Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 95 Sell all of you to bottles

Chapter 95 Sell all of you to bottles

After listening to Qin Xiaojing's words, Brother Win had a headache: "It seems that Elder Bai did something to Xiaohua, and then pushed everything on Ling'er. If Ling Er knew this, I'm afraid..."

"The world is in chaos!!" These four words coincidentally appeared in everyone's hearts. The killing of everyone remembered what Xiaohua said just now: "I'm the last straw to crush Linger!" If Wu Linger knows about this, I'm afraid she will really go crazy because she can't stand this fact.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian said, "Is there any way... to get this matter through?"

Brother Ying shook his head: "Come to Amber and Li!! Ling'er came later and only said that Xiaohua... I have something to do, so I have to leave for a while.

"What can make him leave Linger at this time?" Xiao Tuo opened the door angrily and looked at Brother Win.

Brother Win after thinking about it, he said, "There is a way!"

"What can I do?"

"Xiaohua was beaten back to her original shape because of a woman. Do you remember this?" Brother Ying looked at Xiao Tuo. I remember that it was in France when I said this, but... was Xiao Tuo there? Brother Win's memory found that his memory of the original situation had become blurred. It seemed that after staying with Wu Linger, he stayed with everyone every day. A lot of things happened, and he kept meeting different people. Life was really rich and overwhelming.

After discovering that everyone in the room was confused, Brother Ying continued: "Xiaohua was once saved by that woman, so if it was about that woman, he might leave. Ling'er would also believe this excuse!!"

Qin Xiao nodded: "Okay, I understand. I just told Ling Er that Xiaohua's departure is related to his former life-saving benefactor, okay?"

Brother Win nodded: "Enough, Ling Er will guess other things by herself!" After thinking about it for a while, Brother Ying said, "Xiao Tuo, is Xiaohua's screen snow still at home?"

Xiao Tuo nodded and pointed to Xiaohua's room: "It's still there!"

Brother Win looked at Xiaobei, and Xiaobei smiled faintly: "I understand! I'm in charge of keeping it for the time being!"

When Wu Linger came downstairs, the coffee Jizai and the little green beans also came back, and the mung beans brought back her favorite bamboo shoots for Wu Linger: "Linger, are you hungry? I'll cook right away!"

"I'm fine! Mung beans, don't be busy! Brother Win, what's going on with Xiaohua?

Brother Win threw a wonton noodles in front of Wu Linger: "Speak while eating!" The frozen bamboo shoots are a little cold. Let's eat it after eating noodles!"

Maybe she was really hungry, and Wu Linger did not object. She picked up the bowl and ate while looking at Brother Win: "Say it, what's wrong with Xiaohua?"

Brother Win smiled faintly: "What do you think can make Xiaohua leave you at this time?"

Wu Linger lowered her head and ate noodles. After thinking for a while, she raised her head and said, "There can only be two situations!" Xiao Tuo, is Ping Xue still at home?

Xiao Tuo shook his head: "Xiaohua took Pingxue and his body away!"

After hearing Xiao Tuo's words, Wu Linger paused: "I knew it! That's not the reason. He won't leave me at this time, will he? It should be... Xiaohua found out what had happened to her, so she had to protect her, right? Then I was afraid of causing trouble to me now, so I decided to leave and face it alone! This child is good at everything, but his mind is too heavy, and he likes to carry everything alone!" After saying that, she put down the noodle bowl in her hand: "I'm full! Go up and have a rest first!"

After Wu Linger went upstairs, Brother Ying put away the noodle bowl she had only eaten two bites. Mung bean reached out and took the noodle bowl: "I'll do it. You go and accompany her first!"

Brother Win nodded: "Please!!"

He went upstairs, gently pushed open Wu Linger's door, and looked at Wu Linger lying **. Brother Ying sighed gently, kicked off his shoes and went to bed, and gently held her in his arms: "If you are sad, you will cry!!"

