Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 53 Mutation

Chapter 53 Mutation


Why do you think it's almost over?

I'm a famous stepmother butterfly!

Oh hehe~~

Let's be patient, at least, it won't end next week~~


Just now, everyone has killed nearly 100 disciples with initial cultivation. Although they have not reached the Jiedan period, they are also the basic strength of the Li family. They have lost so much at once. If they are re-cultivated, it will take a long time. If we lose these 20 masters of the Dan period in front of us, there will only be eight masters in the integration period left in the Li family. These masters will really make the Li family a little embarrassed.

Xiaohua's self-confidence: "I'll deal with three, and you can share the rest!!" Of the four people, Xiaohua's strength is only slightly higher than that of Ji Zai, but if Ji Zai joins up with coffee, his strength will be several times stronger. Coupled with the strength of Brother Win, it is not difficult for the three of them to deal with the remaining 17 people.

is also confident in Win Brother and Coffee, so Xiaohua can safely throw the heavy burden on them.

Coffee and Ji Zai smiled evilly: " earthworms, we will deal with these ten, and leave the remaining seven to you. Is that okay?"

"Let's talk about it when you can eat!!" After saying that, Brother Win has rushed to those enemies.

Just look at the battle circle, the petals, fire, the sound of the wind and the sound of fists. Unlike the ease just now, this battle is obviously much more difficult than just now, and the battle lasted for ten minutes. At the end of the battle, Xiaohua maintained the usual refreshing appearance of the flower demon. Brother Win did not have too many expressions on his face, but still smiled faintly, while Coffee and Ji Zai had more or less injuries, but their expressions did not seem to be serious.

Standing behind Wu Linger again, Wu Linger ordered, "Xiaohua, wrap the wound for coffee and Ji Zai!"

"No, this little injury, just lick it!"

"Dead cat, get out of here, I don't want to leave a scar!"

Still ignored the noise behind her, Wu Linger looked at Li Tianzuo: "Do you want to continue? My father remembers that you still have eight masters in the integration period, right? This wheel battle has consumed a lot of the strength of my witch pets. If you are not afraid that the Li family will no longer have a master to sit in the battle, you can let them out! As long as you can bear the consequences!"

"What on earth do you want?" After losing 20 children of the Dan period, even Li Tianzuo couldn't help but be furious: "Are you really going to challenge our Li family with the strength of the six of them?"

Facing Li Tianzuo's anger, Wu Linger just smiled faintly: "Give up your ridiculous plan, swear that you will never take action against me and the people around me, and resign from the position of head of the Li family. In this case, that's all for today, otherwise, I don't mind continuing to play with you! You only have two choices, promise or die!"

Domineering, this is the only feeling of Wu Linger. In the face of Li Tianzuo, a large number of enemies, and the aggressive momentum of masters, Wu Linger not only did not have a trace of fear, but even faintly felt the pressure on the other party.

Maybe he was scared by Wu Linger's abnormal momentum, Li Tianzuo was stunned, and his twinkling eyes showed his hesitant heart at this moment.

At this time, Brother Ying suddenly shook his body, but he reached out to hold the little green beside him: "Ling Er, someone is controlling the witch power in our bodies." Among all the witch pets, only he is not completely composed of witch power, so he is the least affected. In this way, he has a feeling that he is about to stand unsteady, let alone others.

Seeing Brother Win's appearance, Li Tianzuo's sneer returned to his face: "What? Have you been playing for too long and running out of strength?

In the face of Li Tianzuo's ridicule, Wu Linger just shouted: "Wu Chen, Wu Ming, don't move! I will find the secretly haunted witch traitor, and you just need to guard the back!!" After saying that, she pulled out the hairpin on her head and broke it hard: "Looking for foreign aid? I will, too!!"

The air around Wu Linger suddenly appeared water-like ripples, and one foot stepped out of the ripples. The next moment, Wu Lou had appeared beside Wu Linger: "Linger, I'm coming!" After saying that, she pulled her hand and pulled another person out: "It's all here. What's wrong with you?"

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her, Wu Linger sighed: "Aunt Yue!"

Wu Yue took a look at the witch pet beside Wu Linger and said to Wu Lou, "Lou, it's up to you!"

Wu Lou smiled faintly: "Just in time, I want to know who is playing tricks in the witch clan!" After saying that, she flew into mid-air. In a short time, she flew in one direction like a meteor.

Seeing Li Tianzuo's face stink, Wu Linger smiled and said, "What else is there? Please feel free to use it. I will follow today!! By the way, shall I introduce it to you? This is the manager of the dark witch in the witch clan, the wife of the great elder of the witch clan, Wu Yue. The one who just flew to arrest people is the elder witch building who is in charge of the punishment!"

