Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 100 The Promise of Witch Pets

Chapter 100 The Promise of Witch Pets


Although it has not been updated, there are still quite a lot of words!

Looking forward to bringing the little flowers back!


After thinking for a moment, Shi Zhijun only felt cold all over his body. He immediately looked at Brother Win: "Please, for the safety of all of us, please be sure to bring back the guy from the house!" Otherwise, this family..." With that, Shi Zhijun couldn't help having a cold war. Thinking about what Wu Linger did in Chicago was a headache, not to mention that after this year, her level of causing trouble has increased a lot.

Brother Win grabbed the bloody cloth and sneered: "Don't worry, there will be no one in this family!"

Li Ban thought for a moment and said, "I don't care how you deal with Lao Bai! But I hope you don't make it too difficult for others! As for this side, I will keep it at night to ensure that nothing will happen again.

"Your guarantee is really reassuring!" Xiaolu looked at the sky with a smile: "It's getting late, mung beans, let's cook dinner!" We will have dinner later!"

The mung bean nodded: "Okay!"

Just as the mung bean brought the cooked food to the table, the door of the room where Wu Linger was lying was opened: "It smells so good. You are too much to steal it while I fall asleep! No wonder I don't get fat. It turns out that all the delicious food has been eaten by you!"

Seeing Wu Linger holding the wall with a pale face, she completely looked like she would faint at any time. Brother Ying stared at her and was about to get angry, but Xiaolu walked to Wu Linger with a smile: "Wh whether a woman is beautiful or not has nothing to do with fat and thin! Although some people are thin, they still have a perfect figure. Like you, even if you get fat, it's just from the eldest brother to the second brother. There is no difference!! However, if you don't lie down obediently, I guess you are not even qualified to become the second brother, but will only become Mrs. White Bone!"

"Bah, you are a white bone spirit!" Wu Linger grabbed Xiaolu's arm and leaned on him: "Is there something good going on?"

"Good thing...of course there is!!" Xiaolu touched her chin and looked at Wu Linger: "Of course, it's a good thing for us to calm down a guy who always causes us in trouble!" You can calm down, you don't have to quarrel, you don't have to fight, you don't have to pollute your eyes, you don't need to..."

Wu Linger angrily gave Xiaolu an elbow, but this action involved the wound on her arm. Suddenly, she covered the wound and bent down. The next second, Xiao Lv picked her up and said, "Can't you take good care of yourself? You make yourself hurt every day. Don't you know that there is no epidemic now!! And after using the same method too much, everyone will be immune!!"

Shrinking in Xiaolu's arms, Wu Linger gasped gently: "If you bully me less, I will hurt less!"

Gently put Wu Linger in a clean**. Xiaolu gently covered her with a thin blanket and gently stroked Wu Linger's head. Xiaolu said with a smile, "Since I arrived at this house, someone has been warning me not to treat you too gently, otherwise you don't know what it is! So, from the beginning, I have been crushing you to death, lest you jump on my head and bully me!!"

"I don't have..."

Little Green gently pressed one finger on Wu Linger's lips: "Shh! Listen to me quietly! You just need to nod and shake your head! OK?"

After thinking about it, Wu Linger nodded. Xiaolu looked at Wu Linger with satisfaction and said, "Ling'er wants to live with us all the time, right?"

Wu Linger nodded!

Xiao Lv continued: "Ling'er wants to live with us healthily, right? When you don't want to go somewhere to play, you can't do it because you are in poor health, right? You know, your dream is to see all kinds of handsome men and beautiful women in the world and stay in one place, but you can't achieve this goal!"

After thinking about it, Wu Linger nodded again.

"So, Linger, are we trustworthy?"

Without any hesitation, Wu Linger nodded quickly.

"Well, leave the matter to us! Ling Er just needs to stay at home to recover from her injury and wait for us to bring back your naughty son, okay?

Under Xiao Lu's expectant eyes, Wu Linger hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

Seeing that Wu Linger had agreed, Xiao Lv stretched out his little finger to her: "Then, make an agreement! You stay at home and have a good rest. We promise to bring your good son back!"

