Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 141 Entering the View of the Deputy Mayor

Chapter 141 Entering the vision of the deputy mayor

Thank you to the book lovers: the 18th, 18th, 189th, 191st and 192 monthly tickets voted by "Dawangcai"; "Qingquan 193rd monthly tickets

Yesterday, it was said that today's goal was to rank 11th in the monthly ticket list of new books, but I didn't expect it to be achieved so soon. Now it is firmly in the 11th place. The new goal is coming again, which is also my most desire to reach the top ten. There are still 153 monthly tickets short of the first one, which looks very large, but if it is divided into ten copies, it will only pass 15 tickets a day. If there is no goal, there will be no motivation. The ultimate goal of this month is to enter the top ten. No matter how difficult it is, let's fight together

In the face of Comrade Zhu Daidong, who is eloquent and talkative, Bai Ding can't believe it. Do you remember it so clearly? It's not recite in advance, is it? Bai Ding proposed to go to the pig farm and the farmer's home to have a look on the spot. Zhu Daidong did not hesitate and readily agreed. Leaving the office, Zhu Daidong pushed out the motorcycle, carried Bai Ding, and left the township government.

Bai Ding nodded secretly. Although he was white, he was not careless. Seeing that the young village head did not avoid himself and did not call the following in advance, he obviously had confidence in the farm. When he arrived at the pig farm, Zhu Daidong did not disturb the staff. There were many sows in the pig farm, how many pig seedlings in the column, how many pig seedlings can be produced in a day, how much feed can be consumed every day, how to feed, how to prevent the epidemic, and so on. Bai Ding quietly looked at the data obtained at the pig farm, and now he introduced it to Zhu Daidong. Only then did he believe what Zhu Daidong just said, and he also admired him a little.

I went to the pig farm and the nursery farm, and went to a few more villages. Every time I go to a village, Zhu Daidong can tell how many farmers there are in this village, how many pigs were slaughtered last year, how many pigs are slaughtered, and how many pigs are expected to be slaughtered this month. Just by breeding, how much the villagers' net income has increased, and in addition, how much organic fertilizer can be added. The figures are very accurate, and Bai Ding is stunned.

"Chang Zhu, you are really familiar with the situation." Bai Ding sat behind the motorcycle and said with admiration. Sitting behind Zhu Daidong and listening to his introduction, especially after entering the village, his motorcycle basically kept reporting the situation of the farmers who had just passed by. Bai Ding experimented several times without error.

"It's nothing. It's just skillful. I read and listen more every day. Unconsciously, these data are firmly imprinted in my mind." Zhu Daidong turned around and smiled, revealing his white teeth.

Back to the countryside, Bai Ding asked about the future exhibition plan of the farm. Zhu Daidong told Bai Ding that the farm's plan was to respond to the "vegetable basket project" proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, and the other was to benefit the farmers of the tree ridge and get rich through their hard-working hands. Under the leadership of the county party committee and county government, the township party committee and government attach great importance to it. All villages and village committees strongly support it, and the whole township farmers cooperate with it, so that the farm has achieved its current scale. Last year, the number of farms in the township was 4,000, and this year it has risen to 8,500. The ultimate goal of the farm is to involve all farmers in the township, so that everyone who has the ability to work can create a better life at home through hard-working hands.

The whole tree ridge will become a big farm, and Bai Ding is looking forward to the future of the farm. If it really reaches what Zhu Daidong said, Shushuling will turn his family into a farmer. Ten pigs and a hundred chickens don't look like much. You can multiply this number by 10,000 or even 20,000, and the result will surprise everyone.

"If the number of pigs slaughtered in Shuling reaches 10,000 every month, will it affect the sales price and sales?" Bai Ding was surprised by the scale of Zhu Daidong, but at the same time, he was also worried about whether the high-level farm could guarantee the current profit margin of farmers.

"No, at least not in the short term. Now our pigs are in short supply, and the market alone in the city is enough to digest it." Zhu Daidong shook his head confidently, "If that happens, we will not let the farmers' profits be damaged. After all, you know that pig seedlings and feed are provided free of charge by the farm. If it is really a loss, it is also a loss farm."

"The farm was built by farmers in the whole township." Bai Ding asked.

"The market will only get bigger and bigger. With the high development of China's economy, the living standards of the people will become higher and higher, and the requirements for meat and eggs will become larger and larger accordingly. If the city really can't absorb the live pigs in our hometown, it can be sold to the province, or even in other provinces." Zhu Daidong felt that Bai Ding was a little unfounded. Maybe the profession of reporter determined that they should be skeptical about everything and prevent them from becoming more and more.

"What if the situation in the province or even other provinces is not optimistic?" Bai Ding asked closely that it was the reporter's nature to break the casserole question, but many times, they would not ask some questions in person.

"That shows that you are not optimistic about China's economic development." Zhu Daidong shook his head gently. Since the chief designer's southern tour speech last year, China's economy has entered a stage of high exhibition. According to Zhu Daidong's review of information from all aspects, this high exhibition will last for at least 15 to 30 years. Perhaps in that era, the industrial structure of Shuling had been adjusted long ago, or the products were further processed.

"Zhu Xiangchang has a lot of confidence in the farm." Bai Ding deliberately made things difficult for Zhu Daidong, but instead of being angry, he wanted to convince himself.

