Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 281 Zhu Daidong's Layout

After the completion of the "sletion" ceremony, it means that the parents of both sides agree with their boyfriend and girlfriend. Although this is not popular in the city, it is very important in the countryside. For such an important thing, Zhu Daidong is really tired this year. Take driving as an example. He just went to the provincial capital and ran back and forth for two and a half. Therefore, on the morning of the seventh day of the lunar month, after Zhu Daidong returned to Yuhuā County, the first thing he did was to lie in **. He didn't want

It was not until the afternoon that Zhu Daidong woke up. He set out from Yuhuā County on the third day of junior high school and came back from the seventh day of the first lunar month today. Although he had four days, he was very tired every day in these four days, and because of old-fashioned things, he was in a bad mood. Even with Boundary.

Looking at the time, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon. Zhu Daidong was thinking about who to have dinner with in the evening. For him, it's either a treat or a meal. Zhu Daidong once calculated carefully that at least one-third of his work was solved at the dinner table.

Zhu Daidong thought for a moment. He just arrived today. He should have a meal with someone at the same level, which was a greeting. It seems that only Zhao Jinhai and Cao Changkuan are at the same level as Zhu Daidong and can let Zhu Daidong invite them to dinner. Zhu Daidong picked up the phone and was about to dial the phone. Suddenly, he heard that Tian Yuhao, the county party secretary, was also on the phone.

A few days before the New Year, Tian Yuhao's wife and children all arrived in Yuhuā County. Therefore, Tian Yuhao can stay in the county with peace of mind. Unlike Zhu Daidong, he is a provincial city and his hometown. He also went to Wudang Mountain. In the past four days, Huā alone drove a long distance for 20 hours.

Tian Yuhao reported the situation in the county to Tian Haiyang, the executive vice governor. After listening to it for a while, Zhu Daidong understood the whole story. It turned out that Tian Haiyang had contacted a Taiwanese businessman for Yuhuā County. After hearing about the situation in Yuhuā County, the other party was very interested in coming to Yuhuā County

Zhu Daidong also casually dialed He Xiaoyao's phone number here, "Xiao Yao [Book], I'm Zhu Daidong."

"County Chief Zhu" Hello, when did you come back? He Xiaoyao said in surprise that he also asked Zhang Suoliang about Zhu Daidong yesterday.

"I just came back and I don't owe it. It's almost time for dinner. Do you have any plans for dinner?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"No, just waiting for the county magistrate Zhu's arrangement." He Xiaoyao laughed and said, "Actually, he has made several friends to eat at home and prepare to touch 16 laps after dinner.

"Just go to Xiangshan Villa." You can ask Director Jiangang if he has time, if he has time. "Please also ask him to come with you." Zhu Daidong said lightly.

"No problem. Can we meet on time at Xiangshan Villa at 6:30?" He Xiaoyao asked.

Zhu Daidong arrived at Xiangshan Villa a few minutes away from 6:30. Now that he has returned to Yuhuā County, he can no longer grab Zhang Suoliang's job. As soon as Zhu Daidong's car stopped, He Xiaoyao and Zhu Jiangang ran over together. Zhu Jiangang was quick-sighted and immediately opened the door for Zhu Daidong.

Zhu Daidong nodded to them and said, "Happy New Year. I wish you two a happy New Year."

"I dare not dare. It should be us to give New Year's greetings to the county magistrate Zhu." The two of them said in a hurry. As soon as Zhu Jiangang received a phone call from He Xiaoyao, he immediately put down everything in his hand and rushed to Xiangshan Villa as soon as possible. The supervisor is invited, and it is also private. He only hates that he has two legs missing.

Eating is just a means, and conversation is the purpose. After pushing the cup, Zhu Daidong casually asked, "Has the plan for this year's development zone come out?"

Zhu Jiangang quickly glanced at He Xiaoyao, then put down the cup in his hand and said solemnly to Zhu Daidong, "The main work of this year's development zone is still around the two enterprises in Changlongda." Motorcycle factory and related accessories processing factories, we plan to spend three months to half a year..."

Zhu Jiangang is a little depressed. These plans have been reported to the county magistrate Zhu a year ago. The magistrate Zhu's memory is not generally good. As long as he hears the numbers once, he will not forget them for a few years.

Zhu Daidong listened quietly. He remembered that it was one thing, and it was another thing that Zhu Jiangang did not report. Zhu Daidong's jaws from time to time.

"In order to solve the traffic problems of employees and enterprise workers in the development zone, the development zone plans to purchase four buses to return between the development zone and the urban area in the morning, middle and evening." Zhu Jiangang said again.

"Director Jiangang, how much money is left in the account of the development zone?" Zhu Daidong suddenly interrupted and asked.

"It's more than six million." Zhu Jiangang hesitated for a moment and said that last year's revenue from the development zone mainly came from three directions: meat factories, machinery companies and pot factories. These three enterprises alone brought more than 15 million profits to the development zone. In addition to the land purchase funds of other foreign enterprises, the financial revenue of the development zone exceeded 17 million last year, but six million of them were borrowed by Zhu Daidong from Shuling and Lion Mountain. "two million yuan was handed over to the county finance, and one million yuan was allocated to the county finance from the income of the pot factory before the end of the year. This It's powerful.

