Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 132 Zhu Daxian

Chapter 132 Zhu Daxian

Thank you to the book friends: the 132nd monthly ticket of "Hand of Silver"

"Zhu Xiangchang, I didn't expect you to have such a skill." Hu Lin walked in Beipo Village with Zhu Daidong and said with admiration that after being a women's director for more than ten years, it was the first time she met a cadre like Zhu Daidong. His method was unique, but the effect was remarkable. Wang Laosan and Wang Dashun themselves did not know how many times they had done, but Zhu Daidong Convincing, in her opinion, this was an impossible task, but now it is easily solved by Zhu Daidong.

"It's just luck." Zhu Daidong smiled faintly and said, of course, the luck he said was his accidental listening.

Hu Lin obviously misunderstood Zhu Daidong's meaning. Unbelief flashed in her eyes, and Zhu Daidong did not explain. Anyway, even if she told the truth, others would not believe it. And Zhu Daidong may also go to tell others about this. Maybe when he gets to Wudang Mountain, he can talk to the unknown Taoist priest.

"Will the head of Zhu go back to his hometown or somewhere else?" Hu Lin is now relieved. There are only two super-life partners in Beipo Village, who have been persuaded by Zhu Daidong. In this family planning inspection, she no longer has to worry all day long.

"Don't worry, does the family in front of you have a family plan? Zhu Daidong pointed to a house not far ahead and asked.

"That one?" Hu Lin thought for a moment and immediately said, "No."

"Definibly?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"This is an absolute guarantee." Hu Lin is a women's director and is very concerned about women's affairs. Moreover, she has always known the situation of this family. The children are teenagers, and the housewife has had a ligation operation for a long time, and she has not been her work partner for the past five or six years.

"Go, go in and have a look." Zhu Daidong heard the heartbeat of the fetus, and there must be a pregnant woman in it.

Hu Lin is very familiar with that family. After knocking on the door, she introduced the whole family to Zhu Daidong. As she said, this is a three-generation family. The old one is over 70 years old, the youngest is also a teenager, and it is a pair of siblings.

"Is there anything else at home?" Zhu Daidong took out the cigarette and sent a round to the male master. The other party took the cigarette very reservedly, and Zhu Daidong keenly found that a panic flashed in the eyes of the family's daughter-in-law, and he had already guessed a general idea in his heart.

"There is no... no one else." The male host took the cigarette with both hands and didn't lit it. He put it behind his ear and smiled humbly.

"Where are the guests?" Zhu Daidong glanced at the room on the right. Hu Lin also saw something wrong. She went straight in and found a woman lying **.

"She is my niece." The daughter-in-law hurried in to explain.

"Sick?" Zhu Daidong also went to the room next to him and glanced at the room. Soon, a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes... I'm sick." The daughter-in-law's voice suddenly raised a few decibels, for fear that the niece lying on ** could not hear it.

"What's wrong? Can you get out of bed and walk around?" Zhu Daidong asked with concern.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just a little typhoid fever, so I can't see the wind." The daughter-in-law explained.

"I thought she couldn't go to the ground. Look, there are no shoes at the head of the bed." Zhu Daidong walked to the bedside and asked the woman lying down, "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Lion Mountain."

"What are you doing here?"

"Walking relatives."

"What's your name?"

"Liu Ai."

"How old are you?"


"How long have you been pregnant?"

"It's been more than four months... Ah," Liu Ai suddenly screamed. She covered her mouth in panic and wanted to tear her mouth. How did she miss it?

"You are a super partner, aren't you? Come to our village to hide from family planning? Hu Lin once again admired Zhu Daidong.

"No...no, I... have a planned birth." Liu Ai said in a panic, and she may not even believe what she said.

"Stretch out your right hand." Zhu Daidong said softly.

In the face of Zhu Daidong's majestic eyes, Liu Ai obediently stretched out his right hand out of the quilt. Zhu Daidong put on three fingers again, closed his eyes slightly, shook his head for a while, and then sighed gently, "If it's a super-born partner, go to induced labor. You are pregnant with a daughter."