"Leaving is Xiaohua's choice. I'm not sad. I'm just... worried!" He buried his face in Brother Ying's arms, and tears fell down with disappointment: "Brother Ying, I'm very worried about Xiaohua. How he escaped from Elder Bai and how he was injured. He left without explanation, and even... I don't know if she will be a trap of the spiritual clan! Brother Win, I'm really worried about Xiaohua! Unlike coffee, coffee has survived in your world. Even if there is only one person, coffee can take care of itself, but Xiaohua has never left us since she became a human form! Is it really okay for him to be alone now?

Gently stroked Wu Linger's long hair, and Brother Win said, "Don't worry, Xiaohua can even take good care of you. How can she not take good care of himself? You know, the whole family, no, it should be said that you are the most troublesome in the world. Maybe Xiaohua can live a more comfortable life without you!"

As Brother Win expected, Wu Linger in her arms poked Brother Win's chest with her fingers with dissatisfaction: "Hey, what do you mean? Don't go too much! Am I very bad?"

"Who said you were poor? If you are bad, can you cause so much trouble? Brother Win smiled lowly: "But thanks to you, I find that the six years I have lived with you are more wonderful than the 600 years I have lived there!"

"Six years! How time flies!" Wu Linger huddled in Brother Ying's arms and said softly, "Six years ago, Brother Win was still such a small piece, but now you have become a man you can rely on!"

"Even if I'm an earthworm, I'm worth relying on, okay?" Brother Win patted Wu Linger's head angrily: "Well, if you want to help Xiaohua, rest early and leave the matter of the spirit clan to the spirit clan to solve!" With Amber and Li Ban, even if the surname is Bai, he dares not embarras Xiaohua! In this way, you should be relieved!!"

Wu Linger nodded gently: "Now, that's the only way to think! It's the best way to solve the problem in my hand first, and then help Xiaohua! But... Now that Elder Bai is doing this, I suspect that he is the one who cursed the children of the witch elders!"

Brother Win nodded: "This matter, when you fall asleep, I will contact Amber and ask him to find a way to check the Bai! If so, maybe you don't need to use your spiritual power to unlock the curse. After all, the old man Li Tianzuo doesn't know what he is calculating now! It's best that you can retain some strength!"

It's okay not to mention the old man Li Tianzuo. When Brother Win mentioned it, Wu Linger suddenly sat up and said, "Brother Win, do you think it's a little strange?"

"Strange?" When Wu Linger said this, Brother Win was shocked: "You mean..."

Wu Linger nodded and said, "Everything happened so strangely and coincidentally! Why did these things happen after Julingzhu got it and before... woke up my father? And many of these things seem to be aimed at weakening my strength! Don't you think it's too strange?"

Brother Win nodded: "If the witches and spirits are all calculated by him, then... it can only be said that he is too calculating, and what he wants to do, no matter who, no matter what happens, I'm afraid there is no way to stop it!"

"Block?" Wu Linger sneered and looked back at Brother Win: "Why stop him? If he did all these things, I'm looking forward to what kind of program he arranged for me!"

When Wu Linger found that she was a little hairy, Brother Ying patted her on the head: "No matter how you play, you can have fun by taking care of your body! Now, sleep well! Then we will be with you no matter how you want to play!!" After saying that, he lay down with Wu Linger in his arms.

Fat down in Brother Win's arms, Wu Linger slowly closed her eyes: "Will you really... stay with me all the time?"

"Hmm! Really! Until you are annoyed with us and don't want to see us again, we will always be with you, annoying you and making you poor!"

"Well, I'm not afraid! Sell you to bottles, and you will earn back as much as you eat..." Wu Linger muttered with dissatisfaction in her arms, but fell asleep because she was too tired.

Looking at Wu Linger in his arms, Brother Win sighed softly: "Don't worry, I will never leave you!!" With a gentle kiss on Wu Linger's forehead, Brother Ying got up and left the room.

When he came to the living room, Brother Win looked at Xiaolu and Coffee: "You two accompany Linger and stare at her, and don't leave at a step! Remember, she learned the art of escape from Xiaobei! Don't let her go to the garden!"