Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 194 Small Pot Factory

In fact, Zhu Daidong is not necessarily an enterprise in the direction of mechanical manufacturing, but Wu Donghong follows the leader too closely, and he has no choice. However, Zhu Daidong has decided that Wu Donghong can be used, but it cannot be used to attract investment.

On the surface, every leader says that he can use people to be virtuous, but everyone has a different definition of the standard of virtuous. Moreover, the leader's sight cannot be very wide, and there can't be too many people in his sight. Zhu Daidong is better. He has a pair of divine ears to help. There are almost no people and things in the organ that can escape his ears. This makes him handy in handling personnel and interpersonal relationships, and makes few mistakes.

Even so, everyone has their own preferences. Zhu Daidong is a human face, not a god. As long as he has strong working ability and a strong personal style, he dares to use and promote such a person. Wu Donghong is valued by him. The most important reason is not that he follows himself closely, but that as the office director, he has no financial problems. In recent years, the corruption of the leading cadres of our party has been increasing day by day. Zhu Daidong does not want the people he value to take this road.

During this period, Zhu Daidong spent a lot of time in going to the machinery company. After the development zone and the machinery factory, Zhu Daidong made drastic changes to the machinery factory, streamlined the mechanism, broke the big pot of rice, and introduced the competition and reward system, which made the machinery factory suddenly sipated.

The technical content of the household combination rice machine is not very high. The most important thing is a small motor and a casting. Originally, the machinery factory had a workshop for the production of motors, but now it has been expanded into a motor factory under the machinery company. The casting workshop has also been expanded into a casting factory. The production workshop of the machinery company has greatly reduced functions like an assembly workshop, but the efficiency has been greatly improved.

In the enterprise, Zhu Daidong's favorite deal with is Ge Yanfu, the original chief engineer of the technical personnel county machinery factory. After the establishment of the new machinery company, Ge Yanfu's work has not changed. Zhu Daidong talked with Ge Yanfu several times and found that this Ge Gong was simply an all-rounder, and he was very proficient in any process of the machinery factory. He is very familiar with all the operations. He originally graduated with a major in electrical engineering. After joining the work, he has been working in a mechanical factory, from an ordinary technician to a chief engineer.

Now the combined rice machine, paddle grinding machine and other equipment produced by the machinery company is Ge Yanfu's suggestion to Zhu Daidong to produce. Facts have proved that Gegong is not only first-class in technology, but also has a good understanding of market dynamics. Now the first batch of combined rice machines of mechanical companies have been put into the market and have received a good response among the majority of users.

The publicity of the machinery company does not use the routines commonly used by Zhu Daidong. Outdoor wall advertisements and TV advertisements are of little use to these machinery and equipment. The main users of mechanical equipment are farmers, and they need an intuitive feeling. Therefore, every time they go to the market in the following townships, the people in the supply and marketing department of the machinery company will take the combined rice machine and paddle grinding machine produced by the machinery company to conduct on-site experiments and let farmers inspect on the spot.

After a few times, the products of the machinery company slowly opened the market, and then the dealers in various towns took the initiative to find the door. The sales of machinery companies are mainly in the supply and marketing department, and the supply and marketing department of the machinery company also adopts the system of salary and commission, which greatly increases their enthusiasm.

Now the people in the supply and marketing department have begun to sell the products of Yuhuā Machinery Company to other counties. According to such a development trend, it will not be a problem for the machinery company to make a profit next month. Now the people in the mechanical company are full of confidence in the future of the company. Especially Ge Yanfu, who has just joined the work of the county machinery factory, and he has a deep affection for the machinery factory. During the shutdown of the machinery factory, he was so anxious that he couldn't even sleep at night.

After Zhu Daidong became the assistant to the county magistrate last year, Ge Yanfu took over Zhu Daidong several times and wanted him to help the machinery factory resume production as soon as possible. It was also during this period that Ge Yanfu strongly recommended small household machinery and equipment such as sister rice machine to Zhu Daidong. Zhu Daidong once knew that there was a machinery company in the south that offered a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan to invite Ge Yanfu to go south, but Ge Yanfu was not moved at all. He knew that if he left, it was really unknown whether the machinery factory could rise again.

Zhu Daidong is very moved by Ge Yanfu's spirit. He costs 5,000 yuan a month. Such a high salary can never be found in the whole Yuhuā County. Now Ge Yanfu works as a chief engineer in a mechanical company, and his job is only a small thousand yuan. Zhu Daidong was sorry and wanted to give him an extra allowance, but Ge Yanfu did not accept it. He said that his greatest willingness is to see the machinery factory revitalize. As for his own treatment, as long as it is enough. What's the use of a person to ask for so much money?

