard made the two of them so angry that they almost couldn't wait to rush up and tear them to pieces.

"Coffee, I'm sorry yesterday morning! You don't mind, do you?" Voodoo's voice always has a cold feeling, which can be distinguished as soon as they hear it. Although he was saying an apology, his words were cold and there was no intention to apologize at all.

"What do you mind? Didn't I come up with the idea?" The deep and sexy voice of coffee also made Xiaohua more familiar: "It is also Wu Linger's woman who is too ignorant of good or evil. She has come to the witch clan and think that this is the world. Unexpectedly, even the eldest elder dares to contradict who will deal with if he doesn't deal with her?"

"But are you too cruel? Last time, he used Ji Zai to catch all the people and hurt Wu Linger. This time, he used Ji Zai to let Wu Linger obediently get into our trap. She not only took the bottle of medicine, but also stabbed herself! Tut, that kind of pain, I can't stand it! If it were me, I would rather commit suicide than endure that kind of pain!" This time, another person around Voodoo said: "Aren't you afraid of killing Wu Linger?"

What are you afraid of? I'm just responsible for bringing Wu Linger into the trap. How to deal with her is a great elder! That medicine, that knife, is not what I threw to her, let alone what I want her to use on herself!" The words of coffee made Xiaohua's eyes stare and almost rushed up, but Wu He pressed him hard and didn't let him move at all.

The people passing by above didn't seem to find someone eavesdropping on their conversation, but continued to smile happily and said, "But that group of people used to be kind to you!" Especially Jizi, I heard that he has become so useless for you. You have used him again and again. Tut, knowing you is also considered that he has been unlucky for eight lifetimes!"

"That's the world you don't know about us. In that world, there is no friendship to speak of, just strength. As long as you have enough strength, you have friendship. If your strength is not good, you will only be trampled by others! Just like Ji Zai now! Do you want me to give up my current strength to accompany them? That's what idiots do!"

"However, the great talent is really cruel. No matter what Wu Linger says, she is just a human, a little girl. Is it necessary to treat her like this? And you have to come up with such a way, alas! It's better for us to follow the mind of the elder. After all, we are not the heirs. If we annoy the elder, I'm afraid we won't know how to die!"

As the speaker went away, until he couldn't hear their laughter, the witch crane let go of the tearful little flower under him: "Xiaohua, let's work first! Don't forget, Ling Er is still waiting for us!"

The tears on her face were randomly wiped away. Xiaohua stopped talking, and the movement in her hand was much faster than before, and the witch crane also collected the herbs around her quickly. Soon, the whole herb was collected by them.

Tighten the medicine basket on his back, and the witch crane protected Xiaohua and walked to the path: "Xiaohua, I know you are very uncomfortable now, but promise me not to tell anyone when you go back! Even Ling Er and Ji Zai can't do it! Unless... you want them to suffer as much as you do now!"

"Does that make them go wrong all the time? What if the coffee makes such a plan next time? What if Ji Zai and Ling Er are fooled again? This time it's already like this. What will they do next time? Hearing that Wu He wanted to hide this matter, Xiaohua was immediately angry.

Wu He looked at Xiaohua and said to him seriously, "Believe me, I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again!"