Breaking all obstacles

Chapter 127 Mysterious Golden Lotus

Although Zhang Longbao is surrounded by a black and white whirlpool, it is difficult for others to attack him, but his hands can't move, so he can only suck Li Changkong's right fist and limit his attack power! This time, at the moment when he saw Li Changkong and Ye Xuanyang's hard fight, his eyes flashed, and the black and white armor helmet was covered with strange patterns. The small thrust surrounded by black and white became bigger and longer. With his head down, Zhang Longbao stabbed Li Changkong fiercely! Just because of the length, I can only attack the sucked right fist!

At this time, a small deep mouth appeared in Li Changkong's right fist with golden light. Blood flew across, and Li Changkong was about to crack! I didn't expect that with my high-level strength now, I would suffer losses in the hands of this group of children!

But Ye Xuanyang would not let him react. The heat wave hit, shining with a fiery red light, and the green dragon sword like a red iron cone stabbed Li Changkong's chest fiercely!

With a harsh sound, Ye Xuanyang said in his heart that it was not good! The Qinglong Sword was suddenly again, and Ye Xuanyang took advantage of the opportunity to fly back! However, it's too late!

"Are you still the former Li Changkong? Go to hell!" Suddenly, with a roar, Li Changkong's clothes were burst open, and a dazzling golden light flashed, which was the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. Ye Xuanyang suddenly turned back and saw that the black and white whirlpool around Zhang Longbao had exploded, and his whole body was heavily thrown to the ground. At the same time, Ye Xuanyang only felt a suction from the Qinglong Sword, and Ye Xuanyang, who was about to fly back, was pulled directly to Li Changkong! At this time, Li Changkong was almost naked, all unconsciously, with a ferocious face, and a small golden lotus quickly rotated on his head, blooming with dazzling brilliance! With Li Changkong as the center, a golden whirlpool was also the first to see the clue. The injured right palm tightly held the green dragon sword and pulled Ye Xuanyang over!

Seeing this, Ye Xuanyang's head was numb. This guy's strength has soared! Besides, what the hell is that golden lotus flower? This is troublesome! Thinking about it, his body was non-stop, and his feet kicked over, and the sound of several meat weight hits. Ye Xuanyang let go of the green dragon sword and fell far to the ground. He staggered and his feet were numb! Ye Xuanyang's heart was cruel, and Feng Lingbaojian appeared again, not to Li Changkong, but to Zhang Longbao, who had just landed and rushed up to kill Zhang Longbao!

Seeing Feng Ling Baojian appear again, Li Changkong shouted cautiously, but he quickly approached Ye Xuanyang with an unspecified trajectory. Although Fengling Baojian doesn't seem to be right for himself, this thing is too strange. It is more magical than the function of his moon white sword, and it is also a transparent light, which is completely invisible. Once it is exposed, it will suffer a lot. For this point, Feng Ling, who was once been sealed by Fengling Baojian Li Changkong, who was illuminated by Guanghua, was empathetic! Last time, if it hadn't been for this spiritual treasure book, how could I have been so embarrassed and humiliated by the mysterious high-levelbi, and finally escaped crazily, even discarding the moon white sword and body ball refined with the star gold sacrifice! Thinking of this, Li Changkong's eyes were full of resentment.

At this time, Bi Cang is still fighting with several other Xuan-level Hengshan disciples with his flexible body and two unknown daggers that have been sacrificed by Xingjin! However, the attention has always been on Ye Xuanyang's side. Ye Xuanyang's side has such a big movement, which naturally attracted her attention. In anxiety, she wanted to rush to help, but she was blocked by several Hengshan disciples. Although they can't kill Bi Cang, they still want to pester Cang! Under this urgency, Bi Cang naturally made some mistakes. Taking advantage of several Xuan-level disciples of Hengshan School, a wound suddenly appeared, but Fortunately, Bi Cang also reacted in time!

