Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 21 Real Xiaotuo

Chapter 21 Real Xiaotuo

After the song, Wu Linger looked at everyone and found that many children had fallen asleep quietly. Fan Yangting, who also found this, also breathed a sigh of relief: "It's best to be able to sleep! It is because they are so painful that they can't even sleep, which will cause some children to fall into a coma. Their bodies can't stand it at all and can't bear such pain!"

After hearing Fan Yangting say this, Wu Linger said to her, "During this period, Xiao Tuo and I will stay in the hospital. If necessary, you can call us over at any time!" Whether it's a song or a day, as long as it can help the children relieve some pain, no matter what we want to do!"

Fan Yangting looked at Wu Linger and nodded: "I will arrange a place for you to rest. Now, you go out first. We will consult the children immediately!"

Wu Linger took a look at Xiaoren who was still awake: "Xiaoren, be good, get better quickly to take care of everyone, okay?"

"Sister Ling, don't worry, I will get well soon!" Xiaoren looked at Wu Linger and smiled, "Don't worry, I will definitely do what you gave me!"

Wu Linger left the ward and came outside at ease.

After seeing the nervous Dean Sun, Wu Linger said to him, "Dean Sun, don't worry, we will take good care of everyone! You are also tired, Aunt Zhang. Please help the dean go back and have a rest. We are staring here. Everything will be fine!"

"But..." Aunt Zhang looked at Dean Sun with some embarrassment. In fact, they have persuaded Dean Sun many times to have a rest, even if he doesn't go back to the orphanage, just lie in a chair and have a rest, but Dean Sun just doesn't listen. Now...

Unexpectedly, after hearing Wu Linger's words, Dean Sun stood up: "Then please Linger here! I'll go back to have a rest and come back in the afternoon!"

"Well, don't worry! I will take good care of everyone!" Wu Linger nodded with a smile, which made Dean Sun couldn't help patting her head gently: "Your body hasn't fully recovered yet. You should also pay more attention to rest. I'll go back to have a rest and come back after dealing with the things in the hospital!" After saying that, he left the hospital with Aunt Zhang.

While sitting in the corridor and being bored, Xiao Tuo threw the computer in front of Wu Linger: "I called out all the computer monitors. No one poisoned the orphanage. I also hacked the hospital's network to check the children's medical records. The condition is very strange. So far, no one can find out what caused the children. Collectively fell ill. It's not like illness or poisoning. It can be said that everyone's life indexes are normal, but the children are in pain, and some people have even fallen into a deep coma. If it goes on like this, they will be very dangerous!"

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment and seemed to understand what Xiao Tuo meant: "You mean...hypnosis?"

Because I was hypnotized, I thought I was uncomfortable, so I kept suffering until the end, when my consciousness killed me!

After seeing Xiao Tuo nodded, Wu Linger stood up angrily: "Who? Who the hell is it? Why did they do this? This is a group of children who have lost their parents. Why torture them like this? That's too much!"

"Linger, calm down!" Xiao Tuo forcibly pressed Wu Linger to sit down: "Don't be excited! You can't solve any problems like this!"

"What should we do?"

Xiao Tuo thought for a moment and said, "Let's try our best to calm everyone down first!" Brother Qin also knows a lot about hypnosis. Maybe he can unlock these hypnosis. In addition, I will contact a few more hypnosis masters! But... I don't think they can help much!"

You can hypnotize so many children silently without affecting an adult. If it is not the staff in the orphanage, then you are a master. A master who can't be captured by Xiao Tuo!

Wu Linger was silent for a moment and suddenly stood up. Xiao Tuo grabbed her: "I know what you're going to do, but that's useless!"

"Then I will watch these children suffer?" At this time, Wu Linger has completely lost her usual smiley expression, and is replaced by a cold face. If Xiao Tuo has ever stayed with Wu Linger in the witch clan, she will know that this expression has also had this expression in the witch clan, which is the expression when she was really angry.