"It's impossible for me to have a B-ultrasound in the city." Liu Ai shouted.

"Believe it or not." Zhu Daidong shook his head. The B-ultrasound may have made a mistake, but his hearing has not been missed once. Just now, he was far away, and he did not pay attention to distinguish between men and women, but in the face of Liu Ai, the fetus in her belly appeared almost completely in his mind.

"I will inform Shizishan Township of your situation, Director Hu. You are responsible for this matter." Zhu Daidong said that whether Liu Ai is in the plan or out of the plan, as long as he is not from the tree ridge, Zhu Daidong will take care of it. But looking at the performance of the daughter-in-law and Liu Ai just now, the probability of unplanned childbirth is more than 9,000.

The day after Zhu Daidong left Beipo Village, Liu Ai returned to Lion Mountain and took the initiative to go to the family planning station for induced labor. The results showed that Zhu Daidong's conclusion was completely correct. Because of this incident, Zhu Daidong's name has been passed down to Lion Mountain. Of course, such a legendary thing is generally not called Zhu Daidong's real name. They all follow the folk name of Shuling and affectionately call Zhu Daidong Zhu Daxian.

Hearing that he was called a great immortal, Zhu Daidong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and even Chen Shuli even used this to make fun of him. Although this nickname made Zhu Daidong quite a headache, to his surprise, when he started the family planning work, it was so smooth that he couldn't imagine it.

When those problematic super-born objects heard that Zhu Daidong arrived at their village, they actually took the initiative to come to the village committee to invite Zhu Daxian, and those planned pregnant partners also pestered Zhu Daidong, trying to let this Daxian give advice.

Some people say that ten things in the world are unsatisfactory, and so are those super-born objects. They all want to have a big fat boy, but after Zhu Daidong's test, only two of the fifteen objects are pregnant with boys. Others, at the call of Zhu Daxian, took the initiative to do induced labor and ligation. There is no son in the life, and there is a girl who is more defensive than her. This is what Zhu Daidong gave them. Of course, in the name of Zhu Daxian.

Because he accidentally heard a pregnant woman in Beipo Village, Zhu Daidong deliberately ran all the villages in the township, not only to enter the village, but also to join the group. Under his unconventional hearing, he really found eight undiscovered family planning objects. Some people didn't even know that they were pregnant, but Zhu Daidong took the village's women's director to the door. If it is in the plan, it is immediately required to get a new birth permit. It is outside the plan. Zhu Daidong sent them two words: "If you have a child, don't force it, and a girl is more defensive than a child." They also cooperated and went to the health station to have an abortion.

In fact, some of these people have no way to identify the sex of the fetuses at all, but Zhu Daxian's reputation is not ordinary, and Zhu Daidong, the township health station, has also specifically warned that whether it is a baby boy or a baby girl, it is claimed to be a baby girl.

Now only the two unplanned objects originally reported have caused Zhu Daidong a headache. One of them has been pregnant for more than seven months, and the fetus has been formed, and it is very dangerous to let it induced labor. In another case, it has been more than four months, and this person's situation is a little special.

In Houjiatang Village, who was more than seven months pregnant, Zhu Daidong called Hou Lihua, Liu Dan and the daughter-in-law of Houjiatang Village, and Lin Lijuan, Hou Yong's wife, to a meeting to discuss countermeasures.

"Let's talk about how to deal with this object?" Zhu Daidong asked.

Liu Dan and Lin Lijuan turned their eyes to Hou Lihua and meditated for a long time. Hou Lihua said slowly, "This matter is up to the head of Xiao Zhu. You can do whatever you want."

"If you induced labor, how sure is it?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"Seventy." Lin Lijuan said.

"This is too low, and the premise of induced labor is to ensure the safety of adults." Zhu Daidong shook his head. What if you go to a big hospital for this operation?

"The safe way is to take it out by caesarean section, but in that case, maybe the fetus can survive." Ye Lijuan hesitated for a moment before she said.

