Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 135 Happy Talk

Chapter 135 Happy Talk

Thank you to the book friend: "zulinzen" voted for the 140th monthly ticket; "book friend 10th, the 1st, 148th monthly ticket.

There are still 15 on the monthly ticket list of new books, looking forward to a breakthrough in the evening

As soon as Wang Lijun arrived at the tree ridge, when Chen Shuli and Zhu Daidong's main leaders arrived, he went straight to the village. He had to see the situation of each village with his own eyes before he felt at ease. In order to prevent cheating, Wang Lijun didn't even explain which village he was going to. He only told the driver to drive straight ahead, and he shouted to stop.

Chen Shuli and Zhu Daidong both know that the data on the materials have not done any water. You should know that the farm is a joint stock raised by all farmers in the township. If they see the materials reported to the county by the township, the profit situation is more than the actual situation. At that time, Chen Shuli and Zhu Daidong will be full of

Wang Lijun casually got out of the car in a village. After finding the village secretary and the village director, he asked how many farmers, how many pigs and chickens were raised in the village? The village told him that there were more than 360 households in the whole village, with a total of 173 farmers, of which 132 households raised pigs and 41 households raised chickens. There were two households raising ducks, which were later changed to chickens.

It's obviously okay to just listen to the data. Wang Lijun asked the village secretary and village director to lead the way. When he entered the village, it was as if he had walked into a breeding base. Almost every two households were farmers. Wang Lijun personally went to the pig farm chicken coop to have a look. He was a veterinarian . Unexpectedly, these farmers could answer. Wang Lijun was very surprised and asked who trained him?

All farmers have the same promise. The technicians of the township agricultural technology station will regularly come to the village to train and guide breeding technology, and the village will organize unified training for farmers. Learning breeding technology well is related to one's own vital interests. Which one will be lazy and slippery? Wang Lijun also walked into the farmers' homes and saw the real changes that have taken place in their homes in the past half a year. Furniture and electrical appliances are still their own spiritual outlook. When life is promising and full of hope, the whole person is full of joy and energy.

This time, Wang Lijun also came down with Chen Shaohua, director of the County Animal Husbandry Bureau, and Sun Jianguo, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Wang Lijun was a veterinarian and knew that what the farm was most afraid of was animal illness. It's almost the end of the year. As the county magistrate, especially the county magistrate who has entered the village, he has to pay condolences to the lonely elderly and the five-guarante households in the village.

I looked at several villages again, and the situation was very similar. It was not until this time that Wang Lijun really smiled with satisfaction on his face. He waved his hand and went back to his hometown for a symposium.

After reading the scene, Wang Lijun was impeccable and believed the materials reported by Shushuling. In addition to the main leaders of the township, the symposium also called several nearby village secretary and several village secretary with large investment, such as Houjiatang Village, Jinsha Village, and the more typical Dashan Village.

The reason why Dashan Village is typical is that 95% of the farmers in Dashan Village have become farmers. The whole Dashan Village is like a large farm. When you walk into the village, you can hear the humming of pigs everywhere. When Wang Lijun casually asked which village had the most farmers on the road, Zhu Daidong reported to Dashan Village. Wang Lijun went to Dashan Village at the end, and when he came back, he took Ma Mingyi back to the countryside.

Dashan Village is a poor village in a poor village, but this year, except for more than a dozen farmers who have no ability to work, all the other farmers in the village have become farmers. This secretary is very courageous. Wang Lijun had an impression of Ma Mingyi at that time. When he came back, he especially proposed to listen to Ma Mingyi's ideas.

In the conference room of the township government, Zhu Daidong made a special report, from the original ideas of the party committee and the government, to the strong support of various village secretary, the mobilization of farmers in the township to raise funds, as well as the experience and achievements in the growth process of the farm. Of course, the premise should be explained first. Under the leadership of the county party committee and county government, the full support of the higher authorities, the high attention of the party committee and the government, the strong cooperation of the village committees, and the active participation of farmers in the whole township, the farm has achieved the current achievements. As for Zhu Daidong himself, he just did what he could, which was not worth mentioning.

