Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 241 Rules cannot be broken at will

Although the Standing Committee is very popular, he is faced with a choice for a lot of time, whether to choose [book] or the county magistrate. It turned out that when he was not a member of the Standing Committee, Zhu Daidong did not need to hesitate for such a choice, but at the Standing Committee, he would raise his hand to vote in the face of disagreements. At that time, it was time to test people. Zhu Daidong once hoped that the later such a moment came, the better. There was no big deal in the county last week. The Standing Committee was a group of harmony. Zhu Daidong was also happy to be dumb, but the battle between the finance director seemed to be very fierce.

If it had been a few years earlier, Guo Lin'an would not have cared too much about whether the finance director was his person or not. Yuhuā County is an economically underdeveloped county, and the finances have been very tight. However, in recent years, the fiscal revenue of Yuhuā County has increased greatly, especially since Zhu Daidong became the deputy county magistrate, the restructuring of the county's state-owned enterprises and the successful investment attraction of the development zone have made the county's finances more and more relaxed.

It turns out that the county is living a tight life. If you want to build a building and a bridge, there is no other way but to reach up. But now it's different. There is money in the county. If you want to do something, you dare not tie your hands and feet anymore. The county magistrate is the steward of the county, and the Finance Bureau is the treasury. If the county magistrate wants to do things, he has to take money from the treasury, and the importance of the finance director is becoming increasingly prominent.

Last year, the fiscal revenue of Yuhuā County was 27 million, but in the first ten months of this year, the fiscal revenue has exceeded 35 million, and the annual revenue exceeded 40 million is just around the corner, and it is not difficult to exceed 4 million. How to use such a sum of money, how to use it, how to use it, in terms of disadvantages" [Book] It is impossible to agree with the idea of the county magistrate. At this time, the attitude of the finance director is very important. If he supports the county magistrate, he can only stare. If the county magistrate has any project, he will allocate the money early, and no one can say anything. Similarly, in turn, the county magistrate will feel as uncomfortable as eating flies.

After Zhou Liwen finished introducing the basic situation of Zhu Jiangang and Chen Fang, the Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Wu Yanqun first made a speech, "The importance of the Director of Finance is beyond doubt, but it is precisely because of the importance of this position that the principle of party discipline should be guaranteed. Of course, I'm not saying that Comrade Zhu Jiangang and Comrade Chen Fang have problems, but we should pay special attention to this when considering this personnel arrangement.

Wu Yanqun's statement is purposeful. Ji Jiangang was once warned and punished. This was what happened last year. Zhu Jiangang slipped to the hotel to play cards during working hours, and he played a lot. He happened to meet the County Public Security Bureau to carry out public security rectification and raided the teahouses and bars of major hotels.

Originally, this should have been an action at night, but Zhao Jinhai said that he would be surprised by the soldiers. He had to check at night and even during the day. As a result, Zhu Jiangang hit the muzzle of the gun because he had a good relationship with Wang Lijun, so he recited a warning from the party. But now that Wu Yanqun emphasized the party discipline and national law at this time, everyone thought of Zhu Jiangang's warning punishment.

Wang Lijun also heard that Zhu Jiangang actually had a hard walk in addition to playing cards. At least he would not raise a lover outside like Zhang Baohui, and the scene lasted for several years, and he was finally poked out by his wife. What's more, it's not a bad thing for leading cadres to play cards. As long as they don't misappropriate public funds to play cards, it is a good way to contact each other.

Finance and auditing are all in charge of Zhu Daidong. Now these two candidates have come out of his department. At this time, if Zhu Daidong doesn't speak, it seems very inappropriate. But Zhu Daidong is not Brother Chu. He has presided over the party committee for more than a year in Lion Mountain. He analyzed Zhu Jiangang and Chen Fang's ability, qualifications, education and age in terms of all aspects and made a pertinent evaluation of the two people, and finally concluded that both of them were suitable to serve as finance director.

This is the first time that Zhu Daidong has spoken at the Standing Committee for more than three minutes. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, neither of them is what they want. It's just that this position is really not up to you. Let's leave it to the bosses to compete. The best result is that you haven't voted yet, and the winner has been judged, so you don't have to embarrass yourself.

Next, Peng Ming made a speech. From the perspective of organization, Zhu Jiangang has only been transferred to the Audit Bureau for more than two years, and now he is happy. Isn't it too hasty? The problem of the Finance Bureau is solved by the Finance Bureau. Peng Ming belongs to Chen Fang.

Wang Lijun had to speak again. At the [Book] office meeting, for the position of Finance Director, there was no final opinion, or he would not be discussed at the Standing Committee. However, Wang Lijun's attitude is very resolute. "Although Comrade Zhu Jiangang has only been the director of the audit bureau for more than two years, the audit work has been well done in the past two years, which is obvious to all. I suggest that Comrade Zhu Jiangang be transferred to the Finance Bureau, and Comrade Chen Fang should be the Director of the Audit Bureau.

"County head of Lijun, today we will only discuss the choice of the director of finance. The director of the audit bureau is still Zhu Jiangang, comrade." Zhou Liwen, "good-hearted" reminded.

"If the finance director is Comrade Zhu Jiangang, won't the audit director be vacancy? We should pay attention to efficiency in meetings. Now [China] the central government and the province strongly advocate the reduction of various meetings. If we specially hold meetings for the director of the audit bureau in the future, it will be a waste of time. Wang Lijun said.

"But now the director of the Finance Bureau has not been quietly appointed by Comrade Zhu Jiangang. Isn't the county magistrate of Lijun too hasty? Zhou Liwen said with a smile.