Wu Linger stretched out her little finger and hooked her little green little finger before saying, "Xiaohua is my brother, brother! It's not my son now!!"

"Actually, basically, I think he is better when you are your son!! Don't you think so?" After reaching out and scraping Wu Linger's nose, Xiaolu stood up and said, "Don't worry, mung bean will bring your dinner later. Make yourself into a second brother early, at least it will feel better when hugs you!"

"Bad little green, big perky!!" Although Wu Linger was smiling, tears flowed down: "You guys should also protect yourself. No one can get hurt! Did you hear that?

Little Green gave Wu Linger a reassuring smile: "You should be relieved when you think about where we came from. Don't compare us with a rookie like you and a fool like Xiaohua!!"

"Bah, if you discriminate against birds again, beware of Ji Zai and you!!" Maybe she was really tired, and Wu Linger slowly closed her eyes.

Gently closed the door, and there was no smile on Xiaolu's face: "Did you all hear what Ling Er said just now?"

"We are not deaf!" After saying that, Brother Ying put down the bowl and picked up the coffee he was still eating: "Let's go!"

Coffee protested dissatisfiedly with a chicken leg in his hand: "I'm not full yet!!"

Little Green stretched out his hand and grabbed the chicken leg in his hand of the coffee: "Let's keep your stomach and eat the midnight snack made by flowers at night!!"

"Little flower?! Yes, why did I forget this? Coffee no longer cares that his chicken leg was robbed by Xiao Lv, and happily ran out with Brother Win.

Seeing that the door was closed, Shi Zhijun turned his head and looked at the mung bean: "Don't you feel sad?"

The mung bean smiled faintly: "The food made by Xiaohua is better than me! I have nothing to be sad about! Besides..." At this point, mung beans glanced at the people in the room: "It's really not easy to cook so many people's meals every day. If someone helps me share it, I will be very happy!"

When Mung Bean said this, everyone immediately realized that in addition to the eight people killed, there were also ghosts, as well as Wu Linger and her five witch pets, Xiaohua and Luo Zhili, plus Amber, who occasionally came to eat. In this house, cooking three meals a day is enough. The head is big, not to mention that some people eat a lot, such as coffee, some people have a particularly picky taste, such as Jizai and Xiaolu, and pregnant women who eat a lot of meals, although they don't eat a lot of meals. Thinking about this, Shi Zhijun, who is also a chef, is a little embarrassed. Recently, they stayed in the witch family to protect Wu Linger, but in fact, they were protected by Wu Linger and her witch pets, and they had to cook for themselves...

"Well... From tomorrow, I will also help mung beans cook with you!" Shi Zhijun belongs to that kind of activist: "No, from tonight, leave the midnight snack to me!"

"Basically, if Xiaohua is brought back, he will do the midnight snack. If you really want to do it, let's help us tomorrow!" As Mung Bean began to clean up the tableware, he said to Shi Zhijun, "Or, can I ask you to prepare dinner for Miss Linger now? Although she was injured, because she usually eats a heavy taste, so..."

Shi Zhijun quickly stood up: "I know. I'll go to the kitchen to see what ingredients there are."

No matter what the wizard Zhijun is preparing for Wu Linger, Brother Win and others have driven quickly to a place.

At the foot of a mountain, Brother Win stopped the car: "From here, we are going to walk!" After crossing the mountain, everyone can see clearly every step I have taken and must not go wrong, otherwise tonight's plan may fail completely. At that time, not only will we not be able to save the flowers, but we may all fall into it.

"I know, it's a lot!" Ji Zai looked at the mountain in front of him impatiently. Hearing what Brother Win said, Xiaohua should be behind the mountain. In the witch family, the best relationship with him is Xiaohua. Of course, there is a dead woman, and her relationship is barely good! Now that Xiaohua has such a thing, Ji Zai is also worried. It would be best to take him back quickly.