Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 16 Coffee and Jizai's Problems

Chapter 16 Coffee and Jizai's Problems

Along the way, Wu Linger looked at the bright red fruit on the cherry tree and couldn't help sighing: "Do you remember the cherry blossom forest at the end of September last year? That's the most beautiful cherry blossom I've ever seen!"

Liu Jingping smiled: "But I saw three most beautiful people in the most beautiful cherry blossom forest. No, Xiao Tuo's stinky boy doesn't count, that's the two most beautiful people!"

"Bottle, after I want to save Sister Nalan, I will no longer care about these things! A little tired!" Wu Linger took Liu Jingbin's hand and sat on the bench by the roadside. Seeing her like this, even the most noisy coffee obediently shut up.

Liu Jingping nodded: "Then leave it alone! Anyway, Ju Lingzhu has appeared. If you are not in the witch, let Mr. Li solve it by himself! If he can't do this, then he can't blame you!" After a pause, Liu Jingping asked Wu Linger, "Then where are you going?"

Wu Linger looked at the sky confusedly: "I don't know!" If you want to stop caring about these things, then you have to leave this place, right? Otherwise, if the spiritual clan has been looking for trouble, there is no way to live quietly. It's just... If you leave here, where are you going? Chicago? France? Maliaqi? After thinking about it, Wu Linger found that she didn't want to go anywhere and just wanted to stay quietly in City F.

Looking at Wu Linger's self-deprecating expression, Liu Jingping gently held her hand: "Don't think too much, there is always a solution! Let's do it one by one!"

"Yes, Linger, don't you still have us? No matter what happens, we will stand by your side!" Xiaohua also comforted Wu Linger softly. Coffee came over even more: "Coffee too!"

Wu Linger smiled and nodded her coffee forehead: "You are the best in the whole family. If I go bankrupt, I will definitely be eaten by you!"

"So...is it okay to make money with coffee?"

"Make money? How are you going to make money? *Bank or * cash truck?" Wu Linger looked at the coffee with contempt. Coffee looked unconvinced: "Coffee can be a bounty hunter. Now the bounty of any first-wanted criminal is tens of thousands. Coffee catches them to get the bounty!"

Wu Linger couldn't help laughing when she heard this: "It's easy to say, where are you going to catch those people?" Do you know where they are hiding?

"Xiao Tuo knows!"

Wu Linger stretched out her hand and patted the coffee on the head: "Do you have a little brain, okay? Xiaotuo's information fee is in US dollars! Your reward is not enough to pay the fraction of his information fee!"

Seeing Wu Linger quarreling with coffee, Liu Jingping looked at Wu Linger with a black line: "I said, how to make money from coffee is not the point now, is it? You don't lack that money to spend. Besides, you are really short of money to spend. Sell me coffee. Being a model in Fashion for a year should be enough money for you to spend for a while!"

"Bottle, this is not the point. The point is that coffee can't always stick to me like this. His CP is Ji Zai! In case Jizi is jealous, it's me who is unlucky!!" Wu Linger pushed away the coffee and came over again and protested, "You guy, go to your little son! Don't bother me anymore!"

"They have already said that they like Ling'er, not Ji Zai. Ji Zai is his good friend, good brother, good buddy, not Xiaosu! His guy is also an attack, and he will never accept it!"

The words of coffee made Xiaohua couldn't help but have a black line. He reached out and pulled the coffee: "Sister Bing, Linger, you two talk first. I'll bring coffee there to talk about something!" If you don't take the coffee away, I guess Wu Linger will storm away, right?

With less noisy people around her, Wu Linger finally breathed a sigh of relief. She is very happy that the coffee sticks to her, but she is always so clingy that she can't stand it, okay? No wonder Jizai never gives coffee a good face. Sure enough, he is a person who gives a little sunshine!

Seeing that Wu Linger calmed down, Liu Jingping stopped talking. There were some things that she had to think about by herself.

It's getting dark, and a man slowly came over and stood in front of Wu Linger: "It's getting dark. Go back! What's the matter? Go back and think about it slowly! Anyway, there is plenty of time."

Wu Linger looked at Xiaolu and stretched out her hand with a smile. Xiaolu reached out and pulled her up from the bench. Liu Jingping also stood up quickly: "Xiaohua and Coffee went back first?" I haven't seen them for so long. Xiaohua should have brought the coffee back, right?

Xiao Lu took Wu Linger's hand and walked home slowly: "Well, they went back first, so I came to pick you up! Also, Ji Zai is losing his temper. Remember to stay away from him when you go home later!"

"I knew that Ji Zai and coffee must be a pair! Coffee still refuses to admit it!" Wu Linger said with a smile. Xiaolu reached out and patted Wu Linger's head: "Don't force yourself if you don't want to laugh. If you borrow your words, you will always force yourself. Over time, you will become a habit!"

When Xiao Lu said this, Wu Linger calmed down: "I... know!"

When I got home, as soon as I opened the door, I saw Brother Win standing on the second floor: "Come back? Then come on, there's still something to do!"

After taking a deep breath, Wu Linger put on her face with her usual heartless smile: "Xiao Lv, you're right. Force yourself. After a long time, you will really become a habit!" After saying that, she has run upstairs.

Seeing the heartache in Xiaolu's eyes, Liu Jingping sighed. She already knew that the witch pet could not fall in love with the owner of the contract. Now she looks like Xiaolu. No, it should be said that looking at the appearance of the witch pets in this room, Liu Jingping really doesn't know what to do except sighing!

After returning to her room, Wu Linger changed into comfortable pajamas: "Brother Win, I want to stay alone! You're here, I can't calm down!"

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger and nodded, turned around and left the room. However, at the moment he closed the door, Brother Win's low voice came to Wu Linger's ear: "Don't force yourself too much! And us!"

After hearing Brother Win's words, Wu Linger smiled faintly: "I know!"

After the door was closed, Wu Linger closed her eyes: "Little Green, can you hear me?"

Xiao, who was watching TV on the sofa, was stunned for a moment and immediately replied in his heart, "What's the matter?"

"Quietly come to the second floor, my room! You'd better help me bring the little flowers!"

After hearing Wu Linger's words, Xiao Lv turned off the TV: "Xiaohua, will you go out with me? I have something to tell you!"

Xiaohua was stunned for a moment and immediately nodded, "Okay!" After saying that, he closed the computer and left the house with Xiao Lv.