Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 190 Deputy County Magistrate Zhu Daidong

Chapter 190 Deputy County Magistrate Zhu Daidong (Ask for a monthly pass!)

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Thank you for your strong support. The network is not ready yet. The telecom people came in the morning and followed him for an hour. There should have been two updates, but now there is only one update, and I will try to update more in the afternoon.

The environment of the Internet cafe is not conducive to coding. Now it is updated and I will go back immediately, and I will update it in the evening.

In the third year of junior high school, Zhu Daidong went to Wudang Mountain. Last year, Zhu Daidong prepared the wine, but this year, the unknown Taoist priest finally couldn't finish it. Zhu Daidong came here mainly to make up the warehouse and got drunk with the unknown Taoist master by the way. Only here can Zhu Daidong let go of his drinking and know his drinking capacity. Zhu Daidong moved two boxes of wine to his side, and the unknown Taoist priest also put a box.

Get drunk and have a good sleep to make Zhu Daidong feel very comfortable. In Yuhua County, he has no chance to get drunk, nor can he get drunk. Only when he gets here can he really be happy. Zhu Daidong also found that drinking two boxes of wine at a time was very helpful to his hearing. The reason why he could suddenly enter the state of doing what he wanted was that he was drunk here the year before last.

The next day, Zhu Daidong didn't wake up until the evening. Zhu Daidong came to Wudang Mountain. On the first day, he moved wine, drank a lot at night, and slept all day the next day, which has become the rule in recent years. In the evening, Lao Dao came to the cave on time. He had to be a vegetarian on Wudang Mountain, but when he got here, he would eat meat. When I bought wine yesterday, I also bought some meat by the way.

Lao Dao told Zhu Daidong a piece of news that he was going to travel around the world this year, and the real people in Wudang Mountain would never want to do it again. Zhu Daidong expressed his support. Lao Dao is not a material for self-cultivation at all. The life he yearns for most is to eat and sleep, sleep and eat. If he can have a sip of wine and drink again, it will be a fairy-like day.

Zhu Daidong invited Lao Dao to Yuhua County. The nameless Taoist temple in Shushuling has not yet been seen by Taoist priests. Lao Dao can just eat and drink again. Unexpectedly, the old man didn't want to go back to the tree ridge. He said that he was a horse, and a good horse did not eat back grass. I'm afraid I will never return to the unknown Taoist temple again in my life. The unknown Taoist priest took a sip of wine and said.

If you don't go back to the unknown Taoist temple, where can I find you then? Zhu Daidong asked in surprise. If you are predestined, you can see each other again. The unknown Taoist priest said a bullshit. When will you leave? Zhu Daidong knew that since the old way had been decided, it could not be changed. It was impossible for him to return to Yuhua County.

Let's finish drinking these wines. The unknown Taoist priest looked at the sorghum of the small half stone cave and was full of reluctance. If he didn't drink all the wine, he would not leave. Zhu Daidong laughed. This is enough for you to drink for a year. I don't think you want to leave at all. Now that you are here, you have to drink every day, and you don't have to do anything. You can't get caught in the wind and rain. Why do you have to leave? Every year, I will come to send you wine until the day you become a fairy.

Although this kind of life is very desirable, it is too luxurious, and drinking in such an environment is also disrespectful to Shanmen. Don't worry, even if I don't leave this year, I will leave next year, so you don't have to come again next year, the unknown Taoist priest said sadly.

I'm also saved. Zhu Daidong said, raised his neck and drank more than half a bottle of wine.

After returning to Yuhua County, Zhu Daidong was still a little drunk. In recent years, although he can only meet the unknown old man once a year, if he can't see the old man again next year, Zhu Daidong is really upset. This old way, if you want to go, don't say a word, just walk away quietly, won't you? It made me feel sad.

However, there was not much time left for Zhu Daidong to be sad. As soon as he returned to the county, he began to be busy. First, he paid New Year's greetings to the main leaders of the county, then New Year's greetings to his acquaintances, and then to all the county-level leaders. Finally, I went to the agricultural machinery factory and paid New Year's greetings to the workers of the agricultural machinery factory who had officially started construction on the morning of the fifth day of the lunar new year.

This year, the agricultural machinery factory had a peaceful and warm New Year. After the beginning of the new year, the workers became more and more motivated. The workshop was in production, and the people in the supply and marketing department also ran out. Now it is no longer possible for the business of the agricultural machinery factory to wait for others to come to us, and we have to run by ourselves.

After the New Year, Zhu Daidong's appointment was also made. He became a candidate for deputy county magistrate, and then elected with a high vote without any suspense and became the legal deputy magistrate of the Yuhua County People's Government. Such a result has long been expected by everyone and has not caused any waves. Everyone is psychologically prepared for this 26-year-old deputy county magistrate.

At the first county magistrate's office meeting, Zhu Daidong's division of labor was also determined. He was responsible for enterprises, individual private economy, investment attraction, in charge of the Economic and Trade Commission and the development zone, and also served as the secretary of the working committee and director of the management committee of the development zone. This is basically tailor-made for Zhu Daidong, which can give full play to his talents. According to Zhu Daidong, this is to squeeze out his first drop of blood.

