Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 63 There will be no one who knows you better than me

Chapter 63 There will be no one who knows you better than me

"Wu Linger, do you think we are idiots? Because you are an idiot, you think the group of witch pets you summoned are all idiots, right? While Brother Win was talking, he was already a little angry. Xiaohua was so scared that she quickly pulled him: "Brother Win!"

Wu Linger hesitated for a moment: "Well, I admit that I probably recognized those words, but I haven't figured out the meaning of that letter. There are some things I can't figure out, and these things can't be explained clearly in words! Don't worry, I promise, I'll tell you when I figure out this letter! But now, if you want me to say it, I can't say why! The only thing I can be sure of now is that this person knows me and doesn't mean any harm to me. It seems that he has been secretly protecting me and helping me solve some troubles! This time he seemed to feel that I would be in trouble, so he gave me three magic weapons to protect himself!"

Xiao Lv looked at Wu Linger with strange eyes: "Don't forget anything else. Can you use that baby's belly pocket?"

Wu Linger looked at Xiao Lv with a smile: "Little Lv, don't you know that? That belly pocket is big and small. I use it just right, and it can also prevent me from kicking the quilt when I sleep!"

Little Green nodded: "It seems that someone still has a certain understanding of her own sleeping posture. I thought she didn't realize it at all!"

Knowing that Xiao Lv was laughing at herself, Wu Linger stared at the mung bean: "Mung bean, Xiao Lv Lv bullied me again!"

Mung Bean glanced at Xiao Lv and said to Wu Linger, "Miss Ling'er, please don't worry. I will definitely educate Xiao Lv later and let him understand what is polite!"

Hearing the warning in the mung bean words, Wu Linger went upstairs with a happy smile.

Xiaolu retreated to Xiaohua with some fear: "Mung bean, you don't really plan to educate me well, do you?"

Mung Bean glanced at Xiao Lv angrily: "I don't have that spare time! Next time you dare to be rude to Miss Linger, I will ask you to go out to exercise with me!"

"Uh, no way? I just..." Xiaolu wanted to explain something, but after seeing the serious expression of Mung Bean, he helplessly raised his hand and surrendered: "Okay, I'm wrong. Can't I be wrong? I promise there won't be another time!" That's weird! When Xiaolu thought about this sentence in his heart, he didn't expect the mung bean to stare at him again. At this time, he remembered that he and the mung bean were a symbiotic. As long as he wanted to, he could know his thoughts clearly. Suddenly, Xiaolu was discouraged: "You don't have to supervise so strictly, do you? To talk about human rights, we should have personal privacy!!"

However, Little Green's protest finally disappeared into the stare of mung beans. It seems that Xiaolu should become a little better for a long time in the future, right? Of course, the premise is that he doesn't want to exercise well with mung beans.

After returning to the room, Wu Linger sighed and fell to look at the ceiling. Now the curtains of the room have not been opened, and the white sunlight outside can't penetrate the curtain, so Wu Linger fell down to ** and looked at the starry sky on the ceiling in a daze. After a while, she found that there was one more beside her. Individual: "Brother Win?!! When did you come in?"

"When you are in a daze!" Brother Win sighed and reached out to hold Wu Linger in his arms: "What are you thinking about?"

"No! I'm just thinking about when I can live a quiet life!" Wu Linger shrank into Brother Win's arms tiredly. This fragile appearance is rare for her, and Brother Win is even more distressed: "Don't think too much! Believe me, soon you will be bored to shout and go around hunting!"

Hearing Brother Win's last words, Wu Linger raised her head from Brother Win's chest with a smile: "Sure enough, Brother Win, you know me best. If it's someone else's words, you will only say don't worry, I will accompany you, and I will protect you or something!"

With his chin on Wu Linger's head, Brother Ying's deep and slightly personality laughter overflowed from his throat: "Believe me, there is no one in the world who knows you better than me!"

"No, there may be people in the world who know me better than Brother Win, but they can't know what I think and what I need like you! Because they don't care or won't think about my feelings at all!" Wu Linger gently put her face on Yingge's slightly icy skin: "Brother Ying!" Without talking more, Wu Linger just hugged Brother Win. Brother Win gently patted her on the back: "Don't think too much. Sleep for a while. It'll be fine when you wake up!"

"No wonder, there are so many things to do after waking up!" She muttered softly, but Wu Linger quietly closed her eyes. After a while, her calm breathing came.

Brother Win was relieved to find that Wu Linger had fallen asleep. Although he didn't know what the letter was written, Wu Linger was obviously in a bad mood today after reading the letter. She just didn't want everyone to worry, so she pretended to be just now.

Thinking of this, Brother Win sighed gently, reached out and touched Wu Linger's head: "Sleep, at least, in your dream, you can temporarily forget these things and happily flirt with the handsome man."

Sure enough, Wu Linger, who was still very quiet just now, has made a laugh: "Handsome man, let's discuss your personal ideals..."

Hearing Wu Linger's ten thousand years of dream, Brother Ying smiled bitterly and said, "This is really like you!" After saying that, he gently blocked Wu Linger's claws and gently hugged her: "Have a good sleep!" Stop opening your teeth and claws in your dreams!"

After sleeping until dinner, Wu Linger slowly opened her eyes and sat up. When she saw Brother Win sitting on the window sill enjoying the sunset, she couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, I knew I was dreaming!"

"Wake up?" Brother Win heard Wu Linger's voice and looked back at her: "When you wake up, go down to eat something and exercise, or you will really become a relative of the second brother!"

Wu Linger was angry and said, "Bah, now the second brother is more expensive than the master. There are more people who robbed him! If I become his relative, maybe I can be worth a hundred times!"

Brother Win looked up and down and shook his head: "Tut, I don't know if it will be worth a hundred times, but ten times the weight is really possible!"

Wu Linger grabbed a pillow and smashed it: "Brother Ying, can't you be gentle to me like in a dream?"


After seeing Brother Win's doubtful expression, Wu Linger's face blushed slightly: "I dreamed that Brother Win is worried about me and comforting me while sleeping in your arms, saying that in my dream, I can temporarily forget those annoying things and happily flirt with handsome men. He also said that I am the real me! I also want to stop dancing my teeth and claws to the handsome man in my dream, so as not to scare away the handsome man in my dream!"

After hearing Wu Linger's words, Brother Win was stunned and then looked at Wu Linger: "Woman, it's not dark yet. Wake up when you are full!" You can eat more, and you can do less daydreams!"

Wu Linger stood up discouraged and said, "I knew that you could never be so gentle to me! I despise Brother Win, you are a big bad guy!!" After saying that, she ran into the bathroom.

Looking at the closed door of the bathroom, Brother Ying smiled bitterly: "Are you a bad guy? Is it possible?" Obviously, he likes Wu Linger so much, but he can't convey his heart to her well. The only thing he can do is to fight with her as usual.

"Brother Win, have you got up?" Xiaohua knocked on the door gently. Brother Win quickly went over and opened the door: "She's up. She's in the bathroom. What's the matter?" If it's okay, Xiaohua won't disturb Wu Linger's sleep.

Sure enough, Xiaohua hesitated for a moment and said, "In the afternoon, Ye Tian answered a phone call and went out. I haven't replied until now. I'm a little worried!"