Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 10 Control of Hearing

That night, Zhu Daidong slept the most fragrant sleep after he came to Shuling Middle School, because the unknown Taoist priest urged him to go back and try the effect, so he came back earlier than usual and went to bed before ten o'clock. When he woke up, it was already six o'clock the next morning. When he woke up, he couldn't practice any more. Instead of listening to other people's snoring in the dormitory, it was better to go to the playground and run a few laps.

The old-fashioned improved version of the simple cultivation method of the turtle breathing method seems to have some effect. You only need to maintain a fixed sleeping position, control your consciousness and adjust your breathing, which can actually alleviate the troubles that have troubled you for a few months. As long as you persevere, I believe you will soon be gone. This trouble.

And today is still the payday. Zhu Daidong is in good spirits when he is happy. After receiving the salary early, he went to buy wine first, but this time he did not buy braised vegetables, but only bought a bag of peanuts. Today, Zhu Daidong wanted to "reward" the unknown Taoist priest and was determined to give him a surprise.

There is a good hotel opposite the township government. Zhu Daidong has been there many times, but he has never been there. He knows that those who can eat there are either cadres in the countryside or self-employed people who have made a fortune. It's better to go less than a poor teacher like him, otherwise he will go a few more times, and he can't even afford to drink it.

Hao Zai Building Hotel has two floors. The first floor is a hall with six or seven round tables and a box on the second floor. There was a counter at the entrance on the first floor. When Zhu Daidong walked in, a woman was standing behind the counter writing calculations. Seeing a guest coming, she immediately stopped her hand and came out from behind the counter.

"Hello, do you want to eat alone or make a reservation?"

Before the sound arrives, the voice is very good. If there is a yellow warbler singing, then look at her appearance, goose egg face, bent eyebrows like a hook, strong nose, plain mouth, red lips and white teeth. Her figure is also very good, and she is very good at wearing clothes. She should be tied up, big, upturned, and her whole body is full of mature charm, so that Zhu Daidong's eyes almost can't be drawn out.

"I want to order two dishes to pack and take away." Zhu Daidong tightened his mind and said indifferently.

"Packaging? Yes. I don't know what you want to order?" Liang Qiao said with a smile. This young man is very face-to-face and speaks non-standard local language. It may be a college student who has just been assigned from any unit.

Zhu Daidong looked at the menu. Obviously, the taste of the unknown Taoist would not be light. He quickly ordered two dishes: braised pork and shredded chicken. In addition, I saw that cooked food was also provided here, and I called an elbow.

"Please wait a moment, it will be ready in a minute."

Liang Qiao led Zhu Daidong to the dining table next to him. After writing the vegetable table, he sent it to the kitchen in the back. When she came out, she had already carried a pot of boiling water in her hand and walked to Zhu Daidong, making a cup of dish for him.

"You have a cup of tea first, and the dishes will be better in a while."

"Thank you."

"Hee hee, I should thank you."

This is not the peak time for dining. The braised pork and shredded chicken ordered by Zhu Daidong were quickly ready. There was no disposable lunch box here. Liang Qiao put it on a plate and prepared a bamboo basket for Zhu Daidong. I don't have a disposable lunch box here, that's all I have to do. Please send it back for me when you are free. Thank you.

When Zhu Daidong went to the common room of the Sanqing Taoist Temple, he found that the unknown Taoist priest had arrived. "Today is neither a market nor the first or the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Why did you sit here like a prophet? I didn't even open the spill bottle.

"In terms of ears, I'm not as good as you, but in terms of nose, you are definitely not as good as me. Don't open it first, let me smell it. Ah, braised pork. In addition, there seems to be a chicken. Well, there seems to be an elbow. These are all my favorites. Hurry up, this thing is too attractive. At first, the unknown Taoist priest had to show that his nose was strong, but after smelling something, he was in a hurry to prepare to do it.

Zhu Daidong quickly put the things on the table. As soon as he took them out, the old man had already taken action. He grabbed a chicken leg lightningly, put it in his mouth and took a hard bite.

There were also two pairs of chopsticks and two bowls of rice at the bottom of the bamboo basket. Zhu Daidong did not ask for these things. It can be seen that the owner of the hotel was very understanding.

"Why are you so kind today? It's braised pork and shredded chicken. Did the method I taught you yesterday work? It was not until the braised pork, the shredded chicken and the unknown man with the elbow were almost the same that he burred and asked with a smile.

"There are indeed some effects, but the most important thing is that I got paid today, otherwise no matter how good the effect is, I can only drink." Zhu Daidong said angrily that eating with Lao Dao was like a war. His hands were fast and his hands were slow. He only moved a few chopsticks, leaving only a little soup.

"If it is effective, continue to persevere and swallow. The dishes in this restaurant are really good. Next time I have a chance, I will come to eat at home." The unknown Taoist priest touched his slightly bulging belly and shook his head and said.

"It's better to forget it. If you enter someone's hotel, the guests will be scared away by you."

Don't say that he looks sloppy, but with his starving ghost, he has to scare a lot of people away. What's more, even if you want to eat, you have to wait until the salary is paid next month. Today's meal cost Zhu Daidong dozens of yuan, which is enough to eat five meals.

In the next month, Zhu Daidong went back to the dormitory to sleep early every night, and practiced the simple version of the turtle breathing method very diligently. In a month, the effect was still very good. Now Zhu Daidong has taken out the cotton ball in his ear.

Now Zhu Daidong has been extremely proficient in this set of turtle breathing methods customized for himself. As long as he sleeps, he will naturally practice. As for his hearing, he found that he could adjust it, just like a pair of tweeters equipped with an adjustment switch. If you want to be louder, you can make it louder, and if you want to be quieter, you can be quieter.

Now he is in the dormitory. If he wants to hear the voice in the classroom, he can hear it clearly. If he doesn't want to hear it clearly, he can do not listen, and he can control it as he wants. Unlike in the past, no matter what the sound is, it is stuffed into your ears, whether you are willing to listen or not.

There has been such an effect in a month. Zhu Daidong is simply very happy. He now knows that it is impossible for Guixi Dafa to change his hearing back to ordinary people, but to a certain extent, he can control his hearing like ordinary people. Although I don't know when I will practice to that extent, as long as I keep practicing, I will be able to do it one day.