The development zone in Yuhua County began to start in the second half of last year. At that time, many people thought it was a steamed bun. For the position of secretary and director of the development zone, several deputy county magistrates and deputy secretaries fought in secret, which made Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun annoyed. As a result, it was hard to deal with these bad things, but the work of the development zone was not formal.

At the beginning of the establishment of the development zone, the county invested heavily in a total of 2 million yuan, which is the same as the investment in agricultural machinery factories. However, the agricultural machinery factory turned a loss into a profit in three months, and two million yuan was invested in the development zone, and no sound was heard. With these two million yuan, it cost one million yuan to reclaim the land, and the remaining one million yuan was used to buy three cars and build a luxurious office building in the development zone, so there is no money. Up to now, the land in the development zone has not been leveled.

At the end of last year, Guo Lin'an was furious and took the secretary and director of the development zone to the end. The secretary was sentenced to three years for corruption and bribery, and the director was demoted to the archives bureau to manage the archives. The end of the two people scared a lot of courage. Unexpectedly, no one fought for the position of the secretary and director of the development zone. Not only did they not fight, but on the contrary, they were afraid that they could not avoid it. Wang Lijun had a headache and packed up the development zone and handed it to Zhu Daidong.

Although Zhu Daidong, the deputy county magistrate, still has an office in the county government, his work development zone accounts for more than half of it. Although he is reluctant to give up the reasonable and convenient monitoring conditions of the county government office, Zhu Daidong has to let himself work in the development zone as much as possible.

But after turning around the development zone, Zhu Daidong's heart was very cold, and he wanted to cry without tears. The nominal site of the development zone is very large, covering an area of more than 5,000 mu, but in fact, half of it is still farmland. In addition to the office building in the development zone, other places are still overgrown with weeds.

Check the account of the development zone again. The balance is only 136.86 cents, which is not enough for a meal. There are more than 20 establishments in the development zone. The salaries of these people need to be solved by the development zone itself, and the county finance will never invest money after the establishment of the development zone. The county is still thinking about when to let the development zone feed back the county's finances.

Zhu Daidong complained to Wang Lijun about the situation of the development zone, saying that he was young and incompetent. I'm afraid he could not be qualified for the position of secretary of the working committee and director of the management committee of the development zone. He should be held by others. He is the leader in charge, and he can't do everything Wang Lijun ignored it. He said that he believed in Zhu Daidong's ability very much. If there was no difficulty, what do you leading cadres should do? You are the ones who solve the problem.

Zhu Daidong asked for money. Wang Lijun said that the original two million had been given to the development zone, and now it's up to Zhu Daidong. I hope Comrade Zhu Daidong can give full play to the spirit of the agricultural machinery factory and turn the development zone into a profit within three months. If Zhu Daidong can do it, he will personally celebrate Zhu Daidong.

Turn a loss into a profit in three months? County magistrate Wang, you really think highly of me. It's very good not to starve to death in such a situation in the development zone. Wang Lijun smiled. That's someone else, but you are Zhu Daidong. When something comes to you, a miracle can happen. I believe that the difficulties are temporary, and the development zone will definitely work well. He can assure Zhu Daidong that even if the development zone cannot turn a loss into a profit within three months, it must achieve a balance of income and expenditure in half a year. This is the military order he made at the Standing Committee to replace Zhu Daidong.

Zhu Daidong smiled bitterly. County Magistrate Wang, you look up to me too much. I, Zhu Daidong, can't do it. Thank you for your love so much. You can't do it even if you sell more than 20 people in the development zone. At least the agricultural machinery factory has a factory, with skilled workers, and Li Shaolin also has patented technology. As long as a sum of money is invested, it can operate normally. But what's in the development zone? Nothing

At present, the only thing Zhu Daidong has is the preferential policy of the development zone. Since the county has established a development zone, of course, it also wants the development zone to become the industrial center of Yuhua County and the economy will take off. Therefore, the development zone has a large fluctuation in the policy of the enterprises that come to invest. For example, tax exemption and land transfer fees, the development zone has great autonomy.

In addition to being responsible for the development zone, Zhu Daidong is under the control of all enterprises in the county. Wang Lijun also put forward specific goals. The county machinery factory and the county fertilizer factory will resume production this year, and the county will not invest a penny. It all depends on Zhu Daidong.

Zhu Daidong has never felt that it is so difficult to work. What are the advantages of the development zone? It is very important that the land has been expropriated, and there is no economic entanglement with the local farmers. Now the more than 5,000 mu of land in the development zone is completely belonging to the development zone. How to sell, how much to sell, the county does not interfere, and Zhu Daidong has the final say on everything. In addition, there are preferential policies in the development zone, but these policies can't be used as food. They have to be used and used on enterprises to become money. Now, the land of the development zone is not level, and it is like a dream to let enterprises settle in.

Although the development zone is small, there are only more than 20 people, but the teams of government agencies have been set up. Except for the lack of fiscal revenue, it can be regarded as a district. When Zhu Daidong held the first meeting, he established his absolute authority. He was originally the secretary and director, or as the deputy county magistrate. If there was no absolute authority in the development zone, Zhu Daidong's years of working in the township would have been in vain.

Where is the way out of the development zone? How should enterprises in the county develop? All of these are problems that need to be solved urgently in front of Zhu Daidong.


I'm still not satisfied, so let's see which chapters of the most popular other novels have been updated!

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