Li Changkong knew the power of Feng Lingbaojian, but Elder Wang didn't know it. Although Li Changkong had told him that Ye Xuanyang had such a strange baby before he came out, he only talked about some of the characteristics of this treasure. After all, he was ashamed of this treasure, and naturally there were some Things need to be hidden! Although Li Changkong reminded loudly, Elder Wang didn't care at all. Ye Xuanyang was still more than ten meters away from him at this time. He saw it with his own eyes, and Ye Xuanyang did not have any powerful moves. Naturally, he didn't care about it, but just rushed straight up and looked like Zhang, who looked like Ye Xuanyang or an evil family. Longbao solves it!

Zhang Longbao also turned over and stood up. In a hurry, he blocked it with a knife, but only heard a jump. Zhang Longbao's big knife from the flower school was broken. Elder Wang laughed gloomyly, and the heavy knife kept beating fiercely on Zhang Longbao's two-color armor.

"Hm?" A burst of sparks splashed, but it was not cut in at all. This knife infused with 80% of my internal strength. I thought I could directly split Zhang Longbao into two pieces, but I didn't expect that there was no trace left on Zhang Longbao's armor!

What surprised Elder Wang more was that suddenly, it seemed that a burst of sunlight was shining on his body. In the middle of the night, it looked particularly warm. However, without him to react, the internal force flowing all over his body began to condense like freezing!

"What's going on!" Elder Wang suddenly panicked! It is the first time I have encountered this situation, and there will be no emergency response, but despite this, I still told him the rich combat experience over the years! Hurry up! Otherwise, I don't know how to die! Thinking of this, Elder Wang, a donkey, is going to roll to one side!

However, it was too late. The back of the big knife that cut on Zhang Longbao's armor was pinched by Zhang Longbao, which was pulled hard and temporarily lost his internal strength. However, how could a slightly stronger martial artist escape the palm of Zhang Longbao's hand? If he grabbed the big knife, he cut it fiercely with a knife. !

With a scream, Elder Wang fell to the ground with a bang and twitched a few times, but he stopped moving with his eyes that were difficult to close his eyes. Until his death, he remembered what Li Changkong had said to them before. Be careful of Ye Xuanyang's treasure, be careful of the treasure book! Li Changkong didn't say anything about the function of that Baojian at all!

"Either Wang!" Several disciples of the Hengshan faction who followed Elder Wang down the mountain couldn't help shouting and lost their mind in an instant! Elder Wang, who is at the beginning of the prefecture level, died at their hands! Originally, I wanted to kill Ye Xuanyang and the three people, but I didn't expect that before Ye Xuanyang and the three were killed, I had already died first, including Elder Wang! And at this moment of distraction, two sharp blades came from the body, but Bi Cang took this rare opportunity to take action directly and decisively ended two directly!

Li Changkong naturally saw the situation of Elder Wang. This Elder Wang is not from his own faction, and he deserves it! Anyway, I don't need him to get rid of Ye Xuanyang now! Li Changkong thought in his mind that his body was close to Ye Xuanyang, but the golden lotus flower spinning rapidly above his head suddenly flew out and became bigger. The aura caused by it was also extremely amazing, just like a strong explosive. If it burst, I'm afraid that the inn where Ye Xuanyang lived would be flattened to the ground. ! The golden lotus has an extremely heavy breath, which is smashing fiercely towards Ye Xuanyang! It looks like it is bound to smash Ye Xuanyang into a meat pie.

Li Changkong gave a ferocious smile! He seized this opportunity. Ye Xuanyang just used Feng Lingbaojian, and the internal force in his body was extremely empty. It was an opportunity that Fengling Baojian could not be used again! How can Ye Xuanyang stop it? I'm afraid this can directly end this enmity! From then on, the mental barrier that shackles his cultivation will probably disappear directly, and his strength must be further improved to catch up with the strength of Yang Hong, the head of the Hengshan School! Maybe it can surpass and advance to the heavenly level. Not only will the life expectancy increase, but the power will also be greatly improved, and it can also enter the core of the Five Mountains!

ps: Please collect it! The third anniversary event is in full swing. For details, please pay attention to the homepage of Zongheng. You can draw a lottery, dear!