At noon, Zhu Daidong accompanied Bai Ding for dinner. The white reporter, who often ran the news outside, drank a lot. Zhu Daidong solemnly introduced the tree ling wine. From the history of the tree ling wine factory, the former glory and short decline, to now, he has seized the opportunity of the southern tour speech, adjusted the structure, and launched Reproduce the achievements of the past.

"I am now the head of Zhu Township, who really serves the people wholeheartedly. Look, have a meal, and don't forget to promote Shushuling." Baiding drank Shuling wine for the first time. He drank a lot of high-end wine, and Shuling wine had a unique flavor.

"How rare is it for you to be a reporter? Of course, we have to firmly seize this opportunity in a remote area like us. Zhu Daidong smiled and said that if Bai Ding could say something good to Shushuling in the newspaper, the effect would be much better than his own contribution.

"Zhu Xiangchang, how about we see a real chapter on the wine table? Each of us drinks three catties of wine. If anyone doesn't pour it, then listen to the person. Seeing that Zhu Daidong said a lot and drank less, Bai Ding wanted to make it difficult for him on purpose. Bai Ding runs the news outside, and the meals are endless every day. It can be said that he is a news warrior of the alcohol test. He is confident that even if it is a high level of liquor like Shushuling wine, it is not a problem to drink

"How can it be? We have to let the facts speak. The situation of the tree ridge is here, and we have indeed made a lot of achievements." Zhu Daidong was not fooled. He pretended to be difficult and decided by drinking. It's too much fun.

"The achievements of Shulin are really good, but which county and township in the city has no results? Reporting tree ridges is also a report, and other places are also reported, and there is no difference. Bai Ding laughed and said, like the situation of Shuling Farm, it is really worth reporting, but the matter of the winery belongs to the ranks of whether it can be reported or not. It all depends on the reporter's determination.

"But I don't usually drink much." Zhu Daidong said in a dilemma that he really didn't drink much at ordinary times, and once he started drinking, it was unusual.

"Then drink it for the Tree Ridge Winery." In fact, Bai Ding admires Zhu Daidong in his heart. He is strong and young, and he graduated from college. The most important thing is to put the people in his heart. It is rare for such a person to take root at the grassroots level. In fact, no matter whether Zhu Daidong can drink three catties of wine or not, he will strive to give a larger layout to Shushuling, which is not only the publicity of Shushuling, but also an affirmation of Zhu Daidong, the head of the township. After being a reporter for so many years, the doorway is still very clear.

"All right."

Zhu Daidong drank three bottles of Shuling wine, as if nothing had happened. After drinking three bottles of wine, reporter Bai Da saw that Zhu Daidong had a double shadow. Bai Ding was not convinced and said three more bottles. As a result, after one bottle, he just left the wall. It was better for Zhu Daidong to carry him back. It was not until the night that Bai Ding woke up and remembered the situation during the day. He laughed hoarsely. This Zhu Daidong actually ambushed with him, and blamed his carelessness. How many township cadres can't drink?

Of course, Bai Ding picked up the lights at night and fought at night. He wrote thousands of words and finished three articles together: "Remember the two or three things of Zhu Daidong, the head of Shushuling Township", "The tree ridge farm that can make farmers rich", and "The tree ling wine of Shushuling Township".

After reading the article in the newspaper, Zhu Daidong knew that Bai Ding actually made a propaganda report for himself. The person who wrote this article was a senior reporter of the municipal newspaper, which is a kind of qualification and a kind of work affirmation for Zhu Daidong. He called Bai Ding to express his gratitude. Bai Ding at the other end of the phone laughed and said that he couldn't thank him verbally. He had to take practical actions and asked Zhu Daidong to drink with him again when he came to the city next time. At that time, he would have a cup and Zhu Daidong would drink two glasses. If he didn't get

Bai Ding thought he was complacent and didn't think about it. Even so, Zhu Daidong couldn't get drunk unless he could drink a high level of liquor, but it was impossible.

Zhu Daidong did not realize what Bai Ding's three reports on Tree Ridge would bring to him. When the "tree ridge farm that can make farmers rich" table, not only Zhu Daidong, who was in the tree ridge, saw it, but also the friendly army when he was sitting in the deputy mayor of the municipal government.

At the end of last year, the city asked him to take the lead in person and personally focus on the "vegetable basket project" in Shachang City. In order to make the citizens of the city have a happy and rich New Year, it is necessary to ensure the adequate supply of meat, eggs and fish. At that time, the friendly army was still worried that the city's meat factory supplied less than 300 pigs a day. How could it supply the city's demand? At that time, the heads of the friendly army were almost white. The pig had a growth process. If you didn't feed it today, it could be slaughtered tomorrow. If the citizens couldn't even buy meat during the Spring Festival, the municipal government would not be scolded by the masses?

But in the last two months before the year, the situation of the meat factory was relieved, and the daily supply of pigs began to increase. By the Spring Festival, 500 pigs had been listed every day, which relieved him. At that time, he only focused on checking the work everywhere, and did not ask how to solve the problem. After reading this article, the friendly army appeared that it was the comrade of the township head of Shuling Township, Yuhua County, who invisibly helped him a lot.

I'm still not satisfied, so let's see which chapters of the most popular other novels have been updated!

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