Wang Lijun picked up the teacup and poured a mouthful of water. This matter was really not as good as the procedure. It was only because he wanted Zhu Jiangang to be the director of finance that he said such words. Um, he secretly hates Zhang Baohui. If Zhang Baohui is the executive deputy county magistrate, he will definitely strongly support himself at the Standing Committee. The Finance Bureau is under the control of the county government. As the head of the head of the county and the executive deputy county magistrate, he is one person, and other members of the Standing Committee will not But now Zhu Daidong's attitude is ambiguous, which makes him very angry. This matter should be talked to Zhu Daidong in advance.

"Comrade Changkuan, what's your opinion?" Guo Lin'an asked when he saw that the atmosphere was at an impasse.

"Book] Record, county magistrate, I think the position of Director of Finance is not a small thing. Comrade Chen Fang and Comrade Zhu Jiangang are both excellent, and it is difficult to draw a conclusion for a moment." Cao Changkuan made a handful of mud.

But Zhu Daidong keenly heard that there were some problems. Zhu Jiangang is a real-time cadre, while Chen Fang is only a deputy cadre. Generally, when introducing them, he will put Zhu Jiangang in front of them. This is the rule. But now Cao Changkuan has ranked Chen Fang first, which should not be a slip of the tongue, but a disguised attitude.

Sure enough, there was not only one smart person. Guo Lin'an's mouth gently raised the corners of his mouth, and Wang Lijun's hand holding the teacup was tighter.

"Guo [Book], comrades, about the selection of the Finance Bureau, I want to mention another person." Wang Lijun suddenly said.

This sentence is a little against the rules. Everyone was stunned when they heard it. Guo Lin'an was the first to say, "You have to speak freely at the meeting. The county magistrate of Lijun has a good candidate, and you can also say it for everyone to listen to it."

"I propose that Comrade Chen Shuli of the Kai Lou District Working Committee [Book] serve as the director of the Finance Bureau." Wang Lijun said slowly word by word.

Zhu Daidong was shocked to hear this. He really planned to have Chen Shuli serve as the director of finance, but Wang Lijun's words and deeds have shown his attitude and did not accept Zhu Daidong's choice. Therefore, Zhu Daidong has been dead for a long time. Chen Shuli has done a good job in the development zone. In the past two years, the development of the development zone will certainly be very fast. At that time, the importance of his [book] may not be as important as that of the finance director. Unexpectedly, when Wang Lijun learned that Chen Fang would be elected as the finance director, he actually told Chen Shuli again. This was obviously to be put into the water for Zhu Daidong and advance and retreat with Wang Lijun. As long as the county magistrate and the executive deputy county magistrate agree, the other standing committees will obviously fully respect their choice. In any case, the Finance Bureau belongs to the government department. If the two competent leaders, the county magistrate and the executive deputy county magistrate, who will be responsible for the problem at that time?

"Comrade Dai Dong, what's your opinion?" Guo Lin'an asked.

Once upon a time, Zhu Daidong's words could determine Chen Shuli's fate. When Zhu Daidong was transferred in Shushuling, the county also consulted Chen Shuli's advice, right? But now, fate is a joke. Zhu Daidong came to the top later, and he can in turn affect Chen Shuli's official career.

"I also think that Comrade Chen Shuli is very suitable for the position of Director of Finance, but now the time is not ripe. At present, the work of the development zone is very important, and it is inseparable from Comrade Chen Shuli for the time being. Here I have a message for Guo [Book] and County Magistrate Wang to report. Just this morning, Li Guangsheng, the boss of Hong Kong Changlongda Investment Co., Ltd., called me. Hong Kong Changlongda will officially send an inspection team to our county again to inspect the motorcycle production project. If this project is successful, the investment is expected to exceed 50 million!" Zhu Daidong said that he had reported the motorcycle project to Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun. Neither of them was very interested in Zhu Daidong's report. He thought that Li Guangsheng would not put such a big investment in Yuhuā County.

How far is the motorcycle from the processing of meat products? This is basically two that have nothing to do with the industry, but I didn't expect that the meat processing enterprises had not been officially put into production, and the motorcycle inspection team would come again. With the investment of these two enterprises in Changlongda, the development zone has reached more than 70 million yuan. In addition, Zhang Runsheng's Zhejiang businessmen and the relevant accessories production enterprises reported by Zhu Daidong in the future will invest more than 100 million yuan in the near future.

What is the concept of more than 100 million? When Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun thought of this problem, their breathing became a little short. If, as Zhu Daidong said, the importance of the development zone will exceed that of the Finance Bureau, and then transfer Chen Shuli from the Development Zone to the Finance Bureau, it will not be a promotion, but a demotion.

In the development plan of Yuhuā County, Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun have the same goal. Since Zhu Daidong is so optimistic about the development zone, Wang Lijun's proposal has been stranded. What's more, his proposal is too abrupt. If he really wants Chen Shuli to become the finance director, what's the face of Peng Ming and Zhou Liwen?

This call was indeed received by Zhu Daidong in the morning. As soon as he parked his car and walked into the office, he received a call from Li Guangsheng. But this time Li Guangsheng said that he was going to travel to Europe, so he would not come to Yuhu County, and his deputy would lead the team.

The Standing Committee finally decided that Chen Fang would serve as the chief financial leader, and Zhu Jiangang's position would not be adjusted.

The last topic of the Standing Committee, tomorrow, Comrade Tian Ye, the deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee, will investigate the school in Yuhuā County in the future. How to do a good job in reception, all the comrades at the meeting expressed their views.