Xiao Tuo took Wu Linger's hand and said, "If you leave, the singing of Xiaohua and I is not enough to comfort the children. What will you do after they wake up?" After saying that, he looked at Wu Linger: "Don't worry, if you don't do it, some people will do it!"

Wu Linger looked at Xiao Tuo with some doubts. Xiao Tuo pointed to the computer: "Zijun, An Longxin, Janis is on the way! It seems that Ye Tian has notified them! Don't worry, the employment money has been deducted from my account! I also don't like the people who take care of the children!" While speaking, Xiao Tuo also put a cold smile on his face: "Don't worry, it will make that group of people regret it!" Because they have no idea who they are messing with!"

"But in this way, all the people who were killed are involved!" Wu Linger frowned gently. Although these things happened, she was still reluctant to bring more unrelated people in.

Xiao Tuo smiled and said, "We are free to help, call for help!" He was also voluntarily involved. Janice is your apprentice. He was not free before, so he didn't come. Now that such a big thing has happened, he can't come! In addition, Shi Zhijun and An Longxin, I paid according to the cost of employment! It's not that they work for nothing! Don't think I owe them a favor. After all these years, they owe a lot of favors! It's not too much for me to ask for one back! Don't worry, they will arrive tomorrow at the latest! At that time..."

Looking at Xiao Tuo's appearance, Wu Linger sighed and sat down beside him: "For the first time, I felt that you are really a murderer! Although I have known for a long time, and I have seen that you have done so much for the people killed, but... today I really feel that Xiao Tuo, you are really the people in the first killer organization!"

Xiao Tuo smiled bitterly: "Our hands are not clean! Although I have never killed people by myself, I should have killed the most among all the people in the killing!" Those who committed suicide because their families went bankrupt and were destroyed, and those who were forced to have no way to survive in the end, the combined number of people absolutely exceeds the people killed.

Gently hugged Xiao Tuo's shoulder, and Wu Linger sighed: "Xiao Tuo, there are many things you can't choose in life! If you really want to say it, the people who died in the hands of Brother Win, Jizai, Coffee, and even Xiaohua should also be counted on me. After all, they are my witch pet and equivalent to my split! But what can this do? I don't know who you killed or Brother Qin, but everyone I know is definitely not a low-level killer who kills indiscriminately!"

As far as Wu Linger has understood in the past year, the people killed are all heinous people. To some extent, Li Killing is more like a viruling organization that collects money, rather than an ordinary killer organization that collects money and kills people: "What if you kill one person and saves hundreds of people, even if you are burdened with evil? Xiao Tuo, don't think too much!"

Xiao Tuo reluctantly smiled and said, "Well, don't worry, I'm fine! Now let's think about it and find some songs that can calm our hearts and sing them to the children later!"

As Xiaotuo guessed, everyone's life indicators are relatively normal. Except for their moaning, cold sweating, crying and coma due to pain, no cause can be found at all. The only thing doctors can do is to prescribe some calming medicine for the children to take, but the effect is far less than the effect of Wu Linger and others singing.

After discovering this, Fan Yangting had no choice but to ask Wu Linger and others to come to the ward to sing for the children again.

Unlike last time, Wu Linger and others sang some Buddhist songs. This kind of song that can precipitate the soul immediately made everyone feel much less painful. Some children can even drink some porridge with the help of nurses.

After thinking about it, Wu Linger said to Xiao Tuo, "Xiao Tuo, ask the bottle to help me bring Xiaohua's screen snow!"

"No, I'll go!" After Xiao Green finished speaking, his whole body disappeared. Wu Linger still felt uneasy when she thought about it: "Brother Ying, mung beans, can you two help me set up a boundary in this ward so that the power outside will not affect these children?" Brother Win and Mung Bean looked at each other and pinched a formula in each hand. Only a layer of yellow light that Wu Linger could see enveloped the whole ward, and the faint blue light on the mung bean's body shot at every sick child. Even the awake child slowly fell asleep in that layer of blue light. .