Breaking all obstacles

Chapter 367 Inside the Crystal Palace

"This senior! Please help us and fight together!" In a daze, the starfish also reacted and immediately shouted when they saw a huge thunder rushing towards them.

"Go to hell!" Shuijiao's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip out of water. With a roar, he wanted to take action against the controlled starfish behind him, trying to kill them first. However, as soon as his right hand was pushed out, a thin but white hand patted his hand. At the same time, the starfish and Ao Shi immediately disappeared in front of his eyes and appeared Be by Ye Xuanyang's side! The two starfish were still confused, and then they reacted with joy and thanked them repeatedly.

Ye Xuanyang glanced at the two of them and did not say anything, but began to resist the attack from more than a dozen heavenly strong men.

"Brother Shuijiao! Oh no, Ao Qi's little lady came here with the other five heavenly sea clans and will arrive here soon!" Just as Shuijiao's face was attacking crazily, in the distance, a heavenly sea clan quickly approached and said eagerly.

"Aoqi!" Shuijiao gritted his teeth and glanced at the distance, where a strong energy fluctuation was coming rapidly. Obviously, it was called Ao Qi and others. Although they were not afraid of Ao Qi and others, there were three Ye Xuanyang in front of them. Once Ao Qi and the others arrived, under the attack on both sides, they would fall into passivity, especially It was Ye Xuanyang who gave Shuijiao a surprising feeling, which was a feeling that his life was threatened that he had never felt for many years!

"Brother Shuijiao, let's go! Leave the green mountains, don't be afraid of no firewood! Let's go. It needs to be discussed in the long way!" The man hurriedly turned around and said eagerly again.

"Senior, hold on, our people are coming soon!" On Ye Xuanyang's side, the starfish was also overjoyed to see this. Obviously, he also felt the approach of the familiar breath.

"Ye" Ye Xuanyang nodded and looked at the water dragonfly in the distance with an indifferent look. Maybe this water dragonfly will take this opportunity to go crazy in the end, and he can't relax!

"Go!" Shuijiao's face was gloomy, and his eyes kept turning. It seemed to weigh the pros and cons. Finally, he finally shouted. With this shout, other strong sea clans were relieved. Ye Xuanyang's strength was too strong, which made them have the idea of not to be the enemy in their hearts, but they were deterred by the water. Jiao's power can only fight bravely, and now it's finally good! You can go. They all turned into streamers in an instant, plunged into the bottom of the sea, and went in the opposite direction of the visitors.

"Chasing quickly! Don't let them run away! Don't let them run away!" Ao Shi on one side pulled Ye Xuanyang's sleeves and jumped.

Ye Xuanyang just watched Shuijiao and them leave, so he turned his head, took a deep look at Ao Shi, and didn't say anything.

"Master Ao Shi! Stop talking!" Seeing this, the starfish hurriedly pulled Ao Shi, whispered, and secretly looked at Ye Xuanyang. Seeing that Ye Xuanyang had no unhappy expression, he was relieved. These three mysterious strong men are not what the two of them can afford to provoke! Looking at the decisiveness of Ye Xuanyang's decisiveness when he instantly killed Shuijiao's subordinates, it was not ordinary indifference at all. It seemed that only when he looked at the two spirit beasts around him would his face calm down a little.

Six stream lights approached quickly and stopped not far from Ye Xuanyang. Naturally, the leader was Ao Qi. Looking at the sea star and Ao Shi standing beside Ye Xuanyang, nothing happened, she was also relieved. Previously, she heard that Ao Shi sneaked out of the Crystal Palace, which was very urgent. He hurriedly ordered all to go out to find Ao Shi. Ao Shi is the only heir of the crystal palace owner in the future, and even he is only temporarily taking his place. Ao Shi must not have an accident!

After that, I got the news of the war here, and then I clicked people over. I was anxious all the way, and I was afraid that something would happen to Ao Shi. Now that Ao Shi is fine, Ao Qi has the time to look at Ye Xuanyang in front of Ao Shi!

What kind of man is this? Although he is not handsome, there is always a special charm on his beautiful face. Ao Qi, who has read countless people, has to admit what kind of attraction such a man is to the opposite sex, especially his eyes, which are like stars, profound, with The eyes that penetrated everything in the world, even my heart trembled slightly, but soon my heart was as quiet as water!

When Ao Qi looked at Ye Xuanyang, Ye Xuanyang was also observing Ao Qi. It is undeniable that Ao Qi is also very attractive to the opposite sex. You can know by looking at the eyes of the surrounding sea people looking at her, while Ye Xuanyang just glanced faintly and then withdrew his eyes.

