Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 199 Reform is to cross the river by feeling a stone

Today, I saw a friend talking about punctuation. At first, I didn't come to my senses. Later, I thought that it should be double quotation marks when speaking, and I felt it was necessary to explain it. If every sentence is put in double quotation marks, it will give me a feeling of irrigation. Friends who have read the book know that it is easy to say a word, make an action, and then an expression. If you add a psychological description, a few words will become dozens of words, and it is easy to write more than 500 words in a chapter. I also know the habits of many book lovers reading books, including myself. I pull down one chapter, only read the dialogue, ten lines at a glance, and finish one chapter in two or three minutes. But this book doesn't work. I like it, because it can make you read it more carefully.

As for this friend's cancellation of subscription, I hope you can think about it carefully and come back. You should not only subscribe, but also make up the original chapter. Everyone can subscribe to every chapter, which is an encouragement to me and a kind of respect. Don't cancel the subscription and remove it from the shelves at any time. Your enthusiasm will make me feel bad. I don't think this is your intention. Everyone should hope that I can write better and better, instead of holding my breath, right?

All village cadres in Shushuling agreed to invest 15 million yuan from the farm to invest in the fertilizer plant. This decision was confirmed at the whole village cadre conference. Hou Lihua said it well, and he believed in the county magistrate Zhu. Chen Shuli looked at Zhu Daidong's young figure and was very envious. Zhu Daidong has been away from Shuling for nearly two years. "Now the prestige among these people below is not lower than his own. How difficult it is to do this.

Chen Shuli knows that he has to correct his attitude in the future. Although he used to be the leader of Zhu Daidong for many years, now Zhu Daidong has become his leader. If you can't realize this soberly, you will lose in the end. Zhu Daidong respects himself. He is broad-minded. If he gives face to face, he is stupid to home.

And if you follow Zhu Daidong, will you suffer? It seems that such a thing has never happened. Since Zhu Daidong served as the deputy head of the township, "everything he did in the tree ridge has not only benefited the whole township, but also he has benefited himself. Now that I have the opportunity to work with Zhu Daidong again, it should be an opportunity, an opportunity that must be seized.

After the meeting, there are not many opportunities for all rural cadres to invite Zhu Daidong to drink wine. And today, the county magistrate Zhu has no reason to refuse. The Shushuling farm has invested in the county fertilizer factory, which is 15 million yuan. This number can't even be taken out by the county. But now the tree ridge has been taken out, and it is also taken out by a collective enterprise. These village cadres are all shareholders of the farm. They toasted to Zhu Daidong, and the county magistrate of Zhu had no reason to refuse.

Zhu Daidong drank five or six catties of Shuling wine, and it would be really shocking if he drank it again. After drinking so much, it was normal to get drunk. But after returning to Chen Shuli's office, Zhu Daidong soon woke up. Chen Shuli also drank a lot. Zhu Daidong even had leisure to pour him two glucosees.

Chen Shuli said thank you repeatedly, as if he had woken up a lot.

Zhu Daidong smiled slightly. He was very satisfied that Chen Shuli could have such a consciousness. After drinking glucose, Chen Shuli also woke up a lot. He asked Zhu Daidong that now the joint shares of the farm and the fertilizer factory have become a foreconding situation. Is it necessary to send people to the fertilizer factory on the side of Shushuling?

Shuling farms account for 49 percent of the shares. It is reasonable to have someone to enter the management, and the finance department must also have a farm. However, in the end, the county party committee and the county government need to make a resolution. Zhu Daidong is only preparing for the work in advance now, but he is confident that the county will definitely accept his idea.

After listening to Zhu Daidong's small plan, Wang Lijun also took a breath of cold air. With an investment of 15 million, Zhu Daidong really dared to make such a big deal. With this 15 million, it will definitely save the fertilizer factory, which can not only save life, but also make the fertilizer factory lively. But there is a problem here. Shuling Farm is a collective enterprise, while the fertilizer factory is a county state-owned enterprise, allowing collective enterprises to inject capital into state-owned enterprises, which seems to be somewhat unacceptable.

"County head, the fertilizer factory needs to change the grass. Didn't the chief designer also say that changing the grass is to touch the stone to cross the river. Our county is also a beneficial attempt to make a fertilizer plant. Can't state-owned enterprises introduce collective funds? As long as you can do a good job in state-owned enterprises, it doesn't matter what form it takes. Whether it's a black cat or a white cat, it's a good cat that can catch mice. Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

Wang Lijun pondered for a while. Zhu Daidong was right. To change the grass is to cross the river by feeling the stones. As long as the fertilizer factory can be done well, what kind of source of funds is not important. Besides, the farm only accounts for 49 percent of the shares, and the nature of state-owned enterprises has not changed.

Zhu Daidong also reported to Guo Lin'an about the fertilizer factory. For Zhu Jingdong's introduction of collective enterprises into state-owned enterprises, Guo Lin'an agreed to the reform of state-owned enterprises and needed to cross the river. As long as it did not lead to the loss of state-owned assets, he did not have to worry about making mistakes.

Both the first and second leaders agreed to let the collective enterprise inject capital into the fertilizer plant, and the matter was basically settled. The county also held a grand ceremony because of the fertilizer factory. In the end, the farm only sent two people to the fertilizer factory, an accountant and a deputy head of the Supply and Marketing Section. As long as they knew about the production, sales and capital, the factory had no secrets to the farm.

