Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 148 I can't believe it

Thank you to book friends: the 227th monthly ticket of "The Emperor of Bookworm"; the 228th, 229th, 230th and 231th monthly ticket of "Ayue Baby"; the 232nd and 233rd monthly ticket of "Yan gyimb"; the 234th monthly ticket of "Book-loving Bugs"; " The 235th monthly ticket of "xb123"; the 236th monthly ticket of "Air, the dark"; the 237th monthly ticket of "~wind and thunder"; the 238th monthly ticket of "Brother Dong"; the 239th monthly ticket of "ci0739"; the 240th monthly ticket of "Leige".

The gap is shrinking, and every step forward is a victory

After receiving a phone call from Zhu Daidong from Guangzhou, Chen Shuli was also ecstatic. The price given by Guangzhou was 45% higher than the acquisition price of the municipal meat joint factory. What kind of concept is this? It is equivalent to selling one pig to Guangzhou to earn more than selling two to the municipal meat factory.

"Has the contract been signed? Well, we'll have a celebration party when you come back." Chen Shuli danced with joy. His calculation is different from Pan Daoyi's. Pan Daoyi only counts as profit, while Chen Shuli's calculation is an economic account. Last year, Shushuling jumped from the bottom of the county's economic ranking to the middle. This year's contract was signed. With more than 100,000 pigs from Shushuling, the economic indicators of Shushuling will appear in the top five of the county. There is no doubt that Chen Shuli has seen the situation of the secretary and the county magistrate encouraging

Putting down the phone, Chen Shuli couldn't calm down for a long time. He lit a cigarette, and his fingers were still shaking slightly. This year, the profit of the farm will exceed three million, and even reaching five million is not a problem. And how much will the annual income of farmers in the township increase? What kind of height will the economy of the whole tree ridge reach? Every time he went to the village, Chen Shuli sighed that the road was not easy to walk. This year, another major thing to do was to build the road. Not only should the road be repaired, but also the asphalt road should be repaired in every village.

A cigarette burned out in almost a few mouthfuls. When the cigarette butt was about to burn his fingers, Chen Shuli recovered from his plan and extinguished the smoke. He grabbed the phone and called Wang Lijun.

"County head, I would like to report a good news to you. The head of Daidong Township went to Guangzhou to contact the pig sales. The purchase price in Guangzhou is very high, which is 45% higher than the price of the municipal meat joint factory. This alone, I estimate that the profit of Shuling Farm will be 3 million yuan more this year. Chen Shuli took a few deep breaths before he said with a smile.

"Three million yuan?" Wang Lijun was shocked, and his whole body was immediately attracted by this number.

"This is still my conservative estimate. The average price of a pig sold to the municipal meat joint factory is 600 yuan, more than 45%, that is... My mother, the purchase price of a pig in Guangzhou is more than 800 yuan? This year, the whole township slaughtered more than 200,000 pigs. This... This is not more than 3 million, it should be more than 30 million." Chen Shuli took a breath of cold air and stammered. He was really not right just now. In fact, the price of a catty of meat in Guangzhou has only increased by more than one yuan. Now there is a The purchase price of live pigs given by the state is also five yuan. Of course, this is the price shipped to Guangzhou Meat Union Factory, and the transportation cost has to be deducted.

"Chen Shuli, are you confused about drinking? More than 30 million? Do you know how much the county's annual fiscal revenue is? Just now, Wang Lijun was originally happy, but when he heard this more and more ridiculous number, he hung up the phone angrily. Chen Shuli seemed to be drinking too much.

But the number reported by Chen Shuli took root in Wang Lijun's heart and sprouted quickly, and he was restless all afternoon. When he was about to get off work, he called Guo Lin'an, and the two made an appointment to meet in the secretary's office.

"Secretary, Chen Shuli from Shuling called half an hour ago, saying that the profit of the farm will exceed 30 million this year. It's ridiculous." Wang Lijun took this as a joke to Guo Lin'an.

"Thirty million? Chen Shuli really dares to say it. Guo Lin'an was stunned and took it as a joke. The fiscal revenue of Yuhua County mainly came from agriculture, and he never thought of making a return on the enterprise. The year before last, the county encouraged the establishment of township enterprises. As a result, there were only one of the 16 township enterprises in the county, and the last profit was only one. That one struggled The farm in the tree ridge is indeed very well run. Zhu Daidong has closely linked the interests of farmers in the whole township with the farm, so that nearly 10,000 farmers in the tree ridge live in one place, which led to the glory of the tree ridge last year.

Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun have personally inspected the farm in Shushuling. The monthly profit of the farm is more than 200,000, and more than 3 million a year. He still believes it. But if you say 30 million, neither of them will believe it. But just like Wang Lijun's mind, why doesn't Guo Lin'an be eager for such an enterprise in the county? If it's like what Chen Shuli said, the tree ridge will be in the news again.

"Would you like to ask?" Guo Lin'an looked at the phone on the table and then at Wang Lijun. The news also took root in his heart and immediately thrived.

"Chen Shuli definitely dare not say nonsense in front of the secretary." Wang Lijun smiled. When did the secretary call to ask for instructions? It's just that both of them are concerned about the authenticity of the news now.