As soon as Wu Linger's words fell, Brother Win and others have returned to normal, while Wu Lou flew back with a man: " Elder Xuan, very good, I think after the matter is over, we can talk about why you are here in the Wu clan!!"

Without looking at Wu Xuan's pale face, Wu Linger just looked at Li Tianzuo: "I want to tell you that the elder Bai of the Ling clan has died in the hands of Xiaohua. If you are waiting for him, you don't have to wait any longer. But if you really miss the spiritual people, I don't mind calling Amber and Li Ban here for you. Maybe they will be happy to have a drink with you?"

How is it possible? How can you be with them..."

Seeing Li Tianzuo's disbelief, Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders: "I have a better character than you, so they are willing to make friends with me. What's wrong? Unconvinced? Bite me? But it's a pity that you are not a dog! It's not a dog demon!!"


"What are you? Didn't you expect it? Find so many enemies for me, want to weaken me, so that it is convenient to control me in the end! What about the end?" Wu Linger looked at Li Tianzuo coldly: "Don't threaten me, because I don't accept any threats!! The strength of the Li family is indeed very strong, but my current strength is not something you can under look at! Whether it's a fight or dealing with others afterwards! Yes, I have relatives and friends. Don't your Li family have them? If you dare to do anything to me, I don't mind doing anything to the innocent people of the Li family!"

Hearing Wu Linger's words, Li Tianzuo's eyes narrowed gently: "Don't forget, you are also from the Li family! Do you want to do something to your family?

As if hearing the funniest joke in the world, Wu Linger suddenly laughed, and the people around her also laughed together. This smile was out of control, and Wu Linger laughed so much that she bent down. Looking at her painful smile, Nalan Piaoping really couldn't stand it. She stepped forward and held Wu Linger: "Okay, just laugh. Look at you, tears come out of tears!" I'm worried that I'll laugh later!"

Wu Linger looked at Li Tianzuo's furious appearance in Nalan Piaoping's arms and almost laughed again, but in the end, she tried her best to resist: "Old Li, my surname is Wu! It has nothing to do with your bullshit Li family!"


"If you want to say innocence, won't the people around me be innocent? Am I not innocent? Isn't my mother innocent? Isn't my father innocent? Isn't the teacher who was seriously injured for your unworthy apprentice innocent? Every time Wu Linger asked a question, the faces of the Li family looked ugly.

But Wu Linger seemed to have not seen it at all: "I don't know what's right and wrong, do it for the tiger, and help Zhou to abuse! Such a person is not a pity to die! When they stand on your side, they must be prepared to pay the price. Even if I die, their relatives will be hunted down endlessly until the Li family is completely erased from the world!!

Such a bloody pursuit order came from Wu Linger's mouth, which had to surprise everyone. Since then, they also knew how Wu Linger would become a person once she was forced into a desperate situation. Wu He and Wu Yue did not have any accident about this. At the beginning, Wu Linger escaped from the witch clan. In the face of the threat of Wu Xiang and Wu Jue, she was equally cruel to herself and her friends.

Just as Wu Linger looked at Li Tianzuo hatefully, suddenly put a sharp blade on her neck: "Miss Linger, I'm sorry!"

Wu Linger only felt as if she had been splashed from head to toe by a basin of ice water: "Sister Nalan?!"

"Nalan, are you crazy? What are you doing?" Suddenly, he found that Nalan had kidnapped Wu Linger. Ye Tian rushed over anxiously, but Nalan turned around with Wu Linger and faced everyone and turned his back to the Li family: "Ye Tian, stop!!"

Ye Tian was pulled by Xiao Lu: "Don't move, she is serious!"

Just this turn, Wu Linger's neck has been cut, and the red blood is flowing out of the wound, but it does not flow down, but is slowly absorbed by the dagger.

Everyone stopped when they found this. Wu Linger regained her composure after the initial panic: "Ji Zai!"

"What are you doing?"

"From now on, every drop of blood flowing from me will be burned! If I can't escape, they won't get any benefits! Also, if I am dragged back to the mansion by them, you know how to do it! I want you to promise that I won't even have any scum left!"


"Ji Zai!!"

"I... promise!" As soon as Ji Zai's words fell, Wu Linger only felt a burning pain from the wound on her neck. Needless to think about it, Ji Zai had sealed the wound with fire.

Wu Linger, who found this, suddenly smiled: "Ji Zai, I'm sorry!"

"Nalan!" Li Tianzuo snorted coldly. Nalan did not hesitate. He stabbed Wu Linger's back fiercely. As soon as the blood beads brought by the tip of the knife touched the air, they were immediately burned without a trace by unknown heat.

She endured the severe pain of the wound on her back, but Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "Li Tianzuo, you can't compare with me! Because you are not cruel enough, because you dare not be cruel to yourself! You will lose this game! President Sun, take everyone away! If I die here today, I will ask you to retaliate against the Li family and completely erase the Li family from the world!!"