Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 93 Conference Call

Twenty-six village secretary in Shuling Township received an urgent notice from the township government to rush to the township government for a meeting before 4 p.m. about the feed factory. As soon as I heard that it was about the feed factory, none of the village secretary was absent and arrived at the conference room of the township government on time before four o'clock. Today's conference room is a little different from the past, with a telephone on the rostrum.

After everyone arrived, they were first organized to learn about stocks and stock subscription certificates, which was also what Zhu Daidong required. If these village secretary didn't even know what stocks were, what kind of stock subscription certificate did they talk about, and what's the difference between talking to Niu Danqin?

At the end of the conference room, Hou Lihua, the village secretary of Houjiatang Village, and Hu Fenqiang, the village secretary of Jinsha Village, were quietly discussing. The accountants of their village had arrived in Shanghai, so the news was earlier than other village secretary.

"Laohou, what do you think about this? Forty thousand yuan is not a small amount. Hu Fenqiang took a look at Chen Shuli, who was introducing stocks on the stage, and then whispered to Hou Lihua.

"What, are you afraid?" Hou Lihua glanced at it and said disdainfully. After receiving a phone call from Hou Feng, he urgently convened the village committee in the village. On the village committee, everyone was highly unanimous and decided to firmly support Zhu Daidong's behavior

"Who is afraid? I'm just worried about whether the head of Zhu is sure. Hu Fenqiang argued that in fact, he was really a little afraid. He bought a pile of paper for 40,000 yuan. Who knows whether this matter is reliable?

There are many people who have the same idea as Hu Fenqiang. Chen Shuli finally introduced the knowledge of stocks and stock subscription certificates that he had just figured out, and immediately buzzed in the conference room. Stocks were valuable, but stock subscription certificates were not valuable. Now Zhu Daidong wants to take 40,000 yuan from the feed factory to buy a stock subscription certificate with no real value, just to buy more stocks at that time.

You can buy a stock subscription certificate, but you may not be guaranteed to be qualified to buy stocks. You have to shake the number. Now nearly 2 million shares have been sold in Shanghai, a stock subscription certificate of 30 yuan, and you can only buy more than 1,300 shares for 40,000 yuan. Most of the village secretary in the conference room is not well-educated, but they still know the huge gap between more than 1,300 and nearly 2 million.

"Secretary Chen, after buying the stock subscription certificate, do you have to take money to buy stocks at that time?" Ma Mingyi from Dashan Village was the first to ask.

"Yes, according to Comrade Daidong's estimate, if we win the number, we still need more than 100,000 yuan to buy stocks, that is, about half a year of operation. After the equipment of the feed factory is installed and debugged, the stocks will be sold and cashed back." Chen Shuli nodded. If the money was in the countryside, Chen Shuli would make a plan after receiving Zhu Daidong's call and ask him to come back immediately. However, this money is the fund-raising of the whole township, and it has been clearly stipulated that it will be controlled by Zhu Daidong. This time, if the use of funds had not gone beyond the scope of feed factories and farms, Zhu Daidong did not need to report to him, the party secretary, and he could slaughter first in Shanghai.

"I don't know how big the chance of shaking it is?" Although Ma Mingyi's mountain village is poor, his shrewdness is famous in the whole township. Although he only graduated from junior high school, he understood the stock and stock subscription certificate as soon as he heard it.

"This also has to be drawn according to the number of subscription certificates and the proportion of new shares, and the winning rate will not be announced. This means that if you spend money, you may still be wronged. Chen Shuli prefers to be safe. This money is raised by the whole township. Once the funds are lost, who can afford this responsibility?

As soon as Chen Shuli's words came out, the following became a pot of porridge. The three words "just money" deeply hurt their hearts. This township fund-raising, if it hadn't been for Zhu Daidong's start of the tofu factory in Houjiatang Village, and if it hadn't been for the strong support of Hu Fenqiang in Jinsha Village, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been so smooth. What are the villagers most worried about? Of course, will their money be wasted? Will it be a waste of money, and now Chen Shuli has clearly pointed out that this 40,000 yuan is likely to be a waste of money. Can they not be critical?

"I think it's better to let the head of Zhu come back immediately."

"Yes, yes, it's almost the Spring Festival. It's good to come back early."


"Ma Mingyi, what's your opinion?" Chen set up the name of the big mountain village.

"Secretary Chen, we are all thinking about the worst now. Wouldn't Chief Zhu have thought of it? I think it's better to listen to what the head of the villager Zhu said. Ma Mingyi will not be regarded as this leading bird. What's more, the fund-raising in the big mountain village is the least, and his voice is not heavy.

"What are your opinions on Jinsha Village and Houjiatang Village?" Chen Shuli said to Hu Fenqiang and Hou Lihua sitting at the end.

"Our Houjiatang Village firmly supports the behavior of the head of Zhu. Without the head of Zhu, we would not be in Houjiatang Village today. When the head of Zhu Xiangzhang wanted to run a tofu factory, some people also suspected that there was a risk and did not dare to do it. What happened? Some people regret it and beat their chests. Hou Lihua took a look at Hu Fenqiang next to him and sat down with a smile.

Hou Lihua has a hot temper. Once he recognizes something, the nine cows can't pull it back. However, Hu Fenqiang is old and upright. Of course, he also wants to strongly support Zhu Daidong, but the village committee he held did not form a unified opinion. Five village committee members, two of whom do not support Zhu Daidong's practice. If Hu Zhengqing in Shanghai is added, it happens to be three people. And these three people, including Hu Fenqiang himself.

"Jinsha Village respects everyone's opinions." Hu Fenqiang stood up and said lightly.

"Aren't you afraid that you will regret vomiting blood this time?" After Hou Lihua and Hu Fenqiang sat down, he asked softly.

"This time, it's not as good as a tofu factory. A tofu factory always knows where the money is spent, but this stock, yo, this can't be seen and can't be touched. It's not something we can do." Hu Fenqiang sighed. I don't know how much the risk this time is much greater than that of the tofu factory. This 40,000 yuan is only used to buy the qualification to buy stocks. Even if it can be shaken, he has to take out another money to buy stocks. At that time, he can invest all the money of a farm. The risk is so great

At five o'clock, Zhu Daidong called the phone on time from Shanghai. Chen Shuli raised his right hand, and the conference room immediately quieted down. Chen Shuli pressed on the hands-free, and Zhu Daidong's voice came out clearly.

"Secretary? I'm Zhu Daidong."

"Hello, Comrade Daidong, the village secretary in the countryside is here, and I'm waiting for you to talk to you." Chen Shuli said in a "deafening" voice beside the phone.

"Honour, everyone, you should know about the stock subscription certificate, right? Tomorrow is the last day of the stock subscription certificate sale. I hope there will be a result of this matter today. Zhu Daidong is also hands-free. He sits around the phone with Hou Feng and Hu Zhengqing.

"Zhu Xiangchang, can this stock subscription certificate make money?" Ma Mingyi squeezed into the rostrum and said loudly.

"The stock subscription certificate itself can't make money, but stocks can make money. People in Shanghai almost trampled to death in order to buy stocks. Shanghai is going to issue more than a dozen new stocks this year. In order to prevent accidents, this method has been adopted. Zhu Daidong explained over there.

"That is to say, the subscription certificate that has not been shaken has become waste paper?" Someone asked.

"In theory, yes." Zhu Daidong said, "But with the rapid development of China's economy, there will be more and more listed companies. Maybe more than a dozen stocks will be listed and issued this year."

"What does that mean?" Ma Mingyi heard some clues.

"It means that our winning rate will increase. If there are more stocks to a certain extent, even all subscription certificates can be won." Zhu Daidong's determined way.

"But even if you win all of them, you have to take money to buy stocks." Hu Fenqiang also squeezed over. Now more than 20 people gathered around the rostrum, quietly listening to Zhu Daidong's words on the phone.

"Hu Zhishu, we can make a time difference. Now it will take half a year for the feed factory to be put into production. The more than 200,000 yuan is now in the bank and can only pay interest, but if it is invested, the return may be 400,000, 800,000, or 1 million..." Zhu Daidong said is not a miracle, as long as Ticket, this kind of thing is normal. Most of the old eight stocks in Shanghai have risen thousands of times, and the highest has even risen by tens of thousands of times. Even if it is a new stock, it should not be a problem to rise several times.

As soon as I heard that the return would be so high, the secretary in the conference room was silent all of a sudden. Yes, the risk of buying a stock subscription certificate is high, but correspondingly, the return is also high.

"Zhu Xiangchang, can you guarantee that you will earn 400,000 yuan, or even 800,000 yuan?" Ma Mingyi asked in a low voice.