The phone call was answered quickly. Chen Shuli was depressed in the office. The good news was so great that the county magistrate couldn't believe it.

"Establish comrades? I'm Guo Lin'an.

"Good Secretary." Chen Shuli immediately said, looking at the clock on the wall, it was past the off-duty time, and the secretary still called at this time, which could only be related to one thing.

Sure enough, Guo Lin'an then asked about the Shuling farm. Chen Shuli immediately told the cause and effect. Just now, he didn't explain the context clearly to Wang Lijun, which made him misunderstand. Hearing that Zhu Daidong went to Guangzhou and signed a contract with the Guangzhou Municipal Government, Guo Lin'an immediately believed it. This Zhu Daidong will always surprise himself. He should not be surprised by anything that happens to him.

"Can Comrade Daidong get in touch with you now?" Guo Lin'an asked, now he was eager to see Zhu Daidong and asked him to understand.

"I'm afraid not, but he will come back as soon as possible. If he calls back again, I will ask him to report to the county first." Chen Shuli said quickly.

"Akay, if he calls back again, you can ask him to call me at home." Guo Lin'an said in a low voice.

Putting down the phone, Chen Shuli knew that Zhu Daidong's move was right, and he didn't fight for anything. He had the most confidence to rely on his achievements.

In Guo Lin'an's office, Wang Lijun eagerly listened to every word Wang Lijun and Chen Shuli said on the phone. In addition to the useless information at the beginning, the last few words mentioned Zhu Daidong. Wang Lijun immediately thought that Chen Shuli also told himself that Zhu Daidong went to Guangzhou and contacted the pig sales. At that time, all I thought about was the horrible number, and I automatically ignored this sentence.

"Lijun, it seems that Chen Shuli did not lie. Zhu Daidong ran to Guangzhou. This year, the number of pigs slaughtered in Shuling will exceed 200,000. The supply market alone has exceeded the demand, and Zhu Daidong thought of going to Guangzhou. At the beginning, the price given in Guangzhou was 30% higher than that in the city. Later, Zhu Daidong bargained and added a little. When Guo Lin'an spoke, his eyebrows had already shown joy. This Zhu Daidong can not only drink, but also has strong ability. How long has Shuling been in his hands?

"Who would have thought that raising pigs could make so much money?" Wang Lijun laughed at himself. After hearing the figures reported by Chen Shuli just now, he lost his composure.

"Yes, the pigsty is dirty and smelly. It's not easy for Zhu Daidong to find wealth here." Guo Lin'an's face is full of spring breeze, and Shuling, a poor township, is about to become a typical example of getting rich. This period is only a short period of two years. If you say it, who will believe it?

"Secretary, is it time for the Secretary of the Party Committee of Lion Mountain Township to be determined?" Wang Lijun was originally a little hesitant for Zhu Daidong to take up the position of Secretary of the Party Committee of Lion Mountain, but now, he is more eager than Guo Lin'an. He can have someone who is good at economy, and it will be much easier for him to work as a county magistrate.

"Let's decide after listening to his report when Comrade Dai Dong comes back." Guo Lin'an smiled and said.

The first and second leaders have the same opinion, and there is no change in this matter. Zhu Daidong's position as the secretary of the Party Committee of Shizishan Township is certain and cannot be changed.

Zhu Daidong, who is still in Guangzhou, does not know that his position as the party secretary of Shizishan Township has been settled. Now all he has to do is to go back immediately and organize transportation. He has to transport more than 200,000 heads a year to Guangzhou, almost 20,000 heads a month, and 700 heads a day. Even if a car is loaded with 100 Seven large trucks are transported back and forth every day. As for the train, Zhu Daidong didn't consider it. There are too many trains going south, and it is often crowded. The train only takes 16 hours from Shachang City to Guangzhou, but if it is a truck, it will not necessarily arrive in three days. How many pigs will die on the road?

The two of them went to Guangzhou Railway Station to buy tickets. There is no bus in the evening. There will be one tomorrow morning. It seems that they have to stay in Guangzhou for one night. After getting the ticket, Zhu Daidong checked the time. At this time, Chen Shuli should have not slept, so he tried to call his office. Unexpectedly, as soon as it rang twice, the phone was answered.


"Daidong, that's great. You finally called again." Chen Shuli said happily when he received the phone call. In the afternoon, Guo Lin'an called and made him excited that he hadn't eaten yet. There was a pile of cigarette butts in the ashtray, which was all caused by his surging mood.

"What's wrong? It's not that I won't come back. I don't have a car at night. I can only buy tickets for tomorrow morning, and I won't get home until the day after tomorrow. Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"After receiving your call in the afternoon, I called the county magistrate of Lijun. Later, Secretary Guo personally called to inquire about this matter. The county attaches great importance to your party in Guangzhou. Please call Secretary Guo immediately to report it. In addition, do you have the phone number of the county magistrate Wang's family?" Chen Shuli asked.

"Yes, I'll call right away." Zhu Daidong immediately understood what was going on. Along the way, Pan Daoyi nagging him about the profit of the farm this year. He had calculated it eight times, but he was still happy. He could imagine that the profit of the farm this year exceeded 40 million, and how much impact it would be on the county leaders. V