Wang Lijun listened quietly to Zhu Daidong's report. From the cadence, Wang Lijun nodded in his heart. Zhu Daidong only entered his vision this year. He has the ability and academic qualifications. Although he is young, it seems that he has rich work experience now. The "Pujiu" acceptance and family planning inspection have been praised by the provincial inspection team, which is rare, which is difficult for ordinary people to do.

Although Zhu Daidong pointed out in the report that the results are due to the attention of the above and the support below, Wang Lijun knows that this is just an official article. Through the phenomenon, we can see the essence, which is the quality that every qualified leader must have.

If Wang Lijun's impression of Zhu Daidong was only vague in the past, now the image of a young, capable, capable and courageous township leading cadre has been clearly formed in his mind.

Finally, Zhu Daidong mentioned the difficulties of the farm. First of all, the financial difficulties. In order to make more than 90% of the farmers in the township become free farmers in the first half of next year, the farm still needs a capital gap of about 500,000 yuan. The second is technology, especially breeding technology and feed technology, which requires the strong support of the Animal Husbandry Bureau. There is also policy support. The tree ridge wealth project proposed by Zhu Daidong is in response to the "vegetable basket project" of the Ministry of Agriculture. In the "vegetable basket project", there are special policies to support seed breeding, feed processing and other related service systems.

Because Wang Lijun and Chen Shaohua are both here, Zhu Daidong will not miss such an opportunity. The superior leaders are interested in the following things. Of course, they have to take advantage of the opportunity to put forward some conditions, otherwise they will not let the leaders come for nothing? The leader came here to solve the following problems.

"Well, you don't lose any of the capital, technology and policies." Wang Lijun was in high spirits and said with a smile.

"The foundation of the tree ridge is thin and the foundation is poor. Now this project, of course, must be strongly supported by the county." Chen Shuli said with a happy face that since he served as the secretary of the Party Committee of Shushuling, he has never been so satisfied with the main leaders of the county because of the work of Shushuling.

Zhu Daidong smiled, but he was silent. This was the communication between the main leaders. Chen Shuli asked Wang Lijun for a pet, but he couldn't. He was particular about what to say.

"Shaohua, you have to make a statement on behalf of the Animal Husbandry Bureau, otherwise I'm afraid we can't get out of this conference room." Wang Lijun laughed and said that as long as the following work is in place, he is actually a very easy-going person and does not care about trifles. But once you get serious, you won't be sentimental. Last time, the head of the township head of Lion Mountain could not answer the numbers put forward by Zhu Bifeng, the leader of the "Pujiu" acceptance team. Later, the work of the deputy head of the township was adjusted.

Chen Shaohua made it clear that the Animal Husbandry Bureau fully cooperates with the work of the tree ridge farm, requiring people to give people and technology to give technology. Zhu Daidong seized the opportunity and asked the Animal Husbandry Bureau to send several technical cadres to guide the work. At present, the technical strength of breeding pig farms is still insufficient. A pig farm needs to provide 5,000 pig seedlings a month. According to the average of ten cubs of a sow, an average of 500 sows must be produced every month. Although there were 20 technicians on the farm, it was still not enough. Zhu Daidong instructed the farm to recruit another 30 people to teach on behalf of others, so that these people could get started as soon as possible.

There is still practical experience of technicians on the farm, but the theory is still lacking, while the technical cadres of the Animal Husbandry Bureau have a solid theoretical foundation. If they are asked to come to the farm to guide for a period of time and connect theory with practice, I believe that the pig farm will soon be on the right track.

The atmosphere of this symposium was relaxed, and the period was full of laughter. After the meeting, of course, it was a banquet. Chen Shuli was mainly responsible for accompanying Wang Lijun, and Zhu Daidong's task was to accompany Chen Shaohua of the Livestock Bureau and Sun Jianjun of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

If the general county magistrate comes down, the leaders of the township will try their best to toast, and their work also needs the cooperation of the following, so they can't be too faceless. Except for the first and second-hand. The secretary and the county magistrate have the final say on what wine to drink and to what extent.

