Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 284 Zhu Daidong firmly opposes

Zhou Jian hung up the phone. The shock in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time. When he first met Zhu Daidong in Shanghai, he was just a deputy section-level cadre, and he was the deputy. Now that more than three years have passed, Zhu Daidong is already the deputy director, and he is still the deputy director. I only care about more than 100 people, but what about Zhu Daidong? There is no comparison at all.

When he saw Zhu Daidong on the road just now, he recognized it at a glance, but he didn't expect that he would be the party committee of the county party committee and the executive deputy county magistrate. Such a young executive deputy county magistrate is really rare. Zhou Jian has been to many places. He has seen a lot of young deputy, and even the young head office, deputy hall and main hall are not missing. But such people are generally in large institutions. Like the grass-roots cadres below, few of them take this position at such a young age.

Regardless of him, the better his position is, the more he can cooperate with himself. Zhou Jian thought that his current task is to keep an eye on Zhang Zhipeng, not Zhu Daidong.

"Zhou Chu, can Zhu Daidong help?" Lin Shiqi saw Zhou Jian sitting back in the car and asked.

"I think so." Zhou Jian smiled and was just surprised. "There is no need to let Zhu Daidong become the topic of his team. Before the task is completed, there is only one topic, Zhang Zhipeng.

For Zhang Zhipeng's investigation, Zhou Jian has lasted for more than three years and has not received any strong evidence. Zhang Zhipeng has great doubts, so Zhou Jian has never given up. He has a strange feeling that "Zhang Zhipeng has a problem" may be a big fish.

It's not surprising that Zhu Daidong received a phone call from Zhou Jian, but in order not to make Zhou Jian suspicious, he still said "Oh" very cooperatively. "Group leader Zhou" Your Guoan is really powerful. I really don't know what else you don't know in this world." "Zhu Daidong, I'm in Yu "?" said Zhou Jian.

"Yes, you can come to my office in half an hour." Zhu Daidong said.

"It's not convenient for me to come over from your place. Can you come out?" Zhou Jian said, "Although there are very few people who know his identity, he will still try to avoid crowded places when he meets people, especially the organ group, where a person is randomly selected." He has the talent to be a detective.

Zhu Daidong did not refuse. In the matter of treating Zhang Zhipeng, he agreed with Zhou Jian's goals. Zhou Jian asked Zhu Daidong to arrange a place for him in the development zone, and at the same time, he replaced the cars they drove with foreign license plates with local ones.

Such a problem is not a problem at all for Zhu Daidong. He called He Xiaoyao and then called Hou Yong. "Everything is OK.

"What are you?" Zhou Jian asked in astonishment when he saw Zhu Daidong holding two pairs of license plates in his hand.

"The license plate, and it's still two pairs. You should have driven by Santana. There is no need to change the car. Just change the license plate directly." Zhu Daidong said that he asked Hou Yong to prepare the license plate. "In fact, you can go to the public security bureau by yourself and show your identity. "Do you have any support?" "If only the matter is as simple as you think." Our identity" can't be disclosed by anyone except you, including your leader." Zhou Jian said.

"Isn't this something wrong?" Zhu Daidong said.

"No" you must guarantee that now my target is in contact with the main leaders in your county. Zhou Jian said.

"Okay." Zhu Daidong thought for a moment and said that he really didn't want to tell Tian Yuhao, "Since Zhang Zhipeng strongly requested it, he had to "rely do it hard" and agreed to him.

"In addition, can you ask the people in the development zone to cooperate with us?" Zhou Jian asked again.

"Since your identity can't be exposed, how can people cooperate with you?" Zhu Daidong frowned and said. ~

"You know, not everyone's mouth is as strict as mine."

This made Zhou Jian hesitant.

"Your goal this time is Zhang Zhipeng, right?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"I can't tell you this." Zhou Jian said that Zhu Daidong could guess that it was one thing. "It's another thing to take the initiative to tell him about the case.

"I still pretend to be profound. I'm not a hostile person." Zhu Daidong laughed and said, "Since the United States suddenly announced on May 25 last year that President Clinton decided to allow Lee Teng-hui to go to the United States for the so-called "unofficial, private visit" to attend the graduation ceremony of Cornell University in the first week of June last year. Have you strengthened the supervision of all Taiwanese in China?

"I didn't expect you to care about these things?" Zhou Jian was surprised and said.

"I said you underestimate me too much. This was the hottest news last year. Isn't the current crisis in the Taiwan Strait caused by that incident?" Zhu Daidong said disapprovingly.

The United States allowed Lee Teng-hui to "visit the United States" and broke the "ban" of not allowing Taiwan's top leadership to "visit the United States" for nearly 17 years. In response to the diplomatic provocation of the United States, our government has to take a series of strong counterattack measures to dispel the Clinton administration's illusion that China will swallow Lee Teng-hui's "visit to the United States" after a little gesture in the United States, which makes the United States truly realize the seriousness of the problem.

