Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 23 Guardian Heart

Chapter 23 Guardian Heart

Looking at the little flowers and Jizai coffee that rushed over, Wu Linger sighed: "Mung beans, cloth boundary!"

After the mung bean cloth finished the boundary, Xiaohua made up a small boundary. Seeing the appearance of Wu Linger and Xiaohua, everyone vaguely understood that this matter was not as simple as they thought before.

After confirming that the surroundings were safe, Wu Linger told what she had just felt and the process of communicating with Li Tianyou.

After hearing Wu Linger's statement, everyone's eyebrows frowned gently. The current situation seems that Li Tianyou refused to wake up for some reason, and even willing to let the black silk-like thing wear away his true element little by little until he died. What happened to make him a trueist, Ning Can you give up your skills and your favorite wife and daughter?

Coffee thought for a moment and said, "Is it because those black silks make him helpless and his skills have retreated? For practitioners, it is the most painful and horrible thing for all the skills to be cut off, right?

Mung Bean shook his head: "If so, then he should respond to Linger's words and accept our help!" But according to Ling Er's feeling, he even refused Ling Er's help!"

"Damn, what the hell is this guy thinking? Are smart people's heads strange? He doesn't want to live well, but he would rather be such a living dead person. Is he sick? The coffee punched the coffee table angrily, and the sound made scared everyone. Wu Linger stared at the coffee fiercely: "Be quiet!!"

When Wu Linger yelled at him, the coffee suddenly ran aside depressedly to draw circles.

I ignored the circled coffee. Wu Linger leaned on the sofa and rubbed her temples: "If we go on like this, aren't we in vain? If he doesn't want to wake up, even if I remove the black silk that binds his Yuanying, he won't wake up, will he?

Brother Win thought for a moment and sat next to Wu Linger: "Since you said he reacted to you, then continue to find a way to communicate with him tomorrow!" However, don't talk about it! Now I'm not sure if he will have anything to do with your uncle's become like this, so if your body can stand it, try to communicate consciously.

Wu Linger is full of fire. Even Brother Win's advice doesn't want to listen: "Don't pay attention to him. He will sleep if he likes to sleep! It's none of my business to sleep! We will go back tomorrow! Why should I pay attention to this kind of person? What is the reason for the hardships I suffered this year? This guy lies there comfortably, but I'm working hard. What on earth am I for?

Thinking about this year, when I met strange killers, were shot, kidnapped, attacked by vampires, framed, fought with pagan gods, played biochemical crisis with terrorists, and even fought with dragons, the elders of the witches, dark witches, and spiritual guys, all this. Usually, I still feel that it doesn't matter, but now that all the things have accumulated, Wu Linger has an impulse to cry.

Everyone is with Wu Linger. Of course, they know these things. When they see Wu Linger's expression, they can't help but feel more distressed. Brother Win gently held Wu Linger in his arms: "Cry if you want to cry!! There is nothing to be embarrassed about!"

Being held by Brother Ying, Wu Linger couldn't help crying: "Why? Why did he know it was me or refused to wake up? Am I really nothing to him? Did he really intend to abandon my daughter from the beginning? What I saw when I got drunk was actually just my own hallucination, right? He doesn't care about me at all!! He doesn't want me!!"

Listening to Wu Linger's almost heartbreaking crying, Brother Win only felt a burst of heartache, but now, the only thing he can do is to hold Wu Linger hard and comfort her in this way.

The whole room was quiet, just quietly listening to Wu Linger's sad crying and looking at her body trembling with crying.

Finally, the coffee couldn't stand it: "I'll sue! Don't care about this bullshit! Ling Er! We will go back tomorrow!! You can rest assured as your writer. I'd like to see who dares to touch you with us!!"

"Stupid cat, shut up!!" Although Ji Zai also wants to let go of her hand like this, Wu Linger has suffered for more than a year, and from now on, she will deny herself even more!

Xiao Lv pulled out of Brother Win's arms angrily: "Crying, is it useless to cry?! Who are you suffering from those bullshit things this year? Since he makes you unhappy, don't make him comfortable! Go and tell him all the hardships you have suffered since you were a child without your parents! Tell him all the hardships you have suffered in this year to save him! Tell him that in order to save him, Li Tianzuo has tormented you like this. If he doesn't wake up, Li Tianzuo will continue to to tosss you like this! He is not afraid that he will continue to sleep after playing with your little life!! If he says this, he won't listen to it! Linger, I will help you solve everything!!"

Wu Linger, who was roared by Xiao Lv and roared dizzy, had forgotten to cry. She looked at Xiao Lv stupidly: "Solution?!"

"No matter whether you live or die, Li Tianzuo has abandoned you for a long time. You don't need to pay attention to such a relative. They don't deserve your relatives at all! In order not to bother you again, I will make them all disappear from this world! In the future, no one will bother you. You just need to be your otaku, code your words, and send your nymphomaniac!!" Speaking of this, Xiaolu squatted down so that Wu Linger could look at herself: "Linger, since you came out, they have not taken any responsibility for you, never taken care of you, accompanied you, or comforted you! They only appear when they need you. Such people don't deserve to be your family! You have done a good job. You have paid enough for them. If they really don't care about you, then you don't have to care about them anymore!! You know, you are not alone, you are not abandoned! You still have us, and the group of friends, Qin Xiaojing, Ye Tian, Xiao Tuo and Liu Jingping. Aren't they all your family? If you are not good enough, why do you have so many people around you to protect you regardless of life and death?

"I..." Wu Linger opened her mouth, but finally didn't say anything. She just hugged Xiao Lv and cried again. However, this time, unlike just now, everyone could feel that these were tears that took off the burden of her heart. This was because of the tears of happiness guarded by someone around her.

After a while, Wu Linger finally stopped crying: "Hate, why are you all looking at me? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman cry?!"

"Beauty? Where is it? As soon as the witch beauty turned around, she scared a cow to death. The witch beauty turned around, and the water of the Yangtze River was going back! The witch beauty turned around three times, and all the boys jumped off the building! The witch beauty turned around, and the comet was about to hit the earth!" After saying these words, Xiao Lu jumped away with a quick smile.

Wu Linger's fist was empty, and she suddenly looked at the mung bean pitifully: "Little Doudou, your little green bullied me!!"

I only saw the corners of the mung bean's mouth twitching reluctantly: "Ling Er, I will educate him well!!"

"Well, you don't have to show mercy! Don't give me face, fiercely and profoundly educate him!!" After saying that, Wu Linger looked proudly at the little green with a bitter face and a happy face.

Xiaohua said to Wu Linger at this time: "Linger, I think Xiaolu is right. If he reacts to your consciousness, you can try to talk to him. Whether you are angry or sad, say everything you should be said to him. Maybe he will finally communicate with you and tell you why he is doing this. ? As far as I know, practitioners will not give up themselves so easily. Maybe he has a reason to do so!"

"What about it?" Hearing Xiaohua's words, Wu Linger still looked unconvinced.

Mung Bean said aside, "If I stay by Ling'er's side, it will definitely bring you great danger, then no matter how much I want to stay by your side, I will definitely choose to leave. If my life will put Ling Er's life in danger, then I would rather die! Ling Er, compared with staying around the closest people, the kind of heart that must be guarded is the most important! If you communicate with him, you might as well tell him this. Maybe he will tell you why he did this in the end. After all... You are his daughter, and you also have the right to choose!!"