Seeing that Zhu Daidong did not answer, He Xiaoyao immediately turned out the notepad he had with him and added: ... As of today, there are a total of six hundred and forty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty-two yuan and ninety-nine points in the account of the development zone.

Zhu Daidong remembers all kinds of numbers and data very clearly. "Memory Superman, as his subordinate, no one has such ability. Therefore, as long as the head of the department in charge of Zhu Daidong, he has developed a habit of bringing a notepad with him to write down all the common data of the unit. Zhu Jiangang came in such a hurry that he didn't bring it with him.

"When I first went to the development zone, the account of the development zone was only more than 100 yuan, and I didn't even have enough money for a meal. But now, there are more than six million people who can do something. Zhu Daidong nodded and said slowly. "

"Zhu County Magistrate, the achievements of the development zone can be said to be made by you. Secretary He and I are ready-made after you," Zhu Jiangang said with a smile.

"Yes, County Magistrate Zhu, you plant trees, and we enjoy the cool." It's our blessing to follow a leader like you." He Xiaoyao also said with a smile.

"I just laid a foundation for you. How to make the development zone develop faster? It's better. It's up to you." Zhu Daidong said.

He Xiaoyao and Zhu Jiangang didn't say anything. He listened quietly. He Xiaoyao also opened his notepad and took out a pen to prepare the record.

"Starting from last year" [China] The central government began to carry out macro-control of the national economy" and the monetary policy also began to tighten moderately. These are all measures taken in response to the overheating of the economy in 1993. Don't think that "the central economic policy is far away from us. In fact, it will have something to do with our development zone in less than three months." Zhu Daidong saw that He Xiaoyao and Zhu Jiangang were at a loss. Maybe in their opinion, how will the country's economic policy affect a small county? I don't know that the whole country is composed of counties and urban areas.

"What does the county magistrate Zhu mean is that the development of our development zone will be affected this year?" He Xiaoyao asked in surprise.

"This is obvious. Your task this year is very difficult," Zhu Daidong said.

"There is the concern of the county party committee and the county government" and the wise leadership of the county magistrate Zhu. No matter how big the difficulty is, we can overcome it. Zhu Jiangang said.

"In this case, it's nothing to say at the conference, but today I'm going to pay New Year's greetings to you, so don't treat me as a deputy county magistrate.

" Zhu Daidong said with a smile, "Back to the problem of the development zone, the currency has been moderately tightened this year. Therefore, the money in the development zone should be used cautiously. Personally, I don't think it's appropriate to buy a car for the time being." "Yes." He Xiaoyao quickly wrote down the important instructions of the county magistrate Zhu. "Since Zhu Daidong clearly opposes the purchase of vehicles, this matter is completely overdue.

"There are two reasons why I suggest suspending the purchase of vehicles. First, four medium buses need at least one million, or even one million is not enough. Second, there will soon be a motorcycle factory in the development zone. We are also joint-stock parties. Why not encourage employees to buy motorcycles at that time?" Zhu Daidong said.

He Xiaoyao and Zhu Jiangang suddenly realized and nodded repeatedly. Fortunately, the county magistrate Zhu is the leader. If he goes to start a business, is there any way for others to survive?

"These more than six million yuan, in addition to leaving the necessary administrative expenses, we should spend all the money" before the national policy affects us and strive for the greatest interests." Zhu Daidong said.

"Does County Magistrate Zhu mean that the machinery company and the pot factory buy a lot of raw materials?" He Xiaoyao said that since the country is undergoing macro-control, the monetary government will tighten, which will inevitably lead some large enterprises to reduce their production scale, resulting in an increase in product prices.

The products produced by the machinery company need steel, and the various types of iron pots produced by the pot factory also need steel. This year, the pot factory is preparing to put on a new stainless steel pot.

"Yes, if possible" you can also borrow more money from the bank and try to prepare all the raw materials for a year in the shortest time. Zhu Daidong said, "He meditated for a while," Zhu Daidong continued, "If there is a problem with the bank loan," you can borrow money from other units!"

He Xiaoyao and Zhu Jiangang's eyes lit up. "If this is said by other county leaders, they only take it as the general instruction of the leader, but from Zhu Daidong's mouth, it will be completely realized. Everyone knows the relationship between Zhu Daidong and the Tree Ridge and Lion Mountain. Now these two townships are amazing. They are the real gold owners.

Not only the development zone, Zhu Daidong also requires the agricultural machinery factory to invest a lot of money to buy raw materials. If the factory has insufficient funds, you can go to the bank for a loan. In a word, all the liquidity should be completed, huāguang!

Although the people below don't quite understand the reason for doing this, they have unconditional trust in Zhu Daidong, not to mention that materials such as steel and steel will not get moldy and deteriorate when bought back. If it is true as Chief Zhu predicted, the price will rise sharply this year, which would be great. You know, once the price of something like steel rises, it will not only increase the cost, but also often be in short supply. Sometimes, in order to buy a few tons of steel, you have to find all the relationship.

Zhu Daidong also talked to Geng Haixiang about this matter. Zhu Daidong asked Changlongda to spend at least 20 million yuan to hoard steel, but Geng Haixiang did not think so. [Zhong] China's current iron production ranks first in the world. Will such a country still lack steel?