Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 14 Complete Home

Chapter 14 Complete Home


According to the agreement, today is the third update!


Xiao Lv was stunned for a moment and continued the work in his hand: "What is there to say? It's not just staying with mung beans. You know how boring that guy is! So occasionally cause him some trouble and adjust his life. I have been called to this world three or four times. Well, it should be said that this is the fourth time. Originally, mung beans felt bored and didn't want to come over, but I caused him trouble every day. He was a little impatient, so he signed a contract with you and came here, because Xuanwu's advancement took a long time, and I was dependent on him. Yes, so it will take more time for me to run out, which can at least make me stop for a while. As a result, I didn't expect that you, the contract owner, had so much trouble that his plan was disrupted and released me early.

Wu Linger looked at Xiaolu and smiled and said, "It's okay. Otherwise, wouldn't it be too boring if there is less Xiaolu around?" So many times, fortunately, you are by my side, otherwise, I don't know how to live!"

Holding Wu Linger's white feet, Xiao Lv was stunned and continued to massage her: "Isn't it the same? This earth will turn around!

"But for me, everyone around me is more important than myself!" After saying that, Wu Linger gently leaned over Xiao Lv: "Xiao Lv, in the future... be my family! It's not a contractual relationship, but a bond that maintain each other's feelings.

Little Green's body stiffened and was about to get rid of Wu Linger, but Wu Linger continued to say, "In this world, people get along with each other, not only love! Can you be my brother? As my brother, he has always been by my side! Although my mother is gone, I don't know when my father can wake up, but... can you help me form a complete family together?

For a long time, Xiaolu sighed gently: "If... I'm not your witch pet, I will never give up on you like this!"

Wu Linger didn't say anything, but was quiet.

Xiaolu continued to say, "In the future, I will stand beside you like a brother to protect you!" However, if... there is still a chance to meet you in the next life, I will definitely not let go so easily!"

Wu Linger's tears fell again, and she hugged Xiaolu's back hard: "Little Green!"

"Hey, since I'm your brother, can you change the name of Little Green?" Finding that the atmosphere was too dull, Little Green joked. Wu Linger let go of Xiao Lv and looked at her seriously: "Okay! Will I call you Brother Green or Brother Green in the future?

Little Green suddenly had a black line: "No, you'd better continue to call me Little Green!" After saying that, he came out of the bathtub, reached out and carried Wu Linger to the chair, and drew a bath towel to wipe the water from her feet: "How's it going? The foot doesn't hurt that much, does it?"

After walking two steps in slippers, Wu Linger smiled happily: "Really, little green, you are so awesome!!"

Seeing Wu Linger smiling, Xiaolu reached out and rubbed her head: "Well, if your feet don't hurt, go to sleep for a while! You have to be busy tomorrow!"

"Stay me to sleep!" Wu Linger coquettishly took Xiao Lu's hand and returned to **.

Little Green covered Wu Linger with a quilt and lay beside her: "Go to sleep!"

As Brother Win expected, although his body is mostly composed of spiritual power, after all, this spiritual power is not his own, and it is always a little inappropriate to use. After an afternoon of trouble, he didn't find anything. At dinner, I finally saw that Wu Linger had recovered. It seemed that she slept well in the afternoon.

However, after seeing the little green behind Wu Linger, Brother Win's face sank. Xiaolu clearly said that he would practice, but now he appears beside Wu Linger with a smile. Has he changed his mind? Thinking of this, Brother Ying turned his head and looked at the mung bean, but found that the mung bean was also confused.

At dinner, Wu Linger announced on the table that she recognized Xiao Lv as her brother. While everyone smiled and congratulated Wu Linger, Brother Ying also breathed a little relief and began to worry more about Wu Linger's own ability to charm others. This ability is very good, but in this case, will everyone lose themselves?

Thinking this way, the people who stayed around Wu Linger seem to have more or less changed their original nature. Even themselves are not as much as they do now. The original self seems to have always been talking with their fists...

Thinking of this, Brother Win couldn't help laughing, which made Wu Linger look at him strangely: "Brother Win, what are you thinking? Laugh so happily!"

Brother Win smiled and took a sip of soup and said, "I'm wondering how much is the difference between myself at the beginning and myself now!" Linger, will your skills... make everyone lose in the end?

Hearing Brother Win's words, Wu Linger was stunned. Looking back on the original Brother Win and the current Brother Win, there is really a big difference: "Well... what should I do? I don't want everyone to change like this!"

"I don't care, there's nothing wrong with this! Anyway, I like Ling Er! As long as Ling Er likes it, she wants to do it! Whatever it is, I will help her achieve it! As I said, destroying the world is just a game for us!" After saying that, the coffee smiled and rubbed against Wu Linger: "Linger, the coffee is so good, do you want to reward it?"

Wu Linger angrily patted a box of milk coffee on the face of the coffee: "The prize is for you!"

"Hee hee, I knew Ling Er was the best!" Coffee happily returned to her seat with milk coffee in her arms, but Wu Linger's eyebrows were still frowned. Obviously, Brother Win's words made her very uncomfortable. She didn't want to make everyone lose herself.

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Ji Zai grabbed a cherry and threw it over: "It's ugly enough, and it's even uglier to frown again! You really think you are very good, don't you? It's not that we want to, no one can change us! If you don't believe it, you can try another person. Even if you have the ability, we may not be willing to listen to him!"

Ji Zai's words are correct. If it were someone else's words, everyone may follow Wu Linger as they are now, but they follow her because they like her, although they are a little confused, a little crazy, some impulsive, and a little bit... Er, thinking of this, people like Wu Linger are the contract owners, These witch pets are really a little painful.