Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 70 Unlucky Day

Chapter 70 Unlucky Day

After a lot of complaints, Wu Yue took a deep breath and finally calmed down her mood: "Okay, I know about this! Yu Linger's current situation... I have no choice but to let her carry it! If Xiaohua and others can go out to find herbs, there should be a way to relieve her pain, right? And you, go back and have a good rest first. Don't worry about the bamboo house for the time being! You are still stubborn when you are injured like this!"

Wu Chen smiled: "What can I do? I'm their diner now. Of course, I have to do my duty as a diner!"

"Less poverty with me! Go ahead. I'll ask Ajue about Ling Baoyu!" After saying that, Wu Yue walked in the direction of Wu Jue's house.

Looking at her back, Wu Chen said with a smile, "What can I do if I ask him?" You can only ask!" After shaking his head, Wu Chen turned around and walked on the path back to the bamboo house.

When he was about to get near the cave, Brother Ying frowned gently: "Xiaohua, you and Ahe wait for me here, and I'll be right back!"

"Brother Win?!" When Xiaohua was feeling strange, Brother Win had disappeared in front of his eyes. How can he feel that he is limited by witch power? However, if you think about it carefully, Brother Win's body is not all composed of witch power. In other words, the spiritual power may be more, and it is normal not to be affected.

The next second, Brother Win has appeared in a forest, under a tree, and the coffee is trying to wrap the wound in his abdomen with a cloth. Seeing his appearance, Brother Win frowned, walked over to get his hand to open the coffee, and untied the cloth he was wrapped tightly. The wound was a finger-sized hole. I don't know what pierced it. In this way, the wound seemed to be very deep, and the wound was black. It seemed to be poisonous: "Is such a wound just wrapped? Use it! I'll find some herbs for you!"

"Aren't you afraid?" The coffee sitting under the tree had already sweaty, but he looked at Brother Win with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that this is another trap? Now you are alone again, and there is no one around you!"

Hearing the words of coffee, Brother Win was so angry that he punched him in the face: "Don't you pretend to die?"

The beaten coffee expression was deeply buried behind his long hair. In the face of Brother Win's question, he did not say anything but was silent.

Looking at such a coffee, Brother Win sighed: "I'll go to find herbs and stay here honestly until I come back. If you dare to run around again, you will die!" After saying that, he strode away.

Looking at Brother Win's departure*, Coffee reached out and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly: "Is there such a threat to the wounded? And... with the wound open like this, do you have any common sense of nursing?"

After a while, Brother Win came over with several herbs in his hand, reached out to crush the herbs, gently applied them to the coffee wound, and then carefully wrapped the wound for him: "Stay obediently these days, don't go anywhere! Otherwise, the wound will crack and you will hurt!" After saying that, he reached out and touched the forehead of the coffee and found that his body temperature was normal before standing up: "No matter what you want to do, at least make sure your own safety first!" Otherwise, you can't do anything like you are now!"

Coffee barely stood up against the trunk: "Didn't you say don't let you see me again? Will you kill me when you see me again? Is this how you kill?"

Hearing the words of coffee, Brother Ying smiled and turned his head aside: "Who said that a stupid cat can't take care of himself so much? I can't even find a backer and make myself like this. If I beat you at this time, won't others laugh at me for taking advantage of people's danger?

"Who on earth wants me not to pretend?" Coffee also shook his head with a smile and walked to his house with the wound: "Okay, I'm going back. You can also go back to Xiaohua!" It's not good to be seen!"

"Coffee!" Seeing that the coffee was about to leave, Brother Win stopped him, but in the end, he just sighed: "It's okay. Take care of yourself!" I'm leaving!"

When he rushed to Xiaohua's side, there were only a few herbs in Xiaohua's medicine basket. He frowned slightly: "There is no medicine I need here! Let me ask the spider first to see if he knows where the medicine I need is near here!" After saying that, they came to the cave.

As soon as he walked to the cave, the spider flashed out: "Why are you here? Didn't the ghost send you the herbs you want today?

Xiaohua told the spider about the situation of Wu Linger and ghosts before asking, "Spider, do you know where there is a sunny stone mountain nearby?"

After thinking about it, the spider shook his head: "This is originally in the hinterland of the valley, and with the witchcraft cover, it is difficult to find the sun-facing stone mountain. Is the medicine you are looking for growing in that place?

Xiaohua nodded. After thinking for a moment, he said to Win Brother Wu He, "Time is urgent and it's almost dark. Let's look for it separately!" Brother Win, if you follow Ah He, no one will bother you! It should be no problem for me not to violate the laws of the witches alone!!" After saying that, he quickly described the appearance characteristics of the herbs needed to Brother Win.

After listening to Xiaohua, Wu He and Brother Win left quickly. Xiaohua said to the spider, "The ghost needs to bask in the sun properly after pregnancy. You can't let her live in the wet cave all the time, which is not good for her health. If possible, you can build a house outside the cave. At least the ghost will need to live outside for pregnancy and confinement, and before the baby is one year old, It's better not to stay in the cave!"

After thinking about it, the spider nodded: "I know. I will discuss it with her when the ghost comes back tonight!"

After the spider said this, Xiaohua was also slightly relieved: "That's it. It's also good for her health to walk like this every day, so let her go to the bamboo house to eat and rest every day. Later, if she is inconvenient, let's find a way to solve the problem of eating!"

"Well, thank you! Go ahead! Let's get rid of the poison for that girl first!" Knowing that Xiaohua had something in her heart, the spider no longer kept him. After saying that, it disappeared in front of Xiaohua's eyes.

Xiaohua tightened the medicine basket on his back, looked around, and walked to a mountain forest not far away. The mountain looked relatively high, and some stones were exposed. If he was lucky, he might find the herbs he needed.

Not long after walking into the woods, Xiaohua seemed to feel something. She frowned gently, hesitated for a moment, and finally walked in the direction she felt.

Around a bush, a familiar figure came into sight. Seeing this person, Xiaohua's anger suddenly came up. She didn't think about it. As soon as she stretched out her hand, the rose whip had already hit the man on the ground.

The coffee resting on the ground heard the wind and jumped up, but this movement made him involved in the wound. Not only did he dodge the rose whip of the little flower, but the hand covering the wound was stained red by blood when it fell to the ground. After seeing the person who attacked him, Coffee smiled bitterly: "I'm really unlucky today!"

"You probably didn't think there would be today, did you?" Looking at the white face of the coffee, Xiaohua was even more angry: "Aren't you usually good at escaping and hiding? Why can't you even avoid an attack like mine? Aren't you being a dog for Wu Jue? Don't you want to improve your strength? Won't you follow him and strengthen your strength? What? Did he abandon your dog? Did he leave you here to kill himself?

After leaning against the tree trunk and taking a deep breath, Coffee resisted the pain from the abdominal wound: "What about you? What are you doing here?"

Looking at the blood flowing from the fingers of the coffee, Xiaohua was very angry. He was angry that the coffee betrayed everyone. Why is the coffee so miserable now? He was even more angry about why he still loved this damn traitor!

Hately threw the medicine basket on his back to the ground, and Xiaohua turned around and walked somewhere else. After a while, he had come back with several herbs in his hand.

Looking at the coffee that was still stunned, Xiaohua said angrily, "Why are you still standing there? Sit down! Do you want me to help you take off your clothes?"

Coffee was stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed. He covered his wound and bent down, but he couldn't help laughing. Finally, he laughed until he had no strength, so he sat down and stretched out his hand to untie his clothes.

When the coffee's clothes were untied, Xiaohua saw that there were many scars on the coffee: "What's going on?"