Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 76 Kittens are fun

Chapter 76 Kittens are fun


Christmas Eve Update~~

Are you happy?


The spider smiled and clapped his hands: "Okay, I've heard about you. The person who made trouble for me before should also be your person. Let him come out!" Aren't you tired of staying outside all the time?" After saying that, he patted the table and took back the stone wall used as the door. A tall handsome man in black leather stood at the door: "Hi! Good evening!!"

I thought I would see a panicked person, but I didn't expect the other party to greet me directly. The spider was stunned and turned his head to look at the ghost: "Who is this?"

The ghost shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know, I haven't seen it!"

"I'm sorry, when we meet for the first time, I'm Wu Linger's fourth witch pet, named Xiao Lu!"

"Fourth? Why don't I know?" The spider couldn't help but look at Xiaolu: "Can her body stand such frequent calls?"

Xiao Lv walked in with a smile, sat down, poured a glass of water for herself, and said, "I'm sorry, although I'm the fourth witch pet of Wu Linger, it can also be regarded as the third! Wu Linger summoned not a turtle for the third time, but a mythical beast Xuanwu! I am the snake on his body!"

After hearing Xiaolu's self-introduction, the spider stroked his forehead weakly: "Can anyone tell me what kind of freak that Wu Linger is?" In front of him is a dragon god, a flower demon, a white tiger, a phoenix at home, and then a Xuanwu! Is she still not a human?"

Brother Ying smiled lowly: "Basically, I think so too!"

"Uh..." With a low hum, the coffee slowly opened his eyes. When he saw that the ceiling was the stone wall of the cave, his first reaction was to reach into his arms and find that the spirits were missing. He suddenly sat up: "Ah!"

"Coffee, your injury is very serious, don't move!" Seeing such a gesture of coffee, Xiaohua was shocked and quickly held him: "Coffee, don't worry! Gathering beads with me!"

Hearing the sound of Xiaohua, the coffee turned around and happened to see everyone in the stone room: "You..."

"Because of your idiotic behavior, all your companions have been exposed!" The spider looked at the coffee as if watching a good play: "It seems that you don't know much about the personalities of your companions! Seeing that you were injured, they started fighting with us without asking the reason. What should we do now? Should I kill you on the spot or give it to Wu Jue?

The spider's words surprised the coffee and pushed away the little flower and struggled to stand up: "It's me who broke into the forbidden land, and it has nothing to do with them! They just want to save me for the sake of the past! If you really want to punish, it's enough to punish me alone!"

Seeing the appearance of coffee, Brother Ying patted his forehead with a headache: "I've already said, don't stay with stupid people, you will become stupid!" Look at who you have been with this month, so it's really right to call you a stupid cat!! Sit down, it's nothing to you!"

"Shut up, dead earthworms, break into the forbidden land, and steal everything from the forbidden place. What does it have to do with you?" In the face of this unclear brother, the coffee is dying of urgency.

Brother Win is really helpless looking at the coffee: "Who can't figure out the situation now?" After saying that, he looked at the spider: "At least he is still injured, so don't play with others!"

The spider smiled and said, "Finally, I know why the ghost has been pestering me and want me to promise to have a cat. It seems that the kitten is really fun!" After saying that, he stood up and said, "I'm a little tired! I'm going to rest! What are you going to do! Also, when you go out, don't let others see you, or others will say that our two guards will be unfavorable!"

"Don't worry, we will take good care of it!" Brother Win also stood up with a smile: "I'm really sorry for bothering you tonight!"

After thinking about it, the spider took out a bottle of medicine from its arms and threw it to Xiaohua: "Bry the stupid cat. He should be fine tomorrow morning!"

As soon as he got to the door, the spider frowned: "Why did Wu Jue and the others come here?"

When they heard that Wu Jue was coming, everyone was shocked and stood up. The spider thought for a moment and said, "Little flower, give the medicine to the stupid cat!" Ghost, take them from the other side! I'll deal with them!"

The ghost made a grimace with dissatisfaction: "You only know that the fun things are, and the troublesome things are thrown to me!"


After taking the medicine given by the spider, Coffee suddenly felt that the pain on his body had decreased a lot and stood up on Xiaohua's shoulder. The ghost looked at them and said, "Come with me!" It happens that I usually don't like the old man. You can tease him today!"

Just as the ghost took everyone to escape from behind, the spider boss came to the cave impatiently: "Why are you running here so late? Don't you know what time it is? I don't know if my ghost is pregnant now and needs a good rest? What can't you come back tomorrow?

Wu absolutely saluted the spider and said, "Yesterday, I learned that Wu Linger has been looking for psychic jade recently. I think if Wu Xiaoxian hadn't taken away the psychic jade, the psychic jade would have been taken away by the witch people. In this way, the man must want to get the spiritual beads. I heard that Mrs. Ghost has recently become pregnant. We are worried that these things will distract you and Mrs. Ghost, so we decided to come here overnight to get the spirit beads!"

"You are really nervous! Do you need to come so late?" After saying that, the spider yawned big: "Also, knowing that my wife is pregnant, how dare you come here empty-handed?"

"I dare not! I have prepared some medicine for Mrs. Ghost to calm the fetus!" As soon as Wu Jue finished speaking, voodoo has respectfully held a box.

Who knows that the spider doesn't look at the box, but just sneered at Wu Jue: "Do you want to buy me for this? Are you too underestimated by me?"

"Senior, it's just a routine, so how can you buy it?" Seeing that the spider was difficult to talk, the smile on Wu Jue's face slowly restrained: "I'm just thinking about my predecessors."

"Do you think of coming to me to get something in the middle of the night?" The spider yawned: " According to the regulations, the spiritual beads are in my custody. There is no necessary reason. Can I not give you the spiritual beads?"

Wu Jue's face slowly sank: "So, you need to gather spiritual beads to prepare for the saint's succession ceremony ten days later. Is this reason acceptable?"

The spider sneered and clapped his hands: "It's worthy of being an elder. He speaks in a set! Well, since you have such a good reason, I will tell you that the pearls have been stolen!"