Originally, Wang Lijun had always been drinking Maotai. When he came again, the village also prepared wine. But after Wang Lijun came to the table, when he saw the wine, he hesitated for a while, and said with a smile that when he arrived at the tree ridge, he drank the tree ridge wine. In the afternoon, he had to go to the winery to inspect. Wang Lijun wanted to taste the new Shuling wine.

The county magistrate wants to drink Shuling wine, and the Maotai on other tables also removed the table. You can't let the county magistrate drink Shuling wine, although the people below are Maotai. Although the taste of Shuling wine is good and the glura is also very novel. It has a certain popularity in Yuhua County and even the whole city of Shachang City, there is still a certain gap compared with Maotai National Wine. This kind of gap can't be caught up in a year or two.

Today, Zhu Daidong is mainly responsible for the commentary. He didn't communicate much with Chen Shaohua and Sun Jianjun. Now Zhu Daidong is sitting at the head of them.

" Director Chen and Director Sun, my task today is to accompany the two leaders. I will do it first, and you two are free." Zhu Daidong filled all the glasses of the three people. As soon as he raised his neck, the seven-money wine went into his mouth.

" Director Sun, Dai Dongxiang Chang is challenging us. The Animal Husbandry Bureau and the Civil Affairs Bureau can't defeat the battle in the tree ridge." Chen Shaohua knew that although the official position of the young man in front of him was only a deputy township, he had already acted as the township head. Today, the county magistrate came down, which was the greatest affirmation of his work. The word "agent" will definitely be removed after the New Year. The Animal Husbandry Bureau is not a kind of bureau in Yuhua County, and the Animal Husbandry Bureau will benefit from the farm run by Shushuling. Chen Shaohua is also willing to have a good relationship with the future head of Shushuling.

"Zhu Xiangchang, it doesn't seem appropriate for you to toast two glasses of wine alone." Sun Jianjun laughed and said that he is not tall, but he is very strong. Today, although he doesn't talk much, as long as he opens his mouth, he can get to the point.

Zhu Daidong may be worried about anything, but he is not afraid of drinking, and he doesn't care about Sun Jianguo's tricks. He takes the initiative to have a drink first, and then toasts in turn. After three or five rounds, Chen Shaohua and Chen Jianjun both fell in love with Zhu Daidong, a straightforward young man. Chen Shaohua and Sun Jianjun have actually joined hands secretly, but even so, Zhu Daidong never plays tricks and does not refuse.

After a period of time, Zhu Daidong talked to them much more casually. When he heard that Sun Jianjun's accent was a little familiar, he asked, "Mr. Sun, you seem to have a little Hibiscus accent?"

"My hometown is Furong County." Sun Jianjun nodded. Although he had worked in Yuhua County for more than ten years, and the accent of Furong County was not much different from that in Yuhua County, he didn't expect to be heard by him when he first met Zhu Daidong.

"Then I have to give you a toast. I'm also from Furong County." Zhu Daidong said with a smile that his accent deliberately aggravated the taste of hibiscus.

"If you see your fellow villagers, you have to have another drink." Chen Shaohua knew that Sun Jianjun was from Furong County, but he did not know that Zhu Daidong was also from Furong County.

In the afternoon, Wang Lijun had to go to inspect the winery. The dinner was over in an hour and a half. Zhu Daidong had a good talk with Chen Shaohua and Sun Jianjun. Because Zhu Daidong drank directly, the two also drank a lot. After they came back, their faces were slightly drunk.

Drinking to this extent is actually the best. The brain is particularly active and talks a lot. Chen Shaohua, Sun Jianjun and Zhu Daidong, after drinking a drink, the three of them have a better impression of each other. In particular, after Sun Jianjun learned that Zhu Daidong was from Furong County, he obviously talked a lot, which surprised Chen Shaohua.


I'm still not satisfied, so let's see which chapters of the most popular other novels have been updated!

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