Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 47 Wu Chen's Lie

Chapter 47 Wu Chen's Lie

Hearing Wu He say this, Wu Yue sighed and sat next to Wu He: "Ling'er is very similar to her mother! By the way, how is her injury? Is the poison in the body clean?

Wu He shook his head: "That poison is so powerful! What's more, that guy didn't drink a drop, but a bottle. It's lucky that he didn't hurt to death. Now I can't even stand still, so I can only lie down. She didn't say anything, but look at her..."

After thinking for a moment, Wu Yue said, "If... you are willing to stay at home to rest and recover from your injury, I will take a look at her for you tomorrow and bring her some medicine by the way!" The medicine that can make her get better earlier!"

"Really?" Hearing Wu Yue's words, Wu He stood up excitedly, but he didn't want to pull the wound too much. Suddenly, it hurt so much that he covered the wound and sat down again.

Seeing her son's appearance, Wu Yue became nervous again: "A He, how are you? Does the wound hurt? Does it matter?"

After waiting for the pain to pass, Wu He looked up at Wu Yue: "Mom, you are very strange! Why do you care so much about Ling Er's affairs?

Wu Yue's expression stiffened, and finally sighed gently: "Ling'er's mother... Wu Xiaoxian used to be my best friend! Unexpectedly, that time, it became eternal separation. In a blink of an eye, her daughter has grown so big!" After saying that, Wu Yue smiled self-deprecatingly: "Okay, go to bed early!" I'll keep it at home tomorrow. I'll go to see Ling Er. Don't worry, I won't let others bully her! At the beginning, I didn't protect Xiaoxian, but now I can't even protect her daughter, I really have no face to see her!"

Wu Yue's expression was never seen before by Wu He. He blamed himself, pained, sad... He reached out and gently put his arms around Wu Yue's shoulder: "Mom, don't worry, Ling Er is very strong! She will be fine!"

"Well, go to bed early! I'm going to rest, too!" Finding that her mood was wrong, Wu Yue quickly adjusted her mood, cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks that Wu He had finished eating, and then left the room.

After delivering the things to the kitchen, Wu Yue came outside the house: "How about today?"

"I sent away three groups of people who wanted to make trouble, and then I never saw Wu Linger. It seems that her injury is really serious. In addition, she doesn't seem to want to involve too many people. Whether it's me or Wu Ming, she rudely drove her away! It's just that it's not known whether this is her true idea or her lustful indulgence. After all, Master Ahe, she didn't drive away!" The voice is a little frivolous and joking, and there will be no one else except Wu Chen.

After hearing Wu Chen's words, Wu Yue shook her head: "According to our information, she should just not want to involve unrelated people. As for Ahe, I guess she also understands that it's a tail that can't be shaken away! By the way, how is Wu Gao recently?

"After that night, I have been practicing at home. It seems that I have been stimulated!" Speaking of this, Wu Chen looked back at Wu Yue: "I can't see that this little girl is average-looking and charming. She has only been fascinated by the witch for a few days. If we let her stay a little longer, we don't have to worry about her safety at all. Her fans are strong enough to protect her!"

Wu Yue lowered her head and smiled: "Then... Let's protect her until then. Be careful not to be fascinated by her!"

"I think you should be careful! But you will see her tomorrow!" Wu Chen stretched out and said to Wu Yue, "Master He went to the old man today!"

Wu Yue looked at Wu Chen unexpectedly and quietly waited for the following. Wu Chen looked at Wu Yue with a smile: "The boy accidentally bumped into it and cracked the wound. I guess he was afraid that you would be worried, so he went to the absolute elder's house to find medicine!"

Wu Yue nodded: "No wonder I found that his clothes had been changed. So that's it!" After saying that, she looked at Wu Chen: "Well, it's getting late. You can also go and have a rest!" You still need to stare at the bamboo house tomorrow. You won't be relaxed recently!"

"Bearby, I'll send you another message. The old man seems to have quarreled with Master Ahe. At night, he ordered Voodoo to find someone to stare at the bamboo house. I guess he didn't plan to let Wu Linger go! Be careful!"

"Is it possible that I'm still afraid of him?" Wu Yue smiled faintly: "I know, you go back!"