Zhu Daidong can solve the problem of the fertilizer factory in one fell swoop, which can be said to have solved a big problem for the county. Although there are no workers competing for the post, there are still some complaints, but this has nothing to do with the overall situation. As long as the fertilizer plant can re-produce and as long as the fertilizer plant can make a profit, these are not problems.

With this fund, the fertilizer plant will soon have new production equipment in place and will be officially produced soon. The gratifying situation in the fertilizer plant made the main leaders of the county relieved. This Zhu Daidong insists on getting it. There are many ways to do business. No matter what difficult it is, it is handed over to him. It seems that there is no problem that can't be solved.

But on the county government's side, at least two people are against Zhu Dai Dongman, one is Wang Shengli, and the other is Jiang Jun. Before Zhu Daidong came to the county, Wang Shengli and Jiang Jun could only be said to have a pure comrade relationship, but at the county magistrate's office meeting, because they had the same goal, the two county magistrates are now very close.

"Shengli County Magistrate, does Zhu Daidong have a grudge against you, otherwise why is it especially aimed at you every time?" Jiang Jun was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Every time he was with Wang Shengli, he would stir up a few words. "He knew that the relationship between Huang Hao and Wang Shengli was good, and the relationship between Huang Hao and Wang Shengli definitely exceeded the relationship between Yu Jianyong and himself. Of course, Jiang Jun uses money to measure this relationship.

"Jiangjun County Magistrate, Zhu Daidong did not have a reason to target me. I'm worried that he will be instructed." Wang Shengli shook his head. His so-called instructions were Cao Changkuan. The relationship between Zhu Daidong and Cao Changkuan absolutely exceeded the temporary combination between him and Jiang Jun.

"The county magistrate of Shengli is right. Zhu Daidong has the ability, but his political awareness is not high, and it is normal that some issues are not considered thoroughly." Jiang Jun said with a smile.

In fact, if Wang Shengli has an opinion on Zhu Daidong, it was as early as when Zhu Daidong served as the acting head of Shushuling. "Yuan Ping has an excellent relationship with Wang Shengli. It turns out that Wang Shengli is still helping him operate and wants to transfer Yuan Ping to other townships as the leader. But who knew that Yuan Ping suddenly had an accident, and a cadre had an economic problem, and this person was basically destroyed. Although there is no evidence that Yuan Ping's accident has anything to do with Zhu Daidong, it is true that Zhu Daidong is the biggest beneficiary after Yuan Ping step down. Therefore, Wang Shengli has calculated Yuan Ping's affairs to Zhu Daidong in his heart.

Wang Shengli was also firmly opposed to the promotion of Zhu Daidong to deputy county magistrate so soon, but at that time, Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun both supported Zhu Daidong, and Zhu Daidong had a good leadership relationship with the city. In addition, Chang Shikun [book] of the provincial party committee also had a good impression on him He didn't even say anything against it. It's useless to say it. On the contrary, it will make Zhu Daidong hate himself. It's better to send a smooth favor.

It's just this favor, but Zhu Daidong didn't receive it. After arriving at the county government, Zhu Daidong did not pay attention to Jiang Jun, which was understandable. After all, he was young and comprehensible. However, he also regarded himself as an executive deputy county magistrate. He had greeted him about the agricultural machinery factory and machinery factory, but Zhu Daidong didn't seem to hear or understand. Wang Shengli really doubted Zhu Daidong's political IQ.

Regarding the fertilizer factory, Wang Shengli also said to say that Huang Hao is a little conservative, but he is not bad, and he is also a person who is willing to listen to the leader's greetings. But what about Zhu Daidong's method? Call Chang Black Face directly and take Huang Hao's double rules. It has made me frightened until now. Huang Hao has sent himself more than once. Of course, he believes that Huang Hao will not be so stupid, but Chang Huaiqing's black face is famous. Which of the cadres in the county doesn't tremble when they see him?

, just like the competition of the fertilizer factory, Zhu Daidong's approach is too domineering. Although the factory has formed a joint assessment team, who doesn't know that the workers of the fertilizer factory have the final say? Zhu Daidong likes to do things according to his personal preferences. Look at Jia Jianyong, the deputy director of the development zone, who was actually arranged by him to do cleaning. It's enough to spread this in the county. If it spreads, others will laugh. Jiang Jun said that although Zhu Daidong adjusted the division of labor with Jia Jianyong, his first deputy director's qualification was indeed captured.

As long as Zhu Daidong is still in charge of the development zone, Jia Jianyong will never turn over. Now Jia Jianyong is also against himself. All this was done by Zhu Daidong.

"Do you think there are tricks in the fertilizer factory?" Wang Shengli automatically ignored the words behind Jiang Jun and could enter the deputy county level. No one was stupid. The reason why some people were stupid was that they were blinded by greed and desire, which lowered their IQ.

"That's for sure. Young and good-good-good-like. He will stay without an interview. When he is old, he throws people out of the fertilizer factory like throwing garbage. In fact, what really needs to stay should be the old workers. They need this job most." Jiang Jun said.

Wang Shengli suddenly had an idea. Zhu Daidong, Zhu Daidong, you do things arbitrarily, and you have to deal with the trouble caused by yourself.