Ao Qi was immediately angry when she saw this. For her charm, she was recognized as the first beauty in the sea clan, and no one dared to be the first! Ye Xuanyang actually ignored himself directly, which hit her always arrogant self-esteem. She withdrew her excited heart, took a deep breath, and slowly stepped forward: "Dare to ask what your name is!"

"Ye Xuanyang!" Ye Xuanyang said lightly.

"My name is Dabai!"

"I'm rhubarb!" Dahuang and Dabai also replied.

"Oh?" Ao Qi looked at the big yellow and white in surprise: "Little girl Ao Qi, Tian is the lord of the Crystal Palace! This is the real owner of the Crystal Palace in the future! If it hadn't been for your help this time, I'm afraid they would have been more or less auspicious!"

"You're welcome! It's just a piece of cake. If that water dragon hadn't taken the initiative to provoke us, we wouldn't have embarrassed him. We came here for no other purpose! I just want to ask something, please tell me!" Ye Xuanyang waved his hand and looked at Ao Qi.

"What's the matter? The little woman must tell you what she knows!" When Ao Qi heard the words, Liu raised her eyebrows and said.

"Well, we came here to find a place. It's a strange space. Do you know that there is such a space near here?" Ye Xuanyang asked directly.

Space? Only the god-level strong can open up space. So, what you want to find is the space left over from the Shinto era!" Ao Qi pondered for a moment and raised her head: "There seems to be no space around here! Why don't you move a little to our Crystal Palace first? We will help you find out. Although our Crystal Palace is not the strongest overseas force, it also has many subordinates, and it is easy to do!"

"Excuse me!" Ye Xuanyang took a look at Ao Qi, and then at Ao Shi, who was doubtful. A trace of light flashed and nodded.

The group plunged directly into the water and headed for the Crystal Palace.

In the magnificent hall of the Crystal Palace, everyone sat down and talked about the previous topic again, but after all, there was nothing constructive, but the rhubarb got a water drop for its free activities in the sea! After that, Ye Xuanyang left the hall with the two beasts and was guided to the guest building by the sea clan!

In the hall, the others also dispersed one by one, and finally, only Ao Shi and Ao Qi were left.

At this time, both of them looked at each other and didn't say anything.

"Sister! Why don't you tell them that the entrance to that space is here!" Ao Shi saw that everyone had dispersed, and only when his two sisters and brothers were left, he said.

"After telling them!" Ao Qi raised her eyebrows and said, "Then let them go in, get the good things inside, and then pat their buttocks and leave?"

"No! We can take this as a condition and ask them to help solve them, and then give them a chance to go in! That's enough. Besides, the seal there is very powerful, but not everyone can open it. We haven't been able to open it for so many years. What can the three of them do?" Ao Shi curled his lips and said.

"My stupid brother! How can you safely hand over the Crystal Palace to you in the future!" Ao Qi glanced at Ao Shi: "Let alone say that you left the Crystal Palace without authorization, which almost made a big mistake. Take this matter as an example. Why don't you use your brain to do things? Do you know these three people? You dare to make a deal with them! With their strength, I'm afraid none of us can resist them! If they get together at that time, we will all have to finish it! Moreover, no matter how we fight with the water dragonfly, the old turtle will not move, but once we use the power of this human, I'm afraid that the old turtle will not be seated! When the two groups unite, we will be doomed! I'm afraid they can't stand it. The strength of the old turtle was very afraid when his father was still there!"

"How is that possible! Didn't the old turtle say that it would never care about our business!" Ao Shi was shocked when he heard the words and seemed to think of something terrible.

"Of course he doesn't care! Although he doesn't have many subordinates, but each of them is super strong. I'm afraid it can't be compared with our Crystal Palace before it was divided! According to their words, it is to maintain the stability of the whole sea clan! Usually, the turtle huddles in the nest, but once an outsider intervenes, he will definitely jump out!" Ao Qi pressed her head with a headache and said.

So that's it! Sister, why are you still leaving them here? If the water dragonfly goes to the old turtle to tell the secret, we will be finished!" Ao Shi said hurriedly when he heard the words.

"What are you worried about? How many times have you said it? Everything should be calm!" Ao Qi stared at Ao Shi and said, "I left him here, just to put a kind of pressure on the water dragonfly. At the same time, as long as they don't interfere in the affairs of the sea clan, the old turtle won't run out!"

"Oh!" Ao Shi lowered his head.

"You, you must use your brain to do things in the future. You can't think of anything, understand!" Ao Qi came forward, straightened Ao Shi's clothes, and said earnestly.

"I know, sister!" Ao Shi answered.