"Good night, beauty!" When the last word came, the sound had reached 100 meters away. Wu Yue had long been used to Wu Chen's ghost-like figure. While turning around and preparing to go back to the room, she couldn't help sighing after seeing the light in Wu He's room.

Far away, staying on a big tree, Wu Chen looked at the light in the bamboo house and smiled faintly: "Even if you owe Wu Xiaoxian, next time, I won't lie for you again!" Today, Wu He obviously wanted to go to Wu Jue's house to find something, so he cracked the wound near Wu Jue's house, but looking at his expression, he should not have been found, right? What the hell is it? Is it important to let the witch crane break into the witch's home without hurting himself?

Thinking about this question, Wu Chen slowly closed her eyes...

The next day, she slept until ten o'clock in the morning before Wu Linger was woken up by Xiaohua: "Linger! Ling Er wakes up!!"

Wu Linger barely opened her eyes. After seeing Xiaohua's lovely round face, she smiled and stretched out her hand: "Good morning, Xiaohua! Hug!!"

In the face of such a coquettish Wu Linger, Xiaohua is a black line. If it's normal, it's okay, but... Is it time to be coquettish? "Ling'er, there are guests coming. Get up soon!"

"I don't care, I can't afford it!" Wu Linger knew that there were only a few guests who could come to her. Anyway, she knew what her virtue was, and she didn't care!

"Ahe's mother is here!" In desperation, Xiaohua had to tell the identity of the guest.

After hearing Xiaohua say this, Wu Linger's sleepy suddenly woke up: "Who do you think is here?"

"I'm coming!" A beautiful voice came to her ears, and Wu Linger turned her head away and let Xiaohua see a peerless beauty standing by the bed: "Ah! Beauty!!"

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Wu Yue was angry and smiled: "Look at you, what's going on? I'm only thinking about handsome men and beautiful women!" After saying that, she said to the nervous Xiaohua, "Don't worry, Linger is a patient. I won't mind these!"

Hearing the beautiful woman's words, Wu Linger realized that the beautiful woman in front of her, who looked not much bigger than herself, turned out to be Wu He's mother: "Don't bring this, right? Ah He is handsome enough, and your aunt is so beautiful, and... How do you look like his mother? It's obviously what my sister looks like! 55555... I was hit. Sure enough, there was no way to live in this witch!"

Seeing that Xiaohua was about to go crazy, Wu Yue shook her head with a smile: "Xiaohua, right? Ling Er just got up at this time. She must not have breakfast yet. Go and prepare some for her! I'll just come and accompany her!"

"But..." To be honest, even if she puts aside Wu Yue's identity, Xiaohua doesn't want her to stay with Wu Linger like this. It's really rude.

As if she knew Xiaohua's idea, Wu Yue smiled at him: "Don't worry, Ling Er is now a patient. I won't care. Go ahead!" Xiaohua thought for a moment, warned Wu Linger with her eyes, and then left the room.

Wu Yue smiled and helped Wu Linger half sit up, and put a pillow behind her. After making her sit more comfortable, she twisted out a towel from the basin beside her and gently wiped Wu Linger's face and hands: "How's it going? Does it still hurt a lot? How's the wound on the shoulder?

In the face of such a gentle Wuyue, Wu Linger had an illusion: "Who the hell are you?"

Wu Yue put down the towel in her hand and looked at Wu Linger and smiled. She picked up the comb from the side and sat next to Wu Linger and began to gently comb her hair: "In those years, I grew up with your mother Wu Xiaoxian and your aunt Wu Xiaoxuan. I saw Xiaoxian become a saint of the witch clan with my own eyes. I saw her summon the witch pet and kissed her own eyes. Seeing her come out of the witch..."

Hearing Wu Yue's words, Wu Linger was shocked all over. She looked back at Wu Yue: "Do you know my mother?"

"There are very few witches in my generation who don't know her! Although she is just a spiritual witch, she is very popular, and even many high-level witches are her good friends! You follow her at this point! No matter where you go, you can make many friends!" Wu Yue stopped the comb and looked at Wu Yue: "Ling Er, I'm sorry!"

I don't understand why Wu Yue suddenly apologized. Wu Linger looked at her strangely. Wu Yue squeezed her mouth and thought for a long time before saying, "In those years... I was the one who ordered to chase Xiaoxian and Xiaoxuan!"