Every time Zhu Daidong comes to the machinery company, he always talks to Ge Yanfu. "sometimes Ge Yanfu is so busy that even Zhu Daidong is unwilling to receive him. Zhu Daidong stands aside with a smile. There are people like Ge Yanfu in the machinery company. "It can never go bankrupt!

Now that the machinery company's products have been put on the market, and the products are becoming more and more mature, Ge Yanfu has more time at his disposal. Every time Zhu Daidong comes to the machinery company, he can at least chat with Zhu Daidong for a period of time.

"Count of Zhu, at this time last year, the machinery factory was too poor to open the pot, but this year, look, it's a prosperity. Seeing this situation, I will die unshakable." When Ge Yanfu was idle, he always liked to walk around in various workshops and branches of the machinery factory. In the development zone, the branches of the machinery company are very close, which is also one of his greatest pleasures now. Seeing that the mechanical company is booming, he will never get tired of it.

"Yes, Ge Gong's credit is the greatest. If it weren't for you, even if the machinery factory is rich now, I don't know what to do." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"I'm an old man, what can I do for credit? County Magistrate Zhu, the machinery company will make a profit like this year. Is there any new plans in the county next?" Ge Yanfu asked.

"Of course I plan to have it," but you, Ge Gong, have to come up with a strict quality." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"If I really have one product, I'm too poor to open the pot in the burial machinery factory. I'm just thinking about whether I can order a name on this pot.

"Ge Yanfu said that these are some products he conceived in his spare time last year." He did not experiment at the beginning, but only demonstrated it in theory. After the establishment of the machinery company, he tried to make a few samples in the factory. The effect was not bad, so he mentioned this matter to Zhu Daidong.

"Pot?" Zhu Daidong asked inexplicable.

"Yes, it's a pot, an iron pot, an iron pot that every family needs." Ge Yanfu nodded, slowly led the way in front of him, and took Zhu Daidong to his experimental workshop, a corner of the casting factory.

"This thing is good, but is there a market?" Zhu Daidong has the impression that an iron pot at home needs to be used for several years, and the iron pot is also cheap. How big can the market afford a pot factory specializing in the production of iron pots?

"I didn't go to investigate this. I don't need the county magistrate Zhu to do it." Ge Yanfu said with a smile.

"How much does it take to invest?" Zhu Daidong still has more than one million yuan in his hand, and six million yuan borrowed from Shushuling and Lion Mountain. Luo Liuzhi spent more than one million yuan to do three links and one level, and three million yuan was invested in the machinery company, and there were about 1.2 million yuan.

"The investment of the factory is not large." Ge Yanfu said.

"Have you told Wang Yi about this?" Zhu Daidong asked, the so-called Wang Yi is the former director of the county machinery factory, and now he is the general manager of the machinery company.

"I said that Director Wang is not very interested." Ge Yanfu said that Wang Yi can be satisfied with the current machinery company. If he invests in the mourning pot factory, can he make a profit at that time? If not, who will be responsible for the collapse of the mechanical company?

Zhu Daidong asked the people in the development zone to do market research. How long will it take for a family to change the pot, the cost and profit of an iron pot, as well as the price of products on the market. Zhu Daidong is not very interested in the profit of the iron pot. An iron pot only earns a piece of money, up to two or three yuan. How much iron pot does it take to make a profit?

But in the end, Zhu Daidong was moved, because he had investigated several daily wholesale departments in the county, and the sales of iron pots were actually quite large. Moreover, the investment of the pot factory is not large. Even if the products are really backlog, part of the cost can be recovered by selling iron, right? Zhu Daidong discussed with Wang Yi whether the new pot factory should be hung under the casting factory and jointly invested by the development zone and the machinery factory. However, Wang Yi was worried about the risk and disagreed. Zhu Daidong was not reluctant.

Since Wang Yi was not very interested, Zhu Daidong invited Ge Yanfu to be a non-staff engineer, which Wang Yi had no problem. Just kidding, the county magistrate Zhu wants to transfer someone to the machinery company. If Mr. Wang doesn't want to sweep the road, it's better to cooperate in the end.

Zhu Daidong has been looking for an investment project for the 1.2 million yuan. Now Ge Yanfu provides him with technical support, which is not risky. He didn't think much about it. The dozens of sets of molds needed by the pot factory are provided by Ge Yanfu, and the required iron furnace is provided by the mechanical company, which can just do business with the mechanical company.

The investment of the iron pot factory is 250,000 yuan, but the raw material: pig iron, the capital occupied is tens of thousands of yuan. As soon as the pot factory is established, there are only about 200,000 yuan left in the account of the development zone.

Zhu Daidong doesn't know how much profit a small pot factory will bring, Wang Yi doesn't know, and Ge Yanfu is even more unclear...