On May 26 last year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the [China] government decided to postpone the visit of State Councilor and Defense Minister Tian Haochi to the United States in June; State Councilor Li Xian and Air Force Commander Wu Zhenyu also suspended their visit to the United States respectively.

On May 28 last year, the [China] government decided to suspend the expert consultations between China and the United States on the Missile and Its Technology Control System and nuclear energy cooperation. The visit to China originally scheduled for June and June of June of that year was also requested to be postponed. For a while, high-level visits above the deputy ministerial level between the two countries and some important bilateral consultations stopped abruptly.

Zhu Daidong will certainly pay special attention to such national events. Although he can't participate in it specifically, as a Chinese, he will express his concern and do what he can. From time to time, the United States uses the Taiwan issue to jam the neck of the country. If the country is strong and tough, it will loosen it. If the country behaves weak, it will have more time and way. Sometimes Zhu Daidong can't help swearing. Damn the American, one day I will grab your testicles. Do you dare to be presumptuous?

Zhou Jian had to look at Zhu Daidong with new eyes. It is not unreasonable for him to be the executive deputy county magistrate at such a young age. In fact, as Taiwan's elections are approaching, the relationship between China and Taiwan is becoming more and more tense, and there is an imminent situation. In such cases, as investigators of the Eighth Bureau of the National Security Bureau, they must screen all Taiwanese in the mainland, including those who have lived in Taiwan. Zhang Zhipeng had originally been abandoned by Zhou Jian's superiors, but because of Zhou Jian's repeated persistence and the current special environment, Zhang Zhipeng was once again listed as a key object of suspicion.

"If there is anything we need your help with, we will contact you again." Zhou Jian issued an eviction order. He came to Yuhuā County instead of talking to Zhu Daidong. Just now, Zhu Daidong also provided him with a picture of Zhang Zhipeng's itinerary in Yuhuā County, which is very helpful for his monitoring work. Now it's time for him to work.

Because Tian Yuhao attaches great importance to Zhang Zhipeng, as long as he accompanies Zhang Zhipeng, the others are basically reduced to escorts. After several times, Wang Lijun and Zhu Daidong basically did not appear in their investigation team. In particular, Zhu Daidong asked Wang Lijun for instructions in the afternoon of the same day after learning that Zhou Jian had arrived in Yuhuā County, and wanted to go to the townships below to inspect the work.

It was not until Zhang Zhipeng left Yuhuā County that Zhu Daidong came back. As soon as he arrived at the office, someone sent him something, which was strictly reported in the newspaper. Zhu Daidong didn't need to read it, and he also knew that "this was the two license plates he gave to Zhou Jian. There is also a letter with only two simple words: "Thank you."

On February 28, the tenth day of the first lunar month, Tian Yuhao finally held the first standing committee after the 1996 Spring Festival. Today's topic is only one topic, how to help Taiwanese businessman Zhang Zhipeng build his toy factory.

Zhang Zhipeng has signed a letter of intent to invest with Yuhuā County. Zhu Daidong read the letter of intent. Zhang Zhipeng will invest 12 million yuan in Yuhuā County to build a toy processing factory with 12,000 workers. Yuhuā County will provide the toy processing factory with a 30-year right to use 300 mu of land free of charge. The factory will also be designed and constructed in accordance with Zhang Zhipeng's requirements. The staff dormitory of 10,000 people is terrible. Even if it is all designed as a tube building like a motorcycle factory, it is a huge project.

12 million? No wonder you can build such a large factory with this little money. If you change it to someone else, I'm afraid you may not be able to double it. Even those high-standard factories and hundreds of dormitory buildings are a huge expense.

"Tian [Book], County Magistrate Wang, I took a look at the letter of intent for investment. The above conditions are too harsh, aren't they? I think the county should take land, factories and dormitories into toy factories, and the shares should not be less than 40%. Zhu Daidong said.

"Comrade Daidong, let's look at things from another perspective." Although the investment in the toy processing factory is not large, he needs a lot of workers. "12,000 workers, I'm afraid our county alone can't provide it." It can just help the city solve some laid-off workers." Tian Yuhao said.

"If it's just to solve the resettlement problem of laid-off workers in the city, we can completely let the toy factory go to the city." We in Yuhuā County can't do things that make money at a loss." Zhu Daidong rarely spoke for the first time in the Standing Committee, and his speech was so sharp, which was aimed at the county party committee.

Tian Yuhao's face suddenly sank. He thought that Zhu Daidong was jealous of him. Who was he? He had no heart at all. How could he be a leader? Tian Yuhao stopped talking, but glanced his eyes on the faces of other members of the Standing Committee. When he passed the face of Zhou Liwen, the head of the organization, he stayed for a few seconds longer than others.