"Ma Zhishu, I can't guarantee that the stock market is risky and we need to be cautious when it is involved in the market. If I am 100% sure, I don't have to hold this conference call. But I still have 60% or 70% of the confidence. Even if I can't make double the money, it should not be a problem to protect the capital. Zhu Daidong said with a smile that although he was in Shanghai, as long as anyone spoke in the conference room, he could immediately hear the sound, and even he could judge the position of these people in the conference room according to their breathing. This feeling was wonderful, but such a picture did appear in Zhu Daidong's mind.

"Little head of Zhu, our Houjiatang village supports you. If the feed factory does not come out, our Houjiatang will come out." What Hou Lihua heard was all about Zhu Daidong's doubts. He was very angry and made money. Everyone rushed out, but now there are risks, and everyone is timid. It's really a group After saying that, he also took a mocking look at Hu Fenqiang, which means that you can see your true face at the critical moment.

"Thank you, Hou Zhishu. I think this is good or not. Today, all the village secretaries have arrived. Let's have a democratic centralism and vote to decide this matter." Zhu Daidong knew that it was impossible to completely convince these people on the phone. Now the best way is to vote.

"Ok, let me make a statement first. We, Hou Jiatang, support the purchase of stock subscription certificates. Even Chief Zhu himself bought a stock subscription certificate of 3,000 yuan. I have no reason not to believe him," Hou Lihua said loudly.

"Zhu Xiangchang, did you buy it yourself?" Hu Fenqiang didn't listen to Hu Zhengqing talk about this matter, so he hurriedly asked loudly.

"Yes, this time I brought 10,000 yuan to Shanghai. I originally wanted to buy some electrical appliances for my family, but after knowing this, I have bought 3,000 yuan, and I have decided to buy another 6,000 yuan tomorrow." Zhu Daidong said that when he was in the tree ridge, he was sometimes secretly happy. At least he was a household of 10,000 yuan, but once he really wanted to spend money, he knew that his little money was not enough at all.

"The head of Zhu dares to buy 9,000 yuan, and our Jinsha Village also supports it." Hu Fenqiang finally changed his attitude. Originally, the village committee had three votes against it, but now he "turned" and immediately turned into an invalid opposition.

"The big mountain village also supports it," Ma Mingyi also said.

Hearing that there are three villages supporting him, Zhu Daidong, who is far away in Shanghai, is also in a surging mood. It would be great if Shuling could seize this opportunity. But then there was silence in the conference room, and no one supported it anymore. Obviously, it was against it.

"Comrade Daidong, the Spring Festival is coming soon. You'd better come back early so that everyone won't worry about it." Chen Shuli glanced at the conference room. Although he was also surprised that Zhu Daidong dared to gamble with 9,000 yuan, private money and collective money are two different things. Even if the collective money does not increase, it should ensure that safety comes first. This is a matter of principle. It seems that most village branches still understand it.

"Okay, we'll be back tomorrow night." Zhu Daidong said sadly. "

"No, Chief Zhu, we Hou Jiatang firmly support you, Hou Feng, how much money is left in the village now? Hou Lihua, including the tofu factory, suddenly roared loudly.

"Secretary Hou, there should be about 15,000 left." Hou Feng said that he now has four jobs, including beverage factories, farms, Houjiatang Village, and tofu factories. He is an accountant. When I came out, the funds of the tofu factory and the village added up to about 14,000 yuan. Now in so many days, it should be more than 15,000 yuan. This is still because of the fund-raising for the farm. Houjiatang Village did not let the villagers pay more. The tofu factory paid more than 40,000 yuan. Otherwise, the tofu factory could get more money.

"Well, Secretary Chen, Mr. Zhu, do you think this is okay? Our Hou Jiatang will take 15,000 yuan to buy a stock subscription certificate, and the money will be paid by the feed factory first. As soon as Mr. Zhu comes back, we will make up the money immediately." Hou Lihua dared to do anything. Since he said he supported Zhu Daidong, even if it was a loss this time, Hou Jiatang stood firmly behind Zhu Daidong.

"I have no problem here. It's up to Secretary Chen." Zhu Daidong smiled over there. What he was happy was not that someone took out the money, but Hou Lihua's attitude. As long as Hou Lihua had this pioneering and innovative spirit, Houjiatang Village could definitely take the lead in changing his fate