"Can you let him be born? After all, this is a boy." Hou Lihua hesitated for a moment before saying that if it hadn't been for Zhu Daidong, Hou Lihua would not have agreed to induced labor. But since Zhu Daidong was in charge of this matter, he supported it unconditionally, so he was quite embarrassed.

"My request is not to affect the family planning examination." Zhu Daidong said.

Hou Lihua's eyes suddenly lit up, "How about letting her hide outside for a while?" In the past, this method was basically used to deal with family planning examinations. Isn't there a sketch called "Super Life Guerrillas" on TV? That's what it says.

"No, I can't avoid it for a lifetime. So many super students in the township have had induced labor. What if your Houjiatang Village can be born? What if others complain?" Zhu Daidong shook his head and said firmly.

"I have a way..." Liu Tong suddenly remembered something. Maybe that way is feasible.

"It's almost time today. Let's break up and discuss this issue later." Zhu Daidong suddenly interrupted Liu Tong rudely.

"Yes, we will discuss it later." Hou Lihua, an old man, saw Zhu Daidong's intention. Such a thing can be done, but it can't be said, especially if you can't tell Zhu Daidong, the leader in advance.

A week later, the seven-month pregnant pregnant woman in Houjiatang Village went to the Civil Affairs Office to file for divorce. After mediation, it was invalid, and the divorce procedures were completed on the same day. Although this method is a little tricky, the chief designer has also said that whether it is a black cat or a white cat, the one who can catch mice is a good cat. When you get to Zhu Daidong, whether it's a loss or a strange move, it's a good move to be able to work in family planning without loopholes.

The person in Dashan Village, who is more than four months pregnant, is called Ma Dali. His special situation is that he has no father at the age of three, no mother at the age of eight, and grew up with a hundred family meals. At the age of 30, he married a mute in Lingcun. Two years later, the mute was bitten by a snake and could not be saved. He left a child for Ma Dali.

Last year, Ma Dali got a family again, and the woman brought two children, but now, this woman is pregnant with another one. Zhu Daidong asked Ma Mingyi to find a way, but Ma Mingyi said that Ma Dali's life is hard, the two have a common child, and the family is easy to maintain. All the women in Dashan Village are married out, but the women outside are unwilling to marry in Dashan Village. In the long run, there will be a big problem in the big mountain village. Ma Dayi finally remarried, and it is not difficult for his wife to induced labor, but after the induced labor, maybe the family will be broken again.

Zhu Daidong did not take coercive measures because of this problem. Otherwise, whether it is a man or a woman, the immortals will say: no son is not forced, and a woman is more defensive than a child. With this move, Zhu Daidong hasn't seen any failure.

What a shrewd figure Ma Mingyi is. Inspired by the fake divorce in Houjiatang Village, he assured Zhu Daidong that he would never pull the back of the family planning work. Zhu Daidong also knew that Ma Mingyi had a lot of ideas. Sometimes Zhu Daidong even thought that Ma Mingyi should participate in the last debt collection, and he might be more relaxed.

Half a month later, Ma Dali's wife's original two children were sent away, and soon after, Ma Dali adopted two more children. According to the national family planning policy, Ma Dali can have another one. Ma Mingyi has a high prestige in Dashan Village, and Ma Dali's background also makes the village pity. Therefore, Zhu Daidong is not worried that someone will deliberately sue. Besides, even if it is a complaint, the township is well-founded. After all, in terms of policy, Ma Dali did not violate it at all.

Now Zhu Daidong basically clears all the hidden dangers of the tree ridge, and as long as he is in the tree ridge for one day, all the superborn objects can no longer be punished. Unless you are not in the tree ridge, don't want to hide it from being pregnant for more than three months. Zhu Daidong has set a mandatory rule for himself to go to each village every quarter to not only understand the people's situation, but also to prevent over-abortion. As long as he goes, nothing can hide from his ears.


I'm still not satisfied, so let's see which chapters of